First Created: May  04, 2019 -
Last updated - May  17, 2019 -
Last updated - Jun  07, 2019 -
Last updated - Oct  14, 2019 -
Last updated - Jun  01, 2021 -

*** NOTE: Contains dump, perf, devscan ( AIX, Linux, and IBMi Client )
*** NOTE: Only highlight the points or items from this sections for customer to capture from this complete list.
*** If using Dual HMC, provide data from both HMC

High level problem description and data collection required.
1)  Problem description.
2)  VIO 
3)  Client ( AIX, Linux, IBMi )
4)  HMC pedbg ( If using dual HMC data from both HMC ) *** SEE HMC cleanup, for very old logs  ***
5)  RSCT
6)  System Firmware Resource and Platform Dump
7)  Fabric switch ( For NPIV configurations )
8)  Devscan ( For NPIV configurations )
9)  Additional data from HMC for NPIV config.
10) Checking network performance using open source IPERF ( executable can also be down loaded from this link )
11) Incase of hang or SRC 2005 
12) Requirements for PowerVC 
13) FTP Data. for Blue Diamond Follow BD steps.

14) HMC Cleanup ( When there are too many files)

===============  Start ===================
1) Problem description

   a) Make sure all date and time on hmc, vio, etc are all in sync.
   b) Is this using single or dual HMC ?
   c) Are you using GUI or CLI ?
   d) Are these single or concurrent LPMs?
   e) Are you using LPM toolkit ? 
   f) Is this a test or production ?
   g) Is this a new configuration ?
   h) When was this last working ?
   i) Did you make changes to system firmware, vio level, hmc level, client lpar, network, switches etc ?
   j) ** Provide complete date and time of error and any screen shots. **
   k) How long has the LPM been running if hung or slow and SRC code on HMC on Source and Destination frames ?
   l) Is this using PowerVC. If so provide PowerVC logs ( see section item 12 for PowerVC )?

2) VIO snaps from both VIOs on source and both VIOS on target. Rename to indicate source and target.
      $ snap ( run from padmin. Creates file /home/padmin/snap.pax.Z)

3a) AIX client snap
       # snap -r ( clear old snap )
       # snap -ac  ( data in /tmp/ibmsupt/snap.pax.Z)

3b) Linux snap ( sosreport requires root permissions to run ) 
       # sosreports ( data in /var/tmp )
3c) IBMi Client: IBMi MustGather (QMGTOOLS), which the customer should update, and then run the IBMi SYSSNAP
4) HMC pedbg:
   In short CLI command:
        # pedbg -c  -q 4;
          - Say, YES when prompted to collect ctsnap. 
                (if there are RSCT problems. ctsnap can hang)
          - File created is
                "", created in /dump directory.
          - Copy file to the common directory for FTP to IBM.
                # scp  /dump/
                 (NOTE: the   ":."   means keep the same name on remote,
                        do not forget the  :.   At the end of the line  )

          - Rename the file to include the PMR number
                # mv

   - From VIO Servers within oem_setup_env ( Included in snap with VIO but may still need below for RMC / RSCT )
        $ oem_setup_env - 
        # ctsnap -x runrpttr - This will create => /tmp/ctsupt/ctsnap*.tar.gz

   - From AIX lpar:
        # ctsnap -x runrpttr - This will create => /tmp/ctsupt/ctsnap*.tar.gz

   - From Linux lpar:
        # ctsnap -x runrpttr - This will create => /tmp/ctsupt/ctsnap*.tar.gz

   - From HMC ( Requires pesh password ) - pedbg option 7
        # ctsnap -x runrpttr

6) System Firmware non-distruptive Resource and Platform Dump FOR BOTH Source and Target Mananged System:
   If using dual HMC, provide from btoh HMC.

   a) Access HMC restricted shell
      To get {managed_system}:
      # lssyscfg -r sys -F name 
   b) startdump -t resource -m {source_managed_system} -r "system"
   c) startdump -t resource -m {target_managed_system} -r "system"
   d) This creates a file in /dump/SYSDUMP.SRLNMBR.DUMPNMBR.TIMESTAMP....
   e) Please re-name the file to indicate if its for source_managed_system or target_managed_system

7) Fabric switch ( For NPIV configurations )
     Switch Logs for Cisco & Brocade:
      - Switch logs ("show tech-support details" for Cisco)
      - 'show tech detail' if more then 1 switch.
      - 'supportshow' collected via CLI using either
         HyperTerm or Putty to collect the output for Brocade.
      - 'supportsave'  as that has additional debug information.
      - How the RSCN ( Registered State Change Notification )
        events are sent when a zoning change is done on the switch?

   Switch Logs for McData:
      - "data collection" from the switch management console, EFCM.
      - any other related to ones described above under Cisco / Brocade.

   Switch Logs using iSCSI TOE:
      - igroup show
      - lun show -m

    ** For FCOE Types also include: **
      - "show tech-support fc"
8) Devscan ( For NPIV configurations )
   From the HMC get the Live Partition Mobility WWPNS of client lpar.
   # lssyscfg -r sys -F name ( To get {managed_system} )
   # lssyscfg -r prof -m {source_managed_system} -F name virtual_fc_adapters 

   From VIO1 target that current has inactive WWPN
   $ oem_setup_env
   # script /tmp/devscan_vio1_active_wwpn_src.log
   # devscan -t f -n [wwpn_inactive_lowercase]            ( -t and f may be optional )
   # devscan -t f -n [wwpn_inactive_lowercase] --dev=fcxx ( -t and f may be optional )
   # exit

   From VIO2 target that current has inactive WWPN
   $ oem_setup_env
   # script /tmp/devscan_vio2_inactive_wwpn_src.log
   # devscan -t f -n [wwpn_inactive_lowercase]             ( -t and f may be optional )
   # devscan -t f -n [wwpn_inactive_lowercase]  --dev=fcxx ( -t and f may be optional )
   # exit

   From AIX and Linux  Client LPAR:
   Run devscan on the moving lpar, and compare the output with the one you get on the Virtual I/O Server :
   # devscan --dev=fscsi0 --concise | awk -F '|' '{print $2}' | sort -n | uniq

Complete Devscan Client to Destination VIOs Checks - Step By Step ( AIX & Linux ):
9) Additional data from HMC for NPIV config for AIX and Linux Clients. If using dual HMC data from both HMC
    To get {managed_system}:
    # lssyscfg -r sys -F name

    To get lsnportlogin from HMC:
    # lsnportlogin -m {managed_system} --filter lpar_names={name_of_client_lpar}

    To get complete listing from HMC 
    # lssyscfg -r sys F name ( to get managed_system  )
    # lshmc -v
    # lshmc -V
    # lshwres -r virtualio -rsubtype scsi -m {managed_system} -level lpar
    # lshwres -r virtualio -m  --rsubtype fc --level sys
    # lshwres -r virtualio -m  --rsubtype fc --level lpar 

    ** To get complete listing of wwpn,vfchost,fcs mapping ** (make sure its in single line command)
    # lshwres -r virtualio --rsubtype fc --level lpar -m Rack101-8286-42A-SN219319V -F lpar_name,lpar_id,slot_num,adapter_type,state,is_required,remote_lpar_id,remote_lpar_name,remote_slot_num,wwpns,topology

10a) Performance related: IPERF, VMSTAT and LPARSTAT:
Enable stats on HMC ( Menu selection to get to this may vary depending on HMC levels )
     From HMC activate Performance Information Collection
       - Right click on the specific LPAR
       - Properties
       - Hardware
       - Processors
       - Allow performance information collection

10b) VMSTAT and LPARSTAT ( Collect during  problem )

        vmstat -It 5 200  | tee vmstat_vio1_src.log &
        vmstat -It 5 200 | tee vmstat_vio2_src.log &

        vmstat -It 5 200 | tee vmstat_vio1_target.log &
        vmstat -It 5 200 | tee vmstat_vio2_target.log &

        lparstat -ht 5 200 > lparstat_vio1_src.log &
        lparstat -ht 5 200 > lparstat_vio2_src.log &

        lparstat -ht 5 200 > lparstat_vio1_target.log &
        lparstat -ht 5 200 > lparstat_vio2_target.log &

10c) IPERF ( Basic info shown below, full details refer to ( iperf_Instructions.txt  attached )

    I) Start the iperf test at the other end  as a server ( Target MSP )
       ./iperf -s -P 4         -->  Starts the server

    II) At the problem vios  start the iperf as a client ( Source MSP )
        ./iperf -c    -P 4 -t 10 -w 240k

    III) Start the iptrace at both the ends as well as at the switch.
         On the aix VIOS
         # startsrc -s iptrace -a " -a /big_directory/iptrc.bin "

        Wait for  20 seconds.

        Repeat above serveral time to make sure network through put is good.
11) For SRC 2005 Client hangs and dumps refer to below links:
12) LPM through PowerVC: Above items apply in addition to PowerVC data.
PowerVC techdoc
13) FTP the file to ibm:
      login:   anonymous,
      passwd:  your email address,
      ftp>  cd /toibm/aix
      ftp>  bin
      ftp>  put  (salesforce_case_number.pax.gz)
      ftp>  quit

      For Blue Diamond: Registration Link:   Blue Diamond Registration 
14) HMC Cleanup ( When there are too many files)
    # chhmcfs  -o f -d 0
HMC cleanup
====================== End ================