Library names created by Application Performance Analyzer
Data set name | Description |
yourhlq.CheckpointDSN | Application Performance Analyzer checkpoint data set |
yourhlq.LOGxx.stcid.Dyyddd.Thhmm### or yourhlq.LOGxx.GnnnnVnn | Optional log data set |
yourhlq.CDS | Common data store for source program mapping |
yourhlq.userid.Rnnnn.jobname.SF | Measurement data set or sample data set (when SampleDSN is not specified in CONFIG SAMPLE) |
tsoprefix.userid.Rnnnn.XMIT. | Exported measurement data set or sample data set if the ExportDSN configuration parameter is not specified. |
The log data set will have the “xx” identifier suffix on the second qualifier in sysplex environments to make sure the file is unique. The “###” at the end of the log data set is a sequence number assigned when each new log file is created.
By default, the sample data set and log data set will use the value in the HLQ parameter of the CONFIG BASIC statement. Optionally, a different sample yourhlq and log yourhlq can be specified on the CONFIG SAMPLE and CONFIG LOGFILE statements, and the checkpoint data set can be a fully qualified name. You also have the option of overriding the Application Performance Analyzer generated sample data set name by specifying the SampleDSN setting in CONFIG SAMPLE.
When the EXP (a single measurement) or EXPH (a hierarchy of measurements) command is issued against an observation request, a new data set is created. The data set in XMIT format contains the measurement data that Application Performance Analyzer uses to produce the performance analysis reports, and is used as input to the Application Performance Analyzer IMPORT command and batch utility. If the ExportDSN configuration setting is specified, this data set is created using the values specified in that setting. Otherwise, this data set is created under the tsoprefix of the individual issuing the EXP or EXPH command. If tsoprefix is not used, this qualifier is excluded. The data set is named in the format: tsoprefix.userid.Rnnnn.XMIT.