Release Notes (version 8.1.2)

The Simplified Chinese locale on AIX operating systems

AIX has changed the codeset bound to the Simplified Chinese locale Zh_CN on

from GBK (code page 1386) to GB18030 (code page 5488). Since DB2 UDB for AIX supports the GBK and not the GB18030 codeset, DB2 will default the Zh_CN locale's codeset to ISO 8859-1 (code page 819), and in some operations will also default the locale's territory to the United States (US).

To work around this limitation, you have two options:

If you choose to use the first option, issue the following statements:

db2set DB2CODEPAGE=1386
db2set DB2TERRITORY=86
db2 terminate

If you choose to use the second option, change your locale from Zh_CN to either ZH_CN or zh_CN. The ZH_CN locale's codeset is Unicode (UTF-8), while the zh_CN locale's codeset is eucCN (code page 1383).

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