Readme for the TSM Operational Reporting Driver7 to 5.2.2 GA Migration Tool Last Updated: December 22, 2003 The Operational Reporting Migration tool has been designed to help you migrate from Driver7 to the GA version. The basic migration procedure is as follows: 1. Ensure that Driver7 is installed on the computer you are running the migration tool on 2. Install the GA version of operational reporting (this will disable Driver7) 3. Download the migration tool: tsmmigrate.exe to the GA operational reporting directory default: "c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\console" 4. cd /d "c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\console" 5. To unpack the files type: tsmmigrate 6. To run the migration tool type: tsmrept_migrate 7. Select the checkbox for items that you would like to migrate 8. Click the Migrate button Once this has been completed you should be able to resume using operational reporting from the GA package. For questions or support on this tool please send a note to: End of Document.