IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows Version 6, Release 4, Level 1 Readme

Welcome to the IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager HSM for Windows Version 6.4.1 fix pack. This file contains information you need for using Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows, as well as information that was not available for the printed publications.

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IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows (referred to as "HSM for Windows client" throughout this document) provides Hierarchical Storage Management for Windows NTFS file systems. Individual files and files from parts of NTFS file systems are migrated to remote storage in IBM Tivoli Storage Manager.

What is new in the HSM for Windows 6.4.1 client
The HSM for Windows 6.4.1 client contains APAR fixes (maintenance).
Restriction: After this fix pack is installed and in use, do not downgrade to a previous release or fix-pack. Stub files that are created with this fix pack and later versions are not compatible with previous versions. Previous versions of the HSM for Windows client cannot recall files from stubs that are created with version 6.4.1 and later versions.
What is new in the HSM for Windows 6.4.0 client
See the latest updates in the Tivoli Storage Manager V6.4 Information Center at


IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows 6.4 Quick Start Guide
See this publication for installation instructions and important links. The Quick Start Guide is available on your Quick Start DVD or download image.
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows 6.4 Administration Guide
This publication documents how to use the HSM for Windows client. It is also available on your Quick Start DVD or online at the Tivoli Storage Manager V6.4 Information Center at The HTML version of the documentation is the latest version.

Update history

The APARs fixed in Version 6.4.1 are listed in technote 1636293, "IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) HSM for Windows client V6.4 fix pack 1 (6.4.1) and interim fix APARs" at

The APARs fixed in Version 6.4.0 are listed in technote 1608118, "IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) HSM for Windows client V6.4.0 APARs and interim fix APARs" at

Hardware and software requirements

For information about HSM for Windows hardware and software requirements, see technote 1319299, "Hardware and software requirements for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) HSM for Windows" at

The backup-archive client and client API must be at the same PTF level as the HSM for Windows client, or at a greater PTF level than the HSM for Windows client.

Getting started

Updates, limitations, and known problems

Known problems are documented in the form of individual tech notes in the knowledge base at the HSM for Windows Support site at As problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Support team updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems. For information about HSM for Windows 6.4.1 known problems and limitations, see technote 1636291, "IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) HSM for Windows Version 6.4 Fix Pack 1 Known Problems and Limitations" at

At time of publication, there are no known installation problems.


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