Subject: How To apply and remove efixes for SSP and non-SSP nodes.
Created September 30, 2015 - Raj Patel
Revised  May 15, 2019- Raj Patel

Efix download Instructions

mkdir ifix.dir     (Can be in /tmp, or any place as long as padmin
                    has access to the .Z file in the directory.
                    Example:  /home/padmin/ifix.dir  )

Pull down the ifix into the directory.

Using FTP: "get IZxxxxx.zzzzzz.epkg.Z   ifix.dir/IZxxxxx.zzzzzz.epkg.Z"

   Detailed ftp instructions:                         
         $ ftp              
               Name:     anonymous                    
               ftp>  cd  /fromibm/aix                 
               ftp>  bin                              
               ftp>  get  IZxxxxx.zzzzzz.epkg.Z   
                     ---  Optional syntax below ---
                     get  IZxxxxx.zzzzzz.epkg.Z   ifix.dir/IZxxxxx.zzzzzz.epkg.Z 
               ftp>  quit                             
         $ sum IZxxxxx.zzzzzz.epkg.Z                  
           99999   999 IZxxxxx.zzzzzz.epkg.Z          

From the padmin shell:

    1) Previous updates must be committed before installing a new ifix.

    2) Previous ifixes will need to be removed for VIO levels lower than, and if still required placed in the same directory as the 
       new ifix.

    3) For VIO levels later than, updateios may request to remove 
       ifix files to continue. In such cases, remove ifix files to continue. 

       Possible causes are:
       a) Ifix was applied on old VIOS. 
          This will be the case when  /usr/emgrdata/DBS/aparref.db does not exist.
       b) The ifix applied on the system can't be managed by installation command.

       To list efixes installed:

           $  lssw                (ifix will display at the end of the output.
                                   The name, "LABEL", will be displayed. )

       To  remove efixes installed on non-SSP node.

           $  updateios -remove [ifix_LABEL]


       ### To  remove efixes installed on SSP node.  ###
           $ clstartstop -stop -n [cluster-name] -m [node]
           $  updateios -remove [ifix_LABEL]
If an existing ifix for "ios.cli.rte" is on the system you will get the error "The ios.cli.rte fileset can not be removed". This will require the use of "oem_setup_env" to remove the ifix. See commands below: $ updateios -remove [ifix_LABEL] ... ... ... The ios.cli.rte fileset can not be removed. $ oem_setup_env # emgr -r -L [ifix_LABEL] (only for "ios.cli") emgr: 0645-185 Lock file contains the inactive process id 999999999. Verify that this process is not running and remove the lock file /var/locks/emgr.lock # rm /var/locks/emgr.lock # emgr -r -L [ifix_LABEL] (only for "ios.cli". All others use updateios ) ... ... ... ... Return Status = SUCCESS # exit (then run "updateios -remove" for other ifixes if neeeded) To commit previous updates. Past updates must be committed before new updates/ifix can be applied ) $ updateios -commit To install efixes for non-SSP nodes. Note, for SSP node must be stopped. $ updateios -install -dev /home/padmin/ifix.dir

       To install efixes for SSP nodes, the node must be first stopped. See above.

           $ clstartstop -stop -n [cluster-name] -m [node]
           $ updateios -install -dev /home/padmin/ifix.dir  

       Reboot will be required in most cases.

       To restart SSP node. Most cases reboot will re-start the node.
           $ clstartstop -start -n [cluster-name] -m [node]
Note: *) Full path for the directory is required: /home/padmin/ifix.dir *) "-install" is required *) The file used will be the ".Z" file IZxxxxx.zzzzzz.epkg.Z *) Do not place the filename "IZxxxxx.zzzzzz.epkg.Z" on the command line. updateios will read all the .Z files in the directory and install each of them. $ lssw (Check for installed interim fixes by entering this command.) You should see your fix listed in the command output. The update is then complete. ** To display ifix in oem_setup_env ** ** emgr -l (from oem_setup_env) ** ** lslpp -e (from oem_setup_env) **