DPA table entry elements
Each DPA table entry contains the following elements:
- Program Name (keyword: NAME)
- This can be specified as either a control section (CSECT) name or a load module name. In most cases, load module name is specified. Support for control section name provides for additional granularity. Wildcard matching of this field is supported. For example, DSN* could be specified to provide a single description for all DB2® system components. The matching algorithm will resort to a wildcard match only if it does not find a more exact name match.
- Program Group (keyword: GRP)
- A unique eight-character name defines a program group to which the program belongs. The supplied table uses a group name of CUSTOMER. The GRP keyword only needs to be specified in a CAZDPAGN SUBGROUP definition. It must match a previously defined CAZDPAGN GROUP definition, and it specifies which GROUP the SUBGROUP belongs to.
- Sub Group (keyword: SUBGRP)
- A unique (within the sub groups) eight-character name defines a program sub group to which the program belongs. The supplied table uses a sub group name of CUSTOMER. SUBGRP must be specified on all CAZDPAGN entries for CSECTS, load modules, and CICS® transactions.
- Description (keyword: DESCRP)
- This field contains a description of the load module or control section function, or CICS transaction. In CAZDPAGN GROUP or CAZDPAGN SUBGROUP entries, it contains the description for the GROUP or SUBGROUP.