Standard CAZDPAGN keyword parameters

The standard CAZDPAGN entries are described here. These are entries with no positional parameter specified, and are used to define individual entries for load modules, CSECTS, or CICS® transactions.

Defines a program (load module or CSECT) name and its descriptive information. NAME is used to specify a program name (or wildcard pattern), a range of program names or a CICS Transaction. A range of program names is specified in the format NAME=(pgm1,pgm2) where pgm1 is the name (or wildcard pattern) at the start of the range and pgm2 is the name (or wildcard pattern) at the end of the range. A CICS Transaction is specified in the same format, by specifying a TYPE=CICSTXN keyword. CICS Transactions can also be specified as a range. The keyword parameter DESCRP specifies the functional description.
The SUBGRP keyword specifies the associated SUBGROUP name. For entries with TYPE=USER, this will not affect reporting, so coding SUBGRP=CUSTOMER is recommended. (Assuming the CUSTOMER SUBGROUP has been created as supplied in the sample CAZUSR01 module).

For system modules, where TYPE=SYSTEM has been coded, the SUBGRP keyword can specify a custom SUBGROUP, as long as it has been defined in a CAZDPAGN SUBGROUP statement previously.

Specifies the type. Valid values are: USER, SYSTEM, and CICSTXN. If this keyword is omitted, it will default to SYSTEM. Specify TYPE=USER if the module is an application module; it will be reported under the Application category.

Specify TYPE=SYSTEM if this is a system module; it will be reported under the System category.