Output Parameter Fields
The meaning and use of each of the output parameter fields are
described below. The exit places data into these fields in response
to the function call.
- This field contains the return code for this function call. The
Sampling Engine reports it and the reason code in a message if this
value is eight or higher. This message is displayed with a message
ID of: CAZ4880E in the REQ#nnnn SYSOUT dataset of the Application Performance Analyzer Started
Task. nnnn is the observation request number associated with
the error.
A return code of DEXMRO_RCSevr or higher causes the Sampling Engine to stop calling the exit for Module Resolution functions. The Sampling Engine only calls the exit again at the end of sampling to perform the Last function call.
- This field contains the reason code for this function call. The reason code provides details on the cause of the error.
- DEXMRO_Flag1
- This field contains some flag bits.
- DEXMRO_F1_MOD indicates that the module information returned is an MVS™ module.
- DEXMRO_F1_PTH indicate that the module information returned is a USS exec.
- DEXMRO_ModData
- This label denotes the start of an overlay point. The data at
this location either contains MVS module
information or USS exec information. Refer to the DEXMRO_Flag1 in Output Parameter Fields for more information.
If bit DEXMRO_F1_MOD is on, then DEXMRO_ModName, DEXMRO_ModDDN, and DEXMRO_ModDSN contain MVS module information. If bit DEXMRO_F1_PTH is on, then DEXMRO_ModPTH@ points to the address of a pathname length prefix.
- DEXMRO_ModName
- This field contains the resolved MVS module name in which the instruction at PSW address in DEXMRI_Address was executing.
- This field can contain nulls or the DDName of the load library from which the MVS module was loaded.
- This field can contain nulls or the DSName of the load library from which the MVS module was loaded. This field is required if the module’s CSECT information is to be resolved by Application Performance Analyzer.
- This field can contain nulls or a pointer to the length prefix of the full pathname of the path from which the USS exec was executed. The length is that of the name only.
- DEXMRO_MStart@
- This field contains the starting address (load point address) of either the MVS module or USS exec described by the data in DEXMRO_ModData.
- This field contains the length of either the MVS module or USS exec described by the data in DEXMRO_ModData.
- This field contains nulls or an 8-byte token to uniquely identify this instance of an MVS module or USS exec. This token provides an indication of whether or not the module or exec has been loaded and deleted multiple times such that the starting and ending addresses have changed.
- This field contains nulls or the length of a message provided in DEXMRO_Msg. This field is ignored for all return codes less than or equal to four.
- This field contains nulls or the message text. This field is ignored for all return codes less than or equal to four. The message is displayed with a message ID of: CAZ4881I in the REQ#nnnn SYSOUT dataset of the Application Performance Analyzer Started Task. nnnn is the observation request number associated with the error.