ISPF messages
These messages are displayed when there are ISPF-related errors.
- AJTI001W
Invalid selection - AJTI002I
Preferences updated - AJTI003W
Invalid entry - AJTI004W
Too many selections - AJTI005W
No menu page - AJTI006W
No setup options exist - AJTI007W
Invalid command - AJTI008W
Parameters missing - AJTI009W
Too many arguments - AJTI011W
Parameter not recognized - AJTI012W
Error in quotes - AJTI013W
Incomplete string - AJTI014W
Error in quotes - AJTI015W
Too many quoted strings - AJTI016W
Nothing to search - AJTI017W
Bottom of data reached - AJTI018W
Top of data reached - AJTI019W
Enter a FIND command - AJTI021W
System error - AJTI022W
System error - AJTI023W
Data space full - AJTI024I
String found nnnn times - CAZI001W
Invalid entry - CAZI002W
Too many selections - CAZI003W
Invalid line command - CAZI004W
Line command conflict - CAZI005W
Invalid pattern - CAZI006W
Invalid pattern - CAZI007W
Invalid pattern - CAZI008W
Allocation failure - CAZI009W
No sample file - CAZI010I
Welcome to IBM APA for z/OS ISPF Version version-number, APAR apar-number. You are currently connected to measurement task id stcid. Enter VERSION for version information, or NEW to start a measurement. You may also enter the CONNECT command to connect to another instance of a measurement task that is running on the same z/OS image as you are currently logged on to.
- CAZI011W
Invalid expression - CAZI012W
Invalid expression - CAZI013W
Input conflict - CAZI014W
Invalid file type entry - CAZI015W
Data set name error - CAZI016W
Member name error - CAZI017W
Data set not found - CAZI018W
Data set not partitioned - CAZI019W
Duplicate file specified - CAZI020W
Data already loaded - CAZI021W
Allocation failure - CAZI022W
Map file not applicable - CAZI023W
Source map table full - CAZI024W
File organization error - CAZI025W
Member name needed - CAZI026W
Member not found - CAZI027W
Cannot copy this entry - CAZI028W
Entry already exists - CAZI029W
Connection not available - CAZI030W
JCL member OPEN failed. - CAZI031W
Welcome to IBM APA for z/OS – As a first time user you must connect to an IBM APA for z/OS started task. To begin using the product, enter ''CONNECT ID'' on the command line, where ID is one of following started task ids: &MPARM1 - CAZI033W
No connection available - CAZI034W
Connection lost - CAZI035I
Connection established - CAZI036W
Unable to connect - CAZI037W
Invalid CONNECT syntax - CAZI038I
Source map data loaded - CAZI039W
No source map data - CAZI040W
Invalid ADATA file - CAZI041W
Invalid map type - CAZI043W
PROGRAM-ID not found - CAZI044W
Invalid listing file - CAZI045W
Unsupported listing file - CAZI046W
Compile options error - CAZI048W
License expiring soon - CAZI049W
Invalid entry - CAZI050W
PDF DSN error - CAZI051W
JCL library DSN error - CAZI052W
JCLLIB member name error - CAZI053W
PDF data set not found - CAZI054W
PDF file incorrect DSORG - CAZI055W
JCL library not found - CAZI056W
JCL library DSORG error - CAZI057W
JCL member alloc error - CAZI058W
JCL member OPEN failed - CAZI059W
LEVELS value must be 0-9 - CAZI060W
Invalid sort sequence - CAZI061W
Invalid option value - CAZI062W
Invalid sort sequence - CAZI063W
Invalid decimal value - CAZI064W
Invalid slice size value - CAZI065W
Invalid intervals value - CAZI066W
Invalid entry - CAZI067W
Missing required input - CAZI068W
Member not found - CAZI069W
Line Command conflict - CAZI071W
No options hdg found - CAZI072W
No source lines found - CAZI073W
OFFSET section not found - CAZI074W
File ended prematurely - CAZI075W
File ended prematurely - CAZI076W
No source hdg line found - CAZI077W
No source at this offset - CAZI078W
Incompatible versions - CAZI079W
No module information - CAZI080W
No IMS measurement data - CAZI081W
No CICS measurement data - CAZI082W
No DB2 measurement data - CAZI083W
No MQSeries measurements - CAZI084W
No DASD measurement data - CAZI085W
No DB2+ measurement data - CAZI086W
No coupling facility data - CAZI087W
No DB2 Stored Proc. data' - CAZI088W
No IMS+ measurement data - CAZI089W
Measurement data error - CAZI090W
Measurement incomplete - CAZI091W
Invalid date: year - CAZI092W
Invalid date: month - CAZI093W
Invalid date: day - CAZI094W
Invalid time: hour - CAZI095W
Invalid time: minutes - CAZI096W
Time must not be in past - CAZI097W
Invalid repetition value - CAZI098W
Specify an interval - CAZI099W
Specify days or minutes - CAZI100W
Invalid no. of days - CAZI101W
Invalid no. of minutes - CAZI102I
New dates generated - CAZI103W
Duplicates not added - CAZI104W
Too many date entries - CAZI105W
Overlapping schedule - CAZI106W
Insufficient time gap - CAZI107W
Too far in future - CAZI108W
- CAZI109W
Entry too long - CAZI110W
Invalid value - CAZI111W
Invalid value - CAZI111W
Invalid value - CAZI112W
Invalid IMS trancode - CAZI113W
Invalid IMS program - CAZI114W
Invalid IMS user ID - CAZI115W
Enter Subsystem request - CAZI119W
Invalid entry - CAZI140W
Invalid no. of minutes - CAZI141W
Invalid no. of minutes - CAZI142W
Invalid count - CAZI143W
Retry Invalid - CAZI145W
Option T Invalid - CAZI147W
No FILE measurement data - CAZI148W
No VSAM measurement data - CAZI149W
No LSR measurement data - CAZI150W
Jobname is mandatory - CAZI151W
Invalid jobname/pattern - CAZI152W
Unknown/invalid name - CAZI153W
Invalid step number - CAZI154W
Invalid program name - CAZI155W
Invalid step name - CAZI156W
Invalid procstep name - CAZI157W
Invalid no. of samples - CAZI158W
Invalid no. of samples - CAZI159W
Duration cannot be zero - CAZI160W
Invalid duration - CAZI161W
Specify Y or N - CAZI162W
Invalid TSO UserID - CAZI163W
Invalid retention - CAZI164W
Expand entry first - CAZI165W
Invalid delay value - CAZI166W
Must be slash or blank - CAZI167W
Schedule Master - CAZI168W
Invalid selection code - CAZI169W
Too many selections - CAZI170W
Invalid job step info - CAZI171W
Connection has been lost - CAZI172W
Sampling rate too high - CAZI173W
Invalid CICS trancode - CAZI174W
Specify Y or N - CAZI175W
Invalid library DSN - CAZI176W
Data set not a loadlib - CAZI177W
Warning: not found - CAZI178W
Incomplete or errors - CAZI179W
Request failed - CAZI180W
Request issued - CAZI181W
- CAZI182W
END cancelled - CAZI183W
- CAZI184W
Not confirmed - CAZI185W
New request added - CAZI186W
Request updated - CAZI187W
Request cancelled - CAZI188W
Specify Y or N - CAZI189W
Invalid retry count - CAZI190W
Invalid retry interval - CAZI191W
Invalid expiry interval - CAZI192W
Invalid rerun interval - CAZI193W
Invalid rerun count - CAZI194W
Invalid retry values - CAZI195W
Invalid rerun values - CAZI196W
Invalid selection code - CAZI197W
Too many selections - CAZI198W
Not allowed for active - CAZI199W
- CAZI200W
Measurement not active - CAZI201W
Measurement completed - CAZI202W
Invalid panel id - CAZI203W
Invalid MAP command - CAZI204I
Source map data loaded - CAZI205W
No map data loaded - CAZI206W
Invalid Sort Option - CAZI207W
parameter_name not found - CAZI208W
parameter_name not customized - CAZI209W
Invalid parm type - CAZI213W
Invalid file type entry - CAZI214W
Invalid record format - CAZI215W
END again to exit - CAZI216W
Request cancelled - CAZI217W
Report(s) saved - CAZI218W
Panel DISPLAY error - CAZI219W
Delete cancelled - CAZI220W
Invalid ADATA file - CAZI221W
Invalid map type - CAZI223W
No PROGRAM-ID found - CAZI224W
Invalid LANGX Sidefile - CAZI225W
Unrecognized compiler - CAZI226W
Missing compile options - CAZI228W
Invalid record format - CAZI229W
Description required - CAZI233W
Missing OPTIONS heading - CAZI234W
No source statements - CAZI235W
File end after PMAP hdg - CAZI237W
Invalid listing - CAZI238W
Missing COBOL heading - CAZI239W
Press ENTER to confirm deletion or PF3 to cancel. - CAZI240W
RECFM changed - CAZI241W
LRECL changed - CAZI242W
Member missing - CAZI243W
Member invalid - CAZI244W
Export function invalid - CAZI245W
aaaa records from the requested observation dataset have been written as bbbb data records to cccc. - CAZI246W
Import function failed - CAZI247W
The requested observation dataset has been imported to &R02REQNM - CAZI248W
Invalid SQL text - CAZI249W
Unable to issue EXPLAIN - CAZI250W
Unable to issue EXPLAIN - CAZI251W
EXPLAIN request failed - CAZI252W
Server not available - CAZI253W
DB2+ not selected. - CAZI254W
No DB2+ record found - CAZI255W
Invalid DB2+ version - CAZI256W
DB2+ record error - CAZI257W
Invalid SQL type - CAZI258W
Recovery from abend - CAZI259W
Server shutting down - CAZI260W
Server abend - CAZI261W
Result set too large - CAZI262W
No Sample File - CAZI263W
Import Cancelled - CAZI264W
Writing sample file - CAZI265W
DB2 Explain not active - CAZI266W
Access denied - CAZI267W
Access denied - CAZI268W
Warning - CAZI269W
Warning - CAZI270W
No DDF measurement data - CAZI271W
No PSW measurement data - CAZI272W
Multiple Program Mapping' - CAZI273W
Warning - CAZI274W
Warning - CAZI275W
No timestamp found - CAZI276W
OFFSET OBJECT not found - CAZI277W
Prog/timestamp mismatch - CAZI279W
Not in Sched status - CAZI286W
No DB2 or DDF data - CAZI287W
No HFS measurement data - CAZI288W
Subtask attach failed - CAZI289W
DWARF Subtask terminated - CAZI290W
DWARF data space full - CAZI291W
ELF DLL version error - CAZI292W
ELF library out of date - CAZI293W
Debug file not found - CAZI294W
Debug file access error - CAZI295W
Debug file open error - CAZI296W
Source file not found - CAZI297W
Source file access error - CAZI298W
Source file open error - CAZI299W
Source file too large - CAZI300W
Unexpected DWARF error - CAZI301W
DWARF services unavailable - CAZI302I
- CAZI303I
- CAZI304W
- CAZI305I
- CAZI306I
- CAZI307W
Not allowed on this line - CAZI308W
TZ config parm missing - CAZI313W
Line Command conflict - CAZI314W
M line command missing - CAZI315W
A line command missing - CAZI316W
Line command not allowed - CAZI317W
List is full - CAZI318W
Invalid dataset(s) - CAZI319W
Invalid dataset name - CAZI320W
Dataset not partitioned - CAZI321W
No match found - CAZI322W
Timestamp not matched - CAZI324W
No Natural sample data - CAZI325W
No DDF zIIP data - CAZI326W
XML DSN error - CAZI327W
XML dataset alloc failed - CAZI328W
XML file incorrect DSORG - CAZI329W
Incompatible options - CAZI330W
Invalid schema - CAZI331W
Invalid name - CAZI332W
Invalid subsystem name - CAZI333W
Invalid selection - CAZI334W
Enter all DB2 parameters - CAZI335W
Enter DB2 or IMS parms - CAZI336W
Invalid job name - CAZI337W
SQL text truncated - CAZI338W
Value too high - CAZI339W
Value too high - CAZI340W
Abend detected in Import interface. Refer to the SVC dump for more information - CAZI341W
Internal Import function code not supported by the measurement task you are currently connected to - CAZI342W
X reports not available - CAZI343W
Parms are incompatible - CAZI344W
Invalid subsystem Id - CAZI345W
Invalid transaction code - CAZI346W
CICS invalid for request - CAZI347W
DB2 required for request - CAZI348W
IMS+ required - CAZI349W
Enter all IMS parameters - CAZI350W
No regions found - CAZI351W
IMS not active - CAZI352W
Tran code not found - CAZI353W
IMS Region error - CAZI354W
Feature not enabled - CAZI355W
Too many selections - CAZI356W
Measure active not valid - CAZI357W
No CICS+ data - CAZI360W
P04 not supported by GUI - CAZI361I
The Import request is being processed. This may take some time, please wait while the request completes. - CAZI362W
Service not available - CAZI363W
Parms are incompatible - CAZI364W
Invalid IMSPLEX name - CAZI365W
No active IMSPLEX member - CAZI366W
IMSPLEX group not found - CAZI367W
Request failed - CAZI368W
Request failed - CAZI369W
Missing CALL statement - CAZI370W
Unsupported service - CAZI371I
Warning: one or more observations are approaching their expiry dates. Enter the SW line command on the ReqNum heading to view all observations that are approaching their expiry date - CAZI372W
SQL formatting unavail - CAZI373W
Subtask attach failed - CAZI374W
SQL subtask terminated - CAZI375W
SQL formatting failed - CAZI376W
SQL formatting error - CAZI377W
SQL text not available - CAZI378W
Must be slash or blank - CAZI379W
Invalid DB2 Corr Id - CAZI380W
Invalid DB2 End User Id - CAZI381W
Invalid DB2 Workstn Id - CAZI382W
Specify Corr Id or Null - CAZI383W
Specify User Id or Null - CAZI384W
Specify WS Id or Null - CAZI385W
Invalid pattern - CAZI386W
Invalid pattern - CAZI387W
No WAS data - CAZI388W
Conflicting extractors - CAZI389W
Sample file too large - CAZI390W
Specify Y or N - CAZI391W
Invalid origin - CAZI392W
No DB2 SMF data - CAZI393W
No WAS/CICS data - CAZI394W
No measurement data - CAZI395W
Not a hierarchy - CAZI396W
aaaa records from the requested observation hierarchy have been written as bbbb data records to cccc. - CAZI397W
Observation hierarchy exported to aaaa with errors. bbbb input records written as cccc data records. - CAZI398W
Export hierarchy failed. - CAZI399W
Too many entries. - CAZI400W
Incomplete observation. - CAZI402W
Conflicting extractors. - CAZI403W
No SRB measurement data. - CAZI404
Invalid group attach name - CAZI405
Mutually exclusive parms - CAZI406
No MQ+ measurement data - CAZI407
Value too high - CAZI408
Invalid command syntax - CAZI409
Request not found - CAZI411
Unsupported Observation - CAZI412
Invalid command syntax - CAZI413
Invalid Started Task ID - CAZR002E
SYSNAME length invalid – sysname - CAZR003E
Error, maximum of 32 system names allowed - CAZR004E
CLASS length invalid – class - CAZR005E
STCID parameter must be specified - CAZR006E
SYSNAMES parameter must be specified - CAZR007E
Allocation failed for existing data set output_dataset_name RC=rc - CAZR008I
Data set output_dataset_name has been created - CAZR009E
Allocation failed for new data set output_dataset_name RC=rc - CAZR010E
PDS output_dataset_name does not exist – not allocated - CAZR011E
Error on output data set: output_dataset_name – error_info - CAZR012E
Error on RACF SEARCH command: (followed by RACF messages) - CAZR013E
EXECIO failed – Return Code=rc - CAZR014I
CAZRACON – Return Code=rc