A required SMF Exit Point is not active - sampling cannot
Application Performance Analyzer determined that one of the following exit points was not active: SYS.IEFUSI, SYSJES2.IEFUSI, (or SYSJES3.IEFUSI in JES3 environments). These exit points must be active in order for Application Performance Analyzer to sample scheduled jobs. Refer to message CAZ1225W for more information.
System action
Application Performance Analyzer will terminate.
Operator response
Contact your system programmer and verify the status of the SMF exit point: SYS.IEFUSI and SYSJES2.IEFUSI or SYSJES3.IEFUSI. Refer to the chapter describing SMFPRMxx in MVS™ Initialization and Tuning Reference for information about defining the exit. Correct the problem and restart Application Performance Analyzer.