================================================================================ README Welcome to Tivoli Decision Support For Storage Management Analysis and Tivoli Storage Management Decision Support Loader Version 4.1.0 Licensed Materials - Property of IBM (C) Copyright Tivoli Systems Inc., an IBM Company 1999. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation. ================================================================================ This README contains the following sections addressing the guide and loader: * Important: Simple Installation/Update Note for Version 4.1.0 * Decision Support Loader Fixes * Tivoli Storage Management Decision Support Loader Installation and Configuration * Install Latest Tivoli Storage Manager ODBC Driver * Install Latest Oracle ODBC driver * Tivoli Decision Support for Storage Management Analysis guide items fixed in present & past releases * Known problems with TDS 2.1 core installation * Using DB2 with Storage Management Analysis * Crystal Report Limitation * Drill Through on Graphical Reports Limitation * Graphical Reports Missing Categories in Legend and X-Axis * Tivoli Storage Management Decision Support Loader Post Processing * Where to find documentation * Contacting the Tivoli System Customer Support Center * The Full README Text for Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 ********************************************************************** * Important: Simple Installation/Update Note for Version 4.1.0 * ********************************************************************** Check the web site for the latest releases and comments prior to attempting an installation or update. http://www.tivoli.com/support/storage_mgr/adsercli.htm If the Tivoli Decision Support for Storage Management Analysis guide version 1.1.0 or 1.1.1 are installed, then update the guide using this procedure: 1. Start the Tivoli Discovery Administrator 2. Click on the "Decision Support Guides" folder 3. Right mouse click on the "Storage Management Analysis" guide 4. Select the "delete" item in the list 5. Select "Yes" to delete the guide 6. Close the Tivoli Discovery Administrator 7. Install Tivoli Decision Support for Storage Management Analysis version 4.1.0 8. Start the Tivoli Discovery Administrator to import the new guide If the Tivoli Storage Management Decision Support Loader version 1.1.0 or 1.1.1 are currently installed, then uninstall it using the "Add/Remove Programs" in the Windows Control Panel. Once complete install version 4.1.0. ********************************************************************** * Decision Support Loader Fixes * ********************************************************************** Release 4.1.0 Changes in the Tivoli Storage Management Decision Support Loader include: * Passwords are no longer displayed in the log file or the status window. * Deleted Informix and Sybase from the RDBMS Type Combo Box in advanced setup options form. * Fix problem with pruning tables for DB2. * Renamed the form "Data Source Setup" to "Reporting Database Setup". * Changed the button caption from data source to RDBMS on the main form. * Changed the upper limit on "Prune data older than..." from 365 to 9999. * Improved forecasting to handle null value for filespace name. * Modified the db2schema.sql file to fix comment error. Release 1.1.0 APAR# IC25447 The APAR corrects the default configuration file packaged with the Tivoli Storage Management Decision Support Loader. DLL Problem SmTds.dll, Version 1.1.1, is included with this release, fixing a pruning problem associated with version 1.1.0. ********************************************************************** * Tivoli Storage Management Decision Support Loader Installation * * and Configuration * ********************************************************************** 1. The TSM Decision Support Loader is designed to retrieve data from the TSM database via the TSM ODBC driver and populate one of following RDBMSs: DB2 5.2 MS SQL 7.0 Oracle 8.1.5 2. To install the TSM Decision Support Loader, execute the setup.exe on the root of the cdrom and select "Tivoli Storage Management Decision Support Loader". 3. Configure ODBC Data sources, found in Control Panel, for each TSM server and the RDBMS. 4. If you do not see the TSM ODBC driver in the ODBC Data Sources Drivers list, install the ODBC driver from the TSM client setup. 5. User must have access to TSM server(s) and one of the RDBMSs listed in step 3, each configured for TSM Decision Support Loader. 6. Run TSMDSL, located under Tivoli Decision Support in Program Files menu, and click on Cancel button before timer runs out. The Autostart feature allows unattended TSMDSL scheduling, e.g., use of the NT 'at' command (to see details type "help at" at the command line). To specify specific ini and log files from the command line or a batch file use the following example: AT COMMAND (for a 1 time schedule) ========== at 16:40 /interactive "c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\decision\auto.bat" AUTO.BAT (in same directory as TSMDSL.EXE) ======== c: cd \program files\tivoli\tsm\decision tsmdsl.exe -CONFIG=mssql.ini -LOG=log_mssql.htm tsmdsl.exe -CONFIG=db2.ini -LOG=log_db2.htm tsmdsl.exe -CONFIG=testdb.ini -LOG=log_testdb.htm pause exit 7. If the Decision Support Loader fails to initialize, install MS Active X Control Pad. This application contains a file which the Loader needs to operate. It is available from: http://www.microsoft.com. 8. Configure the Data source feature for the RDBMS installed for use with TSMDSL. 9. Configure Server List feature to include the TSM servers which user wants to collect data from. 10. Save the configuration file for future use by clicking on the "Save" button. 11. Log files may be viewed at any time via a web browser linked to the application directory, TSMLog.htm. ********************************************************************** * Install Latest Tivoli Storage Manager ODBC Driver * ********************************************************************** Install the ODBC driver packaged with TSM 4.1 client. ********************************************************************** * Install Latest Oracle ODBC Driver * ********************************************************************** ODBC driver shipped with Oracle 8.1.5 client has known problems. Install the Oracle 8.1.5 patch. 1. Navigate to the Oracle web site: http://www.oracle.com 2. From the Oracle home page click on downloads link 3. From the "Select a Utility or Driver" drop down box; select Oracle ODBC Drivers. 4. Click on the "version for Net8 Client (ODBC 3.51)" link 5. Accept the license agreements. 6. Download ora8155.exe to your system. 7. Double click the zip file ora8155.exe to expand the file into a local directory. 8. From the Start Programs menu select Oracle Installation Products, open the Oracle Universal Installer. 9. Use the browse feature to identify the directory where the Oracle files were extracted. 10. Select the products.jar file from this directory. 11. Continue the installation following the prompts. ********************************************************************** * Tivoli Decision Support for Storage Management Analysis guide * * items fixed in present & past releases * ********************************************************************** Release 4.1.0 Changes in the Tivoli Decision Support for Storage Management Analysis guide include: * A correction to the calculated column computing average filesize. This information is used by the reports built against the TSM Client Activity cube. * Update the reports for 10 fastest/slowest clients to reflect rolling 7 day period and improve ranking. * Update 10 graphical reports to fix minor display irregularities. Release 1.1.0 APAR# IC25448 The APAR improves report functionality for TDS version 2.1. ********************************************************************** * Known problems with TDS 2.1 core installation * ********************************************************************** Workarounds/Patches for the TDS 2.1 core product are available on the following ftp site: ftp://ftp.tivoli.com/support/patches/patches_2.1 Check for the latest core product release (version 2.1) for information: http://www.tivoli.com/support/storage_mgr/adsercli.htm As of this release, there are multiple patches required for installation. Additionally, ensure you have read and applied any recommendations from the TDS 2.1 readme file. The latest patch as of this readme is patch 3, and each one of the patches will need to be applied. ********************************************************************** * Using DB2 with Storage Management Analysis * ********************************************************************** If you will be using DB2 with Storage Management Analysis, do the following: After you have installed Tivoli Decision Support and setup DB2, open the "\Util\Tivoli Decision Support for Storage Management Analysis" folder. Execute swaprpts.bat to install the DB2 version of Crystal Reports. For a network installation, swaprpts.bat is in the shared data folder. ********************************************************************** * Crystal Report Limitation * ********************************************************************** In the Storage Management Analysis Release Notes, there is a section called "Using Crystal Reports" that describes how to enter date parameters for Crystal Reports. This is a workaround for a known date problem. See the hints section within the Discovery Interface for Crystal Report details. Additionally, the network installation of TDS may have difficulties with certain Crystal Reports. Do not use commas in the parameter fields for Crystal Reports. Wildcard (*) use is recommended. ******************************************************************** * Drill Through on Graphical Reports Limitation * ******************************************************************** On all the graphical reports in the Tivoli Decision Support for Storage Management Analysis guide the drill through option is highlighted on the Explore drop down menu. Reports not supporting this option will get a message "Unable to drill through to detail" and "Subscript out of range" when they try to use the option. Only the reports from the TSM Client Message and TSM Server Message cubes provide drill through data. The following reports support drill through: Summarize client messages issued by platform Summarize client messages by severity What day of week do peak client error rates occur? What time of day do peak client error rates occur? Summarize client messages issued by software level What are the top 10 client messages? Summarize server error messages by severity What day of week do peak server error rates occur? What time of day do peak server error rates occur? What are the top 10 server messages? ******************************************************************** * Graphical Reports Missing Categories in Legend and X-Axis * ******************************************************************** When the following reports first come up they may not display all the categories in a dimension for the legend or at the bottom of the report. To reset the data and display all categories select the dimension with that data from the dimension bar and drag it to the legend or the bottom axis of the report (make sure you have selected 'Dimension Line' from the View drop down menu for the report). Summarize client messages issued by platform Summarize client messages issued by software level What time of day do peak client error rates occur? What are the top 10 client messages? ********************************************************************* * Tivoli Storage Management Decision Support Loader Post Processing * ********************************************************************* Performance may be affected if the activate forecasting option is checked. Forecasting is not used in the 4.1.0 version of the guide, this function will be utilized in a future release. ********************************************************************** * Where to find documentation * ********************************************************************** The documentation for Tivoli Decision Support, Tivoli Decision Support For Storage Management Analysis, and Tivoli Storage Management Decision Support Loader is available in PDF format on the product CDROM and on the Tivoli Web site: http://www.tivoli.com/support/storage_mgr/pubs/admanual.htm You can view the PDF files with the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can download from the following Web site: http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html ********************************************************************** * CONTACTING THE TIVOLI SYSTEMS CUSTOMER SUPPORT CENTER * ********************************************************************** How to contact Tivoli Customer Support : ---------------------------------------- Note: Whenever contacting Tivoli Customer Support, please have your customer identification information available. · Access the Tivoli Customer Support home page at http://www.support.tivoli.com. After you link to and submit the customer registration form, you can access many customer support services on the World Wide Web. Refer to the Customer Support Handbook for a listing of Tivoli Customer Support services, hours of operation, and contact numbers. This handbook is available online at http://www.support.tivoli.com. · Send an e-mail to support@tivoli.com. · In the United States, call Tivoli Customer Support at 1-800-TIVOLI-8. · Outside the United States, refer to your Customer Support Handbook for a list of support numbers in your country. This handbook is available online at http://www.support.tivoli.com. ********************************************************************** TIVOLI(R) DECISION SUPPORT 2.1 Readme.txt (C) COPYRIGHT TIVOLI Systems, Inc. 2000 ============================================================ CONTENTS (01 February 2000) ============================================================ · How to Use This Document · Introduction · Documentation · Accessing the Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 Documentation · Installation · Patches · Troubleshooting, Software Defects, Limitations, and Workarounds · 2.1-TDS-0002 Patch · Updates for Tivoli Decision Support Discovery Guides · Patches · 2.1-TDS-0002 Patch Discovery Administrator, Discovery Client, and Tivoli Decision Support for Storage Management Analysis 1.1 · 2.1-TDS-0001 Patch Process Scheduler Service . 03 December 1999 · Updated Guides: · Tivoli Decision Support for Network Element Performance 1.0.1 · Tivoli Decision Support for Network Event Analysis 1.0.1 · Tivoli Decision Support for Network Segment Performance 1.0.1 · Tivoli Decision Support for Information Management 1.1.1 . 30 September 1999 · Tivoli Decision Support for Server Performance Prediction 1.0.1 - Distributed Monitoring Patches . 27 August 1999 · To View the .PDF Documentation, Download the Latest Version of Adobe Acrobat Reader · 21 JULY 1999 · DB2 Support · TDS for Event Management Version 1.0.1 · TDS for Software Deployment and Analysis Version 1.0.1 · 16 JUNE 1999 · Guide Cannot Be Installed · 07 MARCH 1999 · Scheduling Cube Builds (For Windows 95 and Windows 98) · Calculating Relative Dates in a Report · INTERSOLV Inc. ODBC Driver Version 3.01 for Sybase · Contacting the Tivoli Systems Customer Support Center ============================================================ HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ============================================================ · To view Readme.txt on screen in Notepad or WordPad, maximize the Notepad or WordPad window. You may need to activate the word wrap feature in WordPad by selecting Word Wrap on the Edit menu. · To print Readme.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, then select the Print command on the File menu. If you use another word processor, select the contents of the document, and format the text in 10 point Courier to ensure proper spacing in your printout. ============================================================ INTRODUCTION ============================================================ This Readme.txt file covers the following topics for Tivoli Decision Support: · What documentation to review before starting the the installation procedure · How to start the installation procedure · How to check for patches to Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 and to your Tivoli Decision Support discovery guides · Where to find a listing of the software defects, limitations, and workarounds · How to contact the Tivoli Systems Customer Support Center · Updates for Tivoli Decision Support Discovery Guides New features for Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 are described in the following documents that can be accessed from the Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 CD-ROM and as online documents after Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 has been installed on your machine: · Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 User's Guide · Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 Administrator's Guide · Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 Installation Guide · Release Notes for Tivoli Decision Support Version 2.1 · Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 Advanced Topics (This document will be available from the Tivoli Customer Support web site after 15 December 1999) For additional information, see the "Documentation" section of this readme.txt file. ============================================================ DOCUMENTATION ============================================================ Accessing the Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 Release Notes: -------------------------------------------------------- The Release Notes can be accessed in the following locations: The root folder of the CD-ROM: d:\Release_Notes.pdf The Tivoli Decision Support installation folder: d:\Program Files\Tds 2.1\Release_Notes.pdf Installing the Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0: ------------------------------------------------ Use the Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 to view the Release Notes. You can install the Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 by starting the Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 setup program on the Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 CD-ROM (d:\setup.exe) and selecting the Adobe Acrobat Reader checkbox using the procedures described in the Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 Installation Guide. You can also download the Adobe Acrobat Reader from www.adobe.com. Accessing the TDS 2.1 Product Documentation --------------------------------------------- The following TDS 2.1 product documentation (includes the Tivoli Discovery Administrator and the Tivoli Discovery Interface) can be accessed on your system after Tivoli Decision Support has been installed: Note: This document references several folders. The following are the default file paths for these folders: Your CD-ROM drive: The default - d:\ (where d is the letter of CD-ROM drive) The Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 installation folder: The default location - C:\Program Files\Tds 2.1 (where c:\Program Files\Tds 2.1 is the drive and folder on which you installed Tivoli Decision Support 2.1) =· Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 Installation Guide Filename on the CD-ROM: d:\Docs\Pdf\install.pdf (where d is the letter of CD-ROM drive) Filename on your machine: c:\Program Files\Tds 2.1\Docs\Pdf\install.pdf Description: Provides installation procedures for Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 and its components in stand-alone and network mode. =. Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 User's Guide Filename on the CD-ROM: d:\Docs\Pdf\install.pdf Filename on you machine: d:\Program Files\Tds 2.1\Docs\Pdf\user-gd.pdf Description: Describes TDS features, concepts, and provides procedures for using the TDS Discovery Interface. =· Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 Administrator Guide Filename on the CD-ROM: d:\Docs\Pdf\admin-gd.pdf Filename on your system: d:\Program Files\Tds 2.1\Docs\Pdf\admin-gd.pdf Description: Describes how to use the TDS Discovery Administrator. =· Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 Advanced Topics Download this document from the Tivoli Customer Support web site. Description: Describes how to use the TDS Discovery Administrator to customize cubes and reports. This document will be available from the Tivoli Customer Support web site after 15 December 1999. See the "How to contact Tivoli Systems Customer Support" section for additional information. =· Other Discovery Guides Filename on your system: d:\Program Files\Tds 2.1\Guide docs Note: The Release Notes for a guide are also provided in PDF format in the root directory of the CD-ROM on which the guide is delivered. You can also obtain copies of the release notes and the technical reference for Tivoli Decision Support discovery guides by navigating to the Tivoli Decision Support web site (http://www.support.tivoli.com) as described in the "How to contact Tivoli Systems Customer Support" section. Description: During the installation process for a Discovery Guide, the documentation is copied to your system. ============================================================ Installation ============================================================ Prerequisites: -------------- Before installing the Tivoli Decision Support product, review the installation prerequisites and procedures in the Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 Installation Guide: Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 CD-ROM: d:\Docs\PDF\Install.PDF It is recommended that this document be printed and used to guide you through the installation process. Patches ======= After installing Tivoli Decision Support 2.1, access the Tivoli Systems Customer Support web site by navigating to http://www.tivoli.com/support/patches as described in the "How to contact Tivoli Customer Support" section. Patch Readme.txt Files ---------------------- After navigating to the Tivoli Systems Customer Support web site, check to see if there are any patches for Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 that are applicable to your installation by reviewing the readme.txt file for each Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 patch. When a patch is installed, a readme file for the patch is delivered to the Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 installation folder (by default, C:\Program Files\TDS 2.1). The patch readme filename is based on the patch name and number (for example, the readme filename for the 2.1-TDS-0001 patch is "2.1-TDS-0001-README.txt"). =============================================================== Troubleshooting, Software Defects, Limitations, and Workarounds =============================================================== IMPORTANT: The Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 Release Notes provide a summary of important new features, any defects and workarounds, and changes to the product were not included in the bound documentation. Also refer to the Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 Installation Guide for detailed hardware and software requirements and detailed installation and configuration procedures. Refer to the "Documentation" section of this readme.txt file information on how to access this documentation on the Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 CD-ROM. 2.1-TDS-0001 Patch ------------------ For patch 2.1-TDS-0001 several files were removed from the Discovery Administrator and/or Discovery Interface installation directories ("C:\Program Files\TDS 2.1" by default for both components). These files have been removed because they are no longer needed once the patch is applied. However, removing these files causes an option in the Path Manager utility (PathManager.exe) to cease to function. The option on the Tools menu "Re-register MS DAO Library" will return the following error: "Unable to locate the file 'dao350.dll' on the TDS directory. File can not be re-registered." This option will be removed from the Path Manager utility in the next release of Tivoli Decision Support or in a future patch. ============================================================ UPDATES FOR TIVOLI DECISION SUPPORT DISCOVERY GUIDES ============================================================ Review this section before installing a Tivoli Decision Support Discovery Guide. -------- Patches -------- 2.1-TDS-0002 Patch ------------------ Install this patch after you have installed both Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 and Tivoli Decision Support 2.1-TDS-0001 Patch. Download and install on machines where you installed the Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 Discovery Administrator and/or the Discovery Client. Review 2.1-TDS-0002-Readme.txt for information on fixes made to all Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 program files. Check the readme.txt file included with this patch for details about any documentation updates that have been included with this patch. 2.1-TDS-0001 Patch ------------------ Install this patch after you have installed Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 and restarted your system. Download and install on machines where you installed the Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 Discovery Administrator and/or the Discovery Client. Review 2.1-TDS-0001-Readme.txt for information on fixes to the Discovery Administrator and Path Manager Utility (installed with the Discovery Administrator and the Discovery Interface). Set up the service based on the following configuration: · The machine on which you plan to run the service uses the Windows NT operating system, and you have installed Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 Discovery Administrator. · A user account has been created on the machine that is running the Discovery Administrator and the service. This user account allows the service to access the shared folder. When creating the user account, record the logon information for use in the following procedure: User name User password Domain name for the user Note: A domain name is required. Tip: Verify that the user you created has full access to the shared folder that contains Shared Data components. You may have to contact your system administrator for help setting up the share and creating the user. · The Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 Shared Data component is installed in a shared folder to which the service and the Tivoli Decision Support users have full access. To set up the Process Scheduler service: 1. Set up a user for the Process Scheduler service on the machine that is running the Discovery Administrator and the service. 2. Verify that the user you created in step 1 has full access to the shared folder that contains Shared Data components. Note: You may have to contact your system administrator for help setting up the share and creating the user 3. Navigate to the Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 installation folder. The default folder is C:\Program Files\TDS 2.1. 4. Double-click on the PathManager.exe icon. The Tivoli Decision Support Path Manager Utility v2.2 dialog box appears. 5. Verify the settings on the Paths tab. Specifically, verify the path specified in the SharedSourcePath Registry Key Value text box. This path, the location of the Shared data component, was set during the installation procedure. You can change the path if the shared data components have been moved or if you are using shared data from another installation. Note: The SharedSourcePath Registry Key Value setting can appear as a mapped drive or as a UNC path. 6. Click the Service Logon tab. The Logon tab is blank if the SharedSourcePath Registry Key Value setting points to a drive on the local machine. 7. Enter the user name, password, domain name, and share name in this tab, and press Apply. Note: If the SharedSourcePath Registry Key Value setting was a mapped drive, this setting is reset to a UNC path. 8. Start the Process Scheduler service. See "Starting and Stopping the Process Scheduler Service" on page 82 of the "Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 Administrator Guide". Check the readme.txt file included with this patch for details about any documentation updates that have been included with this patch. ----------------- 03 December 1999 ----------------- ============================================================ * IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR TIVOLI DECISION SUPPORT * NETVIEW AND INFOMAN DISCOVERY GUIDE CUSTOMERS ============================================================ · Review this information if you are installing any of the following Tivoli Decision Support discovery guides: · Tivoli Decision Support for Network Element Performance 1.0.1 · Tivoli Decision Support for Network Event Analysis 1.0.1 · Tivoli Decision Support for Network Segment Performance 1.0.1 · Tivoli Decision Support for Information Management 1.1.1 These discovery guides were updated and can now be used with Tivoli Decision Support 2.1. However, these discovery guides do not work with early versions of Tivoli Decision Support. The documentation delivered with these updated discovery guides refers to Tivoli Decision Support 2.0. Assume these references now apply to Tivoli Decision Support 2.1. Before using your guides, be sure to thoroughly review this Readme.txt file. ----------------- 30 September 1999 ----------------- Tivoli Decision Support for Server Performance Prediction (SPP) 1.0.1 - Distributed Monitoring Patches ------------------------------------------------------- Before using the SPP guide, you must install the DM patches and the DM Rollup Module provided in the following directory on the Tivoli Decision Support for SPP 1.0.1 CD-ROM: d:\Tivoli Distributed Monitor patches (where d: is the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive) The DM patch and DM Rollup Module patches include installation documentation. These documents are available in the patch subdirectories. -------------- 27 AUGUST 1999 -------------- To View the .PDF Documentation, Download the Latest Version of Adobe Acrobat Reader -------------------------------------------- If you encounter problems when opening the release notes or any other .PDF file that is delivered with a Tivoli Decision Support discovery guide or the Tivoli Decision Support product, you may have to download and install the latest version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Navigate to the Adobe web site (www.adobe.com), and download the latest version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader. ------------ 21 JULY 1999 ------------ Differences Between the 1.0 and 1.0.1 Releases of the Event Management Guide ------------------------------------------------------------- This release of the Event Management guide provides support for DB2. The DB2 version of the guide is installed by selecting the following installation option: [Tivoli Decision Support for Event Management (DB2 Only)] ----- Note: If you have already installed and are working with the 1.0 version of the Event Management guide that supports Sybase and Oracle, DO NOT reinstall the guide. ----- The 1.0 version of the Event Management guide that supports Sybase and Oracle HAS NOT BEEN CHANGED in the 1.0.1 release. The Sybase/Oracle version of the guide is installed by selecting the following installation option: [Tivoli Decision Support for Event Management] Updated Release Notes The Release Notes have also been updated to include the DB2 information. See the "Documentation" section of this readme.txt file for additional information. Differences Between the 1.0 and 1.0.1 Releases of the Software Deployment Analysis Guide ------------------------------------------------------------- This release of the Software Deployment Analysis guide provides support for DB2. The DB2 version of the guide is installed by selecting the following installation option: [Tivoli Decision Support for Software Deployment Analysis (DB2 Only)] ----- Note: If you have already installed and are working with the 1.0 version of the Software Deployment Analysis guide that supports Sybase and Oracle, DO NOT reinstall the guide. ----- The 1.0 version of the Software Deployment Analysis guide that supports Sybase and Oracle HAS NOT CHANGED in the 1.0.1 release. The Sybase/Oracle version of the guide is installed by selecting the following installation option: [Tivoli Decision Support for Software Deployment Analysis] If you have already installed the 1.0 version of the guide that supports Sybase and Oracle, do not reinstall the guide. Updated Release Notes The Release Notes have also been updated to include the DB2 information. See the "Documentation" section of this readme.txt file for additional information. ------------ 16 JUNE 1999 ------------ Guide Cannot Be Installed ------------------------- After installing TDS, the following message appears in a Severe message box when you attempt to install a guide: · Unable to find the registry entry for TDS. Guide cannot be installed! 1. Click OK to close the Severe message box, and exit the guide setup program. 2. Start the Tivoli Discover Administrator or the Tivoli Discovery Interface. The Choose Shared Source Path dialog box appears. 3. Type the file path to the TDS shared source files in Shared Source Path text box. OR Click Browse, and select the file path to the TDS shared source files. Note: Contact your system administrator for the location of the TDS shared source files. 4. Click OK. The Import Discovery Guide dialog box appears. 5. Click NO. The Add Data Source dialog box appears. 6. Click NO. The TDS application you started in Step 2 appears. 7. Exit the application. 8. Install the guide using the installation procedure described in the guide release notes. ------------- 07 MARCH 1999 ------------- Calculating Relative Dates in a Report -------------------------------------- The Date Range parameter for a cube determines the time period that you want to examine. This parameter uses explicit values, a start date and end date, or a calculated value (for example, the last three months and the last six months). The calculated values are relative to the current date. The current period for a TDS cube is set using one of the following methods: - Use the Date Range parameter and the _dt.txt to set the current period as shown in the following table: If the Date Range parameter is defined then the resulting date in the for a query using... _dt.txt is the... --------------------- ------------------------------- Explicit Date Range ----> End Date Calculated Values ----> Calculated End Date No Date Range Parameter in the Cube ----> Date the Cube is Built Note: is defined as the name of the cube that is being built - If you want to use the date in the _dt.txt as the current period, then you must create a new query in the cube model. This query must use the _dt.txt as a local data file. Also, the Set the current period option must be set only for this query. - Use the Date Range parameter, but do not use the _dt.txt . This selects only records between the specific start date and end date, and sets the current period to the most recent date in the data. - Do not use either the Date Range parameter or the _dt.txt. This selects all the records, and sets the current period to the most recent date in the data. - Use the _dt.txt, but do not use the Date Range parameter. This selects all the records, and sets the current period to the date of the current cube build. For more information on how to set the current period and select records, see the TDS Administrator Guide document. INTERSOLV Inc. ODBC Driver Version 3.01 for Sybase -------------------------------------------------- If you experience problems with the INTERSOLV ODBC driver version 3.01 for Sybase, contact Tivoli Customer Support, and request the updated INTERSOLV ODBC driver version 3.01 for Sybase. For more information about this issue, please contact Tivoli Customer Support by sending an email to support@tivoli.com or by visiting the Tivoli Customer Support web site at http://www.support.tivoli.com. Please be sure to include your customer identification information. ============================================================ CONTACTING THE TIVOLI SYSTEMS CUSTOMER SUPPORT CENTER ============================================================ How to contact Tivoli Customer Support : ---------------------------------------- Note: Whenever contacting Tivoli Customer Support, please have your customer identification information available. · Access the Tivoli Customer Support home page at http://www.support.tivoli.com. After you link to and submit the customer registration form, you can access many customer support services on the World Wide Web. Refer to the Customer Support Handbook for a listing of Tivoli Customer Support services, hours of operation, and contact numbers. This handbook is available online at http://www.support.tivoli.com. · Send an e-mail to support@tivoli.com. · In the United States, call Tivoli Customer Support at 1-800-TIVOLI-8. · Outside the United States, refer to your Customer Support Handbook for a list of support numbers in your country. This handbook is available online at http://www.support.tivoli.com. How to provide comments and suggestions about our documentation: ---------------------------------------------------------------- We at Tivoli are very interested in hearing from you about your experience with Tivoli products, documentation, and services. We welcome your suggestions for improvements. If you have comments or suggestions about our documentation, please send e-mail to pubs@tivoli.com.