Application Performance Analyzer Product license will expire in: nn day(s).


This a warning message advising the user that Application Performance Analyzer will expire soon.

System action


Operator response

Under normal circumstances, a new password will be supplied by your local IBM® Sales Representative in plenty of time to prevent product expiry warning messages being issued. Therefore, if this occurs, it usually means that a password has already been supplied but not yet applied, or a password has been applied incorrectly. In such cases, the following should be checked:

Is the product running on the CPU for which it was generated? This is especially relevant when running under the VM operating system. IBM software only checks the last four digits of the CPU id, so the first two digits might be used to retain uniqueness.

If the password is applied by updating a parameter list, is there a duplicate statement containing the old password? If so, delete it. Has the new password supplied by IBM been applied correctly?