These installation notes apply to IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Development Studio Client for iSeries(TM) Advanced Edition, Version 5.1.2. This version is designed to be installed only on a PC workstation, and is available only on CD and DVD.
The Readme file contains prerequisite information, limitations of the product, and information not included in the documentation. For information on migrating from Development Studio Client Version 4.0, Version 5.0, Version 5.1 or from WebSphere Development Tools V5R1M0, see the Migration guide.
You need Administrator privileges to install or uninstall the product on a workstation.
Here is a brief description of the installation process:
You cannot directly install the product to a LAN server. You can, however, copy the product image to a LAN server and launch the installation to a local machine. See Copying the product to a LAN server.
If you have a beta version of Development Studio Client, or any version of WebSphere Development Tools, please remove it before installing WebSphere Development Studio Client Advanced Edition Version 5.1.2.
Development Studio Client can coexist with the following products:
The iSeries components do not extend those products.
WebSphere Development Studio Client Advanced Edition for iSeries includes WebSphere Studio Application Developer, in addition to the iSeries components.
The product installs one language according to the user locale. If you change the locale after the installation is complete, product components and help screens might not display the correct language. To change languages, completely uninstall the product as described in the Uninstalling from a workstation section, change the locale, and then install the product again.
Development Studio Client requires the following hardware:
Minimum Recommended Memory 512 MB 768 MB (required when using the WebSphere Application Server test environment) Disk 1.65 GB + 700 MB temporary space needed during product installation. 1.8 GB + 700 MB temporary space needed during product installation.
Because Development Studio Client needs minimum 512 MB, recommended 768 MB, of temporary space during installation, you can change the default drive for temporary space to another drive.
To move your temporary space:
WebSphere Development Studio Client Advanced Edition, Version 5.1.2 can be installed on Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 2000 and Windows XP. It cannot be installed on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT(R), or Windows Me. Also, Novell Netware and server versions of Windows are not supported (including Windows 2000 and XP Server, Windows 2000 and XP Advanced Server, or Windows 2003 Server).
If you are installing this product on Windows XP, you must install XP Service Pack 1 or later; otherwise, you will encounter installation problems. To see whether you have one of the Service Packs, right-click My Computer > Properties and look under System. You can download the latest service pack from the Microsoft XP download site.
Development Studio Client requires the following software:
Operating system | Requirements |
Windows 2000 |
Windows XP |
Development Time | Run Time |
There are several numbered CD-ROM disks. To install WebSphere Development Studio Client Advanced Edition for iSeries:
To install Development Studio Client:
You can select optional components to install.
HATS installation is described at the end of the regular installation. HATS allows you to put a web interface on screens that do not use DDS (like system screens). It is a complement to the IBM WebFacing Tool. You can see information about this installation step by selecting the HATS check box. HATS is on a separate CD.
Portal Toolkit comes only with the Advanced Edition and is described at the end of the regular installation. Portal Toolkit provides the capability to produce web interfaces that split a browser window up into application areas, known as portlets. You can see information about this installation step by selecting the Portal Toolkit check box. Portal Toolkit is on a separate CD.
eGL can be selected as an option near the beginning of the installation. eGL allows you to program productively with a higher level of abstraction, ultimately producing Java or COBOL code. If you select this option during that part of the installation, all Development Studio Client items related to eGL are automatically installed.
System variable name | must include this entry |
HELP | x:\wdsc\help |
IPF_PATH32 | x:\wdsc\system |
LOCPATH | x:\wdsc\system |
PATH | x:\wdsc |
WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries is packaged with WebSphere Studio Site Developer. The Advanced Edition of Development Studio Client is packaged with WebSphere Studio Application Developer. Therefore, if you want to upgrade to the Advanced Edition of our product, you need to first uninstall WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries, and then install the Advanced Edition.
Although you cannot install the product on a LAN drive, you as an administrator can copy all the files from the DVD onto a LAN server. Your users can then install the product from the server to their workstations
To copy from DVD to a server:
After the product is copied to a LAN server (see Copying the product to a LAN server), it can be installed onto a workstation from the server. The installation must be done from the workstation.
You can also perform this command from Windows Explorer. Click Tools > Map Network Drive.
An administrator or user can copy all the files from the DVD onto an iSeries server. This allows users to install from the iSeries server to a workstation.
To copy the DVD on to an iSeries server, perform the following steps:
After the product is copied to the iSeries server (see Copying the product to an iSeries server), it can be installed onto a workstation from the server. The installation must be done on the workstation.
In the Add/Remove Programs list in the Control Panel, only the products you can uninstall are listed, but if you separately installed either WebSphere Studio Site Developer or Application Developer, you also need to remove it separately.
To uninstall all of Development Studio Client:
If you have trouble with installation, check the following things.
Problem | Comments |
Not enough temporary disk space available. | The installation process uses disk space in the directories specified by the TEMP and TMP environment variables. If an "out of temporary storage" message occurs during installation, change the TEMP and TMP variables to another drive that has enough space. The installation might require up to 700 MB of temporary storage. |
Installation seems to stall.. | If installation does not appear to be progressing:
You clicked Cancel during installation | Installation of that component is completed but no remaining components are installed. Uninstall and then reinstall. |
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