ADSTAR Distributed Storage Manager (ADSM) Server Licensed Materials - Property of IBM (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 2000. All rights reserved. ------------------------------ ATTENTION -------------------------------- This is a service PATCH based on certified service level ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Service Level This is a smit/installp installable patch that will install as level for the fileset tivoli.tsm.server.rte42. We strongly advise that you install this patch as an UPDATE (set "COMMIT software updates?" to no and "SAVE replaced files?" to yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Testing has focused on the corrections made for the following items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- IC26881 LABEL LIBVOLUME W/ OVERWRITE=YES CAN OVERWRITE THE LABELS OF VOLUMES THAT ARE PART OF A STORAGE POOL AND HAVE DATA. The ADSM/TSM server may re-label a volume defined to a storage pool or in the volume history file under the following conditions: 1) The user specified the OVERWRITE=YES option in the LABEL LIBVOLUME command. 2) The volume defined to the storage pool or in the volume history file was either checked out or moved to a previously empty slot within the library. <@>