Current Deep Thunder Forecast for most of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia,
Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York, and all of Delaware and New Jersey
Products for Weather-Sensitive Operations
Click on any of the three images below to see and/or interact with
these model forecast products.
The first focuses on temperature and winds,
the second focuses on winds only, and the third focuses on clouds and precipitation.  
You can learn more about this technology, relevant data
and weather forecasting, at the following sites:
More about Deep Thunder
More about how Deep Thunder Visualizes the Data Generated by the
Weather Model
Current Weather
Information and Predictions for Philadelphia (from the National Weather
This web site provides visual representations of these
forecasts on an experimental near-real-time basis. These visualizations
are provided as-is with no guarantee as to their quality or reliability.
IBM bears no responsibility or liability concerning the accuracy or availability
of these visualizations as their production depends on many external factors.
Although they are provided without direct interpretation, the underlying
forecasts and the visualizations will continue to evolve in an effort to
refine the technology, usability and the science as well as to understand
their potential value for both businesses and consumers.