Last updated: July 06, 2012 - Raj Patel ( ) Recovering nodes When "cluster -status" shows nodes are "DOWN" before using addnode or rmnode can be used sucessfully. OUTPUT WHEN one of the NODE is "DOWN" - Example below in which vio2 is DOWN. ============================================================================ $ cluster -status -clustername [cluster-name] Cluster Name State ssp_cluster1 DEGRADED Node Name MTM Partition Num State Pool State vio1 8202-E4B02067FECP 1 OK OK vio2 0 DOWN Problem: ======== $ cluster -addnode -clustername [cluster-name] -hostname Node is already a cluster member Command did not complete. Solution: ========= Please try below Steps: a) On vio1: export VIO_API_DEBUG=7 b) On vio1: cluster -list c) on vio1: Check if vio_daemon will list the DBN ( it should since VIO1 node is UP ) $ lssrc -ls vio_daemon d) On vio1: cluster -status -clustername [cluster-name] e) On vio1: cluster -sync -clustername [cluster-name] f) On vio2: check caa daemons & ctrmc $ lssrc -s ctrmc; lssrc -g caa 1) Pool daemons were not started/running 1a) On vio2: clstartstop to stop pool $ clstartstop -stop -n [cluster-name] -m vio2 May report: clmain.c cl_startstop 2955 Local node has not been STOPPED. 1b) On vio2: clstartstop to start pool $ clstartstop -start -n [cluster-name] -m vio2 May report: clmain.c cl_startstop 2955 Local node has not been STOPPED. 1c) On vio2: Wait up to 10 minutes for pool to be started. 1d) On vio1: cluster -sync -clustername [cluster-name] ( just to be sure ) 2) Pool daemons were running, but pool didn't start 2a) On vio1: remove vio2 node from vio1 $ cluster -rmnode -clustername [cluster-name] -hostnane May report: Partition vio2 has been removed from the [cluster-name] cluster 2b) On vio1: check cluster removed vio2 $ cluster -status -clustername [cluster-name] Cluster Name State [cluster-name] OK Node Name MTM Partition Num State Pool State vio1 8202-E4B02067FECP 1 OK OK 2c) On vio1: add vio2 back to cluster $ cluster -addnode -clustername [cluster-name] -hostname Partition vio2 has been added to the [cluster-name] cluster. REF: Side Notes: Run "startsrc -g rsct" , "startsrc -g caa" if after node is rebooted and necessary to re-start these services.