Is there a way to change the round bullets and the other characters used on the unordered list items?
We put an example of how to add a DINGBAT attribute to the unordered list tag in the Imp Guide for Release 3.2. Unfortunately the example had a bug in it and will be corrected for the next issue of the manual. 1. Modify DSMLISTM to recognize the DINGBAT attribute. After the line that sets the indent: .se @in = &dh'&$IN.dh Add the following: .cm @dbat gets the value of the dingbat attr if specified .gs attval dingbat as @dbat .se @dingbat(&@nest@l(0).) = &V'&@dbat 2. Modify DSM#LTYP to use the character specified on the dingbat attribute: .if &@ltype eq u .an &E'&@dingbat(&@nest@l(0).). eq 1 .an &L'&@dingbat(&@nest@l(0).). ne 0 .th .se @id@l '&V'&@dinbat(&@nest@l(0).).' .el .se @id@l '&V'&@id@l@&*a..' 3. Next modify DSMELIST and DSMELQU which restore the previous environment if lists are nested: .if &@ltype eq u .an &E'&@dingbat(&@nest@l(0).). eq 1 .an &L'&@dingbat(&@nest@l(0).). ne 0 .th .se @id@l '&V'&@dingbat(&@nest@l(0).).' .el .se @id@l '&V'&@id@l@&*a..' To use the new attribute: :ul dingbat='$'. :li.This item has a dollar sign dingbat :eul.
Last updated: 93/08/24 17:18:04