Application Performance Analyzer ID task_ID already in use by STC started_task_job_name


One of two problems might have occurred:

  1. Another instance of the Application Performance Analyzer-started task is executing and using the same ID (task_ID) as this started task. A unique ID must be used for each Application Performance Analyzer started task. started_task_job_name is the job name of started task already using the ID.
  2. A previous execution of the Application Performance Analyzer-started task either ended abnormally (ABEND) or was cancelled and the started task could not shutdown properly.

System action

Application Performance Analyzer terminates.

Operator response

If the error was caused by option 1, then refer to the Application Performance Analyzer Customization Guide for information about defining started task configuration settings.

If the error was caused by option 2, then perform the following:

  1. Add the following line to the CONFIG OPER statement in the configuration file of the Application Performance Analyzer started task in question:
  2. Restart the Application Performance Analyzer started task.
Note: PABENTReset is a special operational parameter to be used only in this situation or as directed by product support. Once the started task has successfully started, you must remove the PABENTReset line from the Configuration file. Failure to do so will prevent Application Performance Analyzer from detecting if a duplicate started task was accidentally submitted.