Binding a DB2 package and plan

To bind a DB2® package and plan, do the following steps:
  1. Edit member CAZBIND in your hlq.SCAZSAMP library. This sample job requires you to have knowledge of the DB2 subsystem. See the instructions in the sample job for more information.
  2. The default package name used in the first BIND statement above is CAZPACK1. You can change this name to match your site requirements. If you do so then you must also change this value in the BIND PLAN statement.

    The default plan name used in the statement is CAZPLAN1. You can change this name to match your site's requirements. If you do so then you must also change the plan name specified in the keyword DB2PlanName, in member CAZCNFG0 in the hlq.SCAZSAMP library.

    Repeat these BIND operations if you are binding this plan to multiple DB2 subsystems.

    Note: You must use the same plan name on all DB2 subsystems.
  3. Submit the sample job. You will get a return code of 0 if the job runs correctly.