RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT error: SAF_RC=saf_retcode, RACF_(RC,RSN) = (racf_retcode,racf_rsncode).


This message accompanies CAZ5302E and provides details of the problem. Application Performance Analyzer attempted to verify the existence of the class name specified by Keyword: SecurityClassName by issuing the RACROUTE REQUEST=STAT service. This service failed with the errors specified.

Refer to the z/OS® SecureWay Security Server External Security Interface (RACROUTE) Macro Reference for details on the following error codes:
  • saf_retcode - represents the SAF return code
  • racf_retcode - represents the RACF® return code (if applicable)
  • racf_rsncode - represents the RACF reason code (if applicable)

System action

Application Performance Analyzer terminates.

Operator response

Correct the error based on the information provided by the error codes.