Release Notes

26.2 MQSeries Assist Wizard

DB2 Version 7.2 provides a new MQSeries Assist wizard. This wizard creates a table function that reads from an MQSeries queue using the DB2 MQSeries Functions, which are also new in Version 7.2. The wizard can treat each MQSeries message as a delimited string or a fixed length column string depending on your specification. The created table function parses the string according to your specifications, and returns each MQSeries message as a row of the table function. The wizard also allows you to create a view on top of the table function and to preview an MQSeries message and the table function result. This wizard can be launched from Stored Procedure Builder or Data Warehouse Center.

Requirements for this wizard are:

For details on these requirements, see MQSeries.

For samples and MQSeries Assist wizard tutorials, go to the tutorials section at

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