This is the UNIX System Services post-process initiation exit, and it must be enabled for Application Performance Analyzer to measure USS child processes of a process that is currently being measured by Application Performance Analyzer. The exit requires no PARMLIB changes. Application Performance Analyzer will dynamically define the exit when USSSpwnEnable=YES is specified on the CONFIG SAMPLE statement.

The following message will be issued if the exit has been successfully defined:

CAZ1221I CAZ0-MAIN  Module CAZ00991 added to exit BPX_POSPROC_INIT  
To reload the exit after you apply any maintenance or install a new release of Application Performance Analyzer, do one of the following actions:
  • IPL the system and start the Application Performance Analyzer-started task(s).
  • Or to ensure that all Application Performance Analyzer-started task(s) on your system are stopped, and then restart the Application Performance Analyzer-started task(s).

For more information about this exit see z/OS® UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference.