
The action represents the type of access involved in the function being performed. The types of access are:
  • VIEW to be able to view reports for observations
  • UPDATE to be able to update a scheduled observation
  • DELETE to be able to delete an observation
  • MEASURE.JOB for measuring a batch job
  • MEASURE.STC for measuring a started task
  • MEASURE.TSU for measuring TSO users
  • USE.DB2PLUS to be able to request a DB2® PLUS measurement
  • USE.IMSPLUS to be able to request an IMS™ PLUS measurement
  • MONITOR.JOB for threshold-monitoring a batch job
  • MONITOR.STC for threshold-monitoring a started task
  • MONITOR.TSU for threshold-monitoring TSO users
  • USE.WLMI for using the WLM Intercept to request a specific DB2 stored procedure or user-defined function measurement and/or turn on the collateral DB2 (CDB2) data extractor
  • USE.CICSPlus to be able to request a CICS® PLUS measurement
  • ADMINISTERPRODUCT to be able to perform administrator functions. This includes updating the common list of source files in the common data store and seeing expiry days warning for all users’ observations. This authority is needed to update the ISPF A05 Source Mapping Common List and the GUI Source Program Mapping Repository Common list. It is not necessary to give this authority to users to maintain their personal list of source files through the ISPF A04 Source Mapping Dataset List and the GUI Source Program Mapping Repository Personal list. Without this authority, when expiry days warning is enabled, users will see the warning for their own observations only.
  • USE.WAS to be able to request a WAS measurement
  • USE.MQPLUS to be able to request an MQ PLUS measurement

By default, all users have access to VIEW, UPDATE and DELETE any observation they create, as well as monitor their own TSO userid. Therefore, profiles do not need to be specified for a user to have access to their own observations. All other types of access are protected by default and must have a profile written for any user to have access to them. Access is denied if RACF® denies access or if RACF cannot find an applicable profile.