Created March 10, 2018 ( Raj Patel : rajpat@us.ibm.com )

Purpose:  a) To check speed across PowerVC, HMC and VIO Server
             for slow VM deploy and capure which may be resulting
             due to network throughput.

          b) scp test is used here since this allows the test to
             be uses across PowerVC, HMC and VIO Server.

================= NETWORK  TESTS  ==========================

1) Testing from PowerVC as user root.

   a) Run below to get output from nslookup

      # nslookup [hostname_name_of_pvc] both short and FQDN.

   b) Create a 100MB bigfile using below. Make sure you have plenty 
      of space to allocate 100MB.

      # dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/bigfile count=102400 bs=1024     

        102400+0 records in
        102400+0 records out

   c) Use ssh to confirm that you can access HMC and VIO Server
      with userid and password required for later test.

      For HMC,        user id  this is generally, hscroot and hscpe.       
      For VIO Server, user id  will be padmin.
      For PowerVC,    user id will be root.

   d) From PowerVC to VIO Servers. Make sure /home/padmin has 
      enough space.
      Use fully qaulified host names.

      # /usr/bin/scp -C /tmp/bigfile padmin@vioA.fqd.hostname:/home/padmin

      Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
      Enter VIO Server padmin password.

      Sample of result:
      bigfile ... 100%  100MB  XX.XMB/s   00:03

   e) From PowerVC to HMC. 
      Use fully qaulified host names.

      # /usr/bin/scp -C /tmp/bigfile hmc_fqdn.hostname:/home/hscroot

      Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
      Enter HMC hscroot password.

      Sample of result:
      bigfile ... 100%  100MB  XX.XMB/s   00:02
2) Testing from HMC as user hscroot.

   a) Get the network config of HMC
      # lshmc -n -F hostname ( get just hostname)
      # lshmc -n             ( get network config)
   b) No need to create bigfile since it already resides 
      in /home/hscroot 

   c) From HMC to PowerVC
      Use fully qaulified host names. 
      DO NOT USE FULL PATH: /usr/hmcrbin/scp

      # scp -C /home/hscroot/bigfile 

      Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
      Enter PowerVC root password.

      Sample of result:
      bigfile ... 100%  100MB  XX.XMB/s   00:02
   d) From HMC to VIO Server. DO NOT USE FULL PATH: /usr/hmcrbin/scp
      Use fully qaulified host names.

      #  scp -C /home/hscroot/bigfile padmin@vioA.fqd.hostname:/home/padmin       

      Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
      Enter VIO Server root password.

      Sample of result:
      bigfile ... 100%  100MB  XX.XMB/s   00:03

3) Testing from All VIO Servers seen by PowerVC and HMC as user padmin.

   a) No need to create bigfile since it already resides 
      in /home/padmin

   b) From VIO Server with oem_setup_env to HMC
      $ oem_setup_env
      # /usr/bin/scp -C /home/padmin/bigfile hmc_fqdn.hostname:/home/hscroot
      Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
      Enter HMC hscroot password.

      Sample of result:
      bigfile ... 100%  100MB  XX.XMB/s   00:03

   c) From VIO Server with oem_setup_env to PowerVC

      $ oem_setup_env
      # /usr/bin/scp -C /home/padmin/bigfile 
      Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
      Enter PowerVC root password.

      Sample of result:
      bigfile ... 100%  100MB  XX.XMB/s   00:03

4) Testing from VIO Server A to VIO Server B

   a) No need to create bigfile since it already 
      resides in /home/padmin

   b) From VIO Server A to VIO Server B
      $ oem_setup_env
      # /usr/bin/scp -C /home/padmin/bigfile 
      Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
      Enter HMC hscroot password.

      Sample of result:
      bigfile ... 100%  100MB  XX.XMB/s   00:03

SCP REF: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=isg3T1021511
===================   END ===================================