Checkpoint file: aaaa, is not compatible
with this version of IBM APA for z/OS. Reason=bb.
This message is issued during Application Performance
Analyzer started task start up. Application Performance Analyzer has
detected that the data set, represented by aaaa and
specified in the CONFIG file, either has incorrect DCB characteristics
or contains a checkpoint file that is at a different version than
the one supported by this version of Application Performance Analyzer.
bb specifies the reason for the error, where:
- 01 indicates incorrect data set organization
- 02 indicates incorrect record format
- 03 indicates incorrect record length
- 04 indicates incorrect number of records in data set
- 05 indicates incorrect checkpoint file version
System action
Application Performance Analyzer terminates.
Operator response
Ensure that the checkpoint file is at the correct
version for the version of Application Performance Analyzer that you
are running. Also ensure that the data set has the correct DCB characteristics:
- For Application Performance Analyzer v13 and earlier: DSORG=PS, RECFM=F; and either LRECL=2048, BLKSIZE=4096, and records used is 10,000.
- For Application Performance Analyzer v14 and later: DSORG=PS, RECFM=F; and either LRECL=4096, BLKSIZE=4096, and records used is 30,000.