How to download and work with Maximo data ---------------------------------------------- Download format: Database format: SQLite v3 Attachments format: various A. Download and install the BIRT Reporting Service The BIRT solution consists of 2 components: the Web Browser (or client), and the Reporting Service (or server). The Reporting Service will run on any platform as it is purely java-based. The machine it runs on can be any Windows, AIX, Linux, or OSX server/workstation. The Reporting Service requires java 1.8 to run. 1. Download the BIRT installation zip to the machine that will run the Reporting Service. 2. Extract the zip to create the following directory tree, then copy or move it to your preferred installation location. birt-service/ bin/ demo-base/ etc/ ibm-jre8-aix/ ibm-jre8-linux/ ibm-jre8-win64/ lib/ logs/ modules/ resources/ webapps/ 3. (Linux and AIX only). Set permissions on key executables. - Open a shell window -> cd to the birt-service/ directory -> type . init_birt B. Download and add your data 1. Your data is downloadable via public internet access using either the HTTPS or SFTP secure protocols with this ID and password: Userid: ipccust2 Password: password The HTTPS download method is the easiest to use as it only requires a browser and simple point- and-click to download one file at a time. However, this method is cumbersome to use if you have a lot of files to download. The SFTP download method is best to use if you have a lot of files in your download, but you will need specialized sftp software to allow you to perform batch downloads. The following free, public domain software is recommended for this purpose: WinSCP (Windows), FileZilla (Windows, Linux, or OSX), Cyberduck (OSX). A. HTTPS Download Method Open your browser, and navigate to B. SFTP Download Method Open WinSCP or FileZilla. Create a new connection as follows, with the provided ID and password: WinSCP: Tools->Preferences -> Transfer-> Background-> Maximal number of transfers at the same time: [9] Select 'New Site', enter the following File protocol [SFTP] Host name: [] Click Save, then Login FileZilla: File -> Site Manager -> New Site -> enter the following Logon Type: [Normal] Host: [ Protocol: [SFTP - SSH File transfer protocol] Transfer Settings -> [x] Limit Number of Simultaneous Connections -> [10] Click Connect Cyberduck: Bookmark -> New Bookmark ->