...................................................................... Removing and adding back "Backing device" For removing refer to ./using_rmbdsp.html ( also see link in main doc ) NOTE: Can only be done if the DB connection is working. You can test this by running serveral of the SSP commands i.e a) $ cluster -status -clustername [cluster-name] b) $ lssp -clustername [cluster-name] -sp [storage-pool-name] -bd Tested on VIO Check mapping on vhost3: $ lsmap -vadapter vhost3 SVSA Physloc Client Partition ID --------- -------------------------------------- ------------------ vhost3 U9117.MMB.064252P-V3-C40 0x00000013 VTD NO VIRTUAL TARGET DEVICE FOUND Assign Backing Device to vhost3: $ mkbdsp -clustername ztrans -sp ztrans_sp 10G -bd v1_01_rootvg -vadapter vhost3 Lu Name:v1_01_rootvg Lu Udid:748de5724270a6666faa8a7242432d45 Assigning file "v1_01_rootvg" as a backing device. VTD:vtscsi0 Re-check mapping on vhost3: $ lsmap -vadapter vhost3 SVSA Physloc Client Partition ID --------- ----------------------------------- ------------------ vhost3 U9117.MMB.064252P-V3-C40 0x00000013 VTD vtscsi0 Status Available LUN 0x8100000000000000 Backing device v1_01_rootvg.748de5724270a6666faa8a7242432d45 Physloc Mirrored N/A Add back Backing Device: $ cfgdev ( optional ) $ mkbdsp -clustername ztrans -sp ztrans_sp -luudid 748de5724270a6666faa8a7242432d45 -vadapter vhost3 Lu Name:v1_01_rootvg Lu Udid:748de5724270a6666faa8a7242432d45 Assigning file "v1_01_rootvg" as a backing device. VTD:vtscsi0 Re-check mapping on vhost3: $ lsmap -vadapter vhost3 SVSA Physloc Client Partition ID ---------- ------------------------------------ ------------------ vhost3 U9117.MMB.064252P-V3-C40 0x00000013 VTD vtscsi0 Status Available LUN 0x8100000000000000 Backing device v1_01_rootvg.748de5724270a6666faa8a7242432d45 Physloc Mirrored N/A