IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client Application Program Interface, Version 5 Release 5 Level 1: Readme

Welcome to the IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager Version 5.5.1 Client Application Program Interface for Linux® fix pack.

This file contains information you need for using the base application program interface (API), as well as information that was not available for our printed publications.

The Application Program Interface can be used by either developers writing new applications which will send data to an IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server, or by users of these applications.

Users of an application should consult its documentation for specific usage information about the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager API modules and configuration.

© International Business Machines Corporation 1990, 2008. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.



The Tivoli Storage Manager application program interface (API) enables an application client to use storage management functions. The API includes function calls that you can use in an application to perform the following operations:

Update history

Client APARs fixed in this fix pack can be found in the following IBM Tivoli Storage Manager technote: APARs fixed in this fix pack

Client APARs fixed in Version 5.5 can be found in the following IBM Tivoli Storage Manager technote: APARs fixed in IBM Tivoli Storage Manager V5.5

Supported hardware and software
Detailed system requirements, including information about supported hardware and software, are available at

Getting started

This section contains information about warnings and installation instructions.


See the following document for important information about the Tivoli Storage Manager client API:

Installation information

See the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Quick Start Guide for installation instructions and important links. The Quick Start Guide is available on your Quick Start CD or download image.

For detailed installation instructions, see "Chapter 1. Installing Tivoli Storage Manager" in the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Backup-Archive Clients Installation and User's Guide.

Updates, limitations, and known problems

For more information on updates, limitations, and known problems:

Where to find documentation

The following types of documentation are available for this product:

Release Notes/README
The Release Notes/README (this document) is also available in English and in other languages on the Tivoli Storage Manager information center on the Web.

Quick Start Guide
The Tivoli Storage Manager Quick Start Guide is available on your Tivoli Storage Manager Quick Start CD or download image.

Client publications
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager client publications and Using the Application Program Interface book are available in softcopy Adobe® Acrobat Reader format (.pdf) and HTML (.htm) format on the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Quick Start CD. They are also available on the Tivoli Storage Manager information center at Tivoli Storage Manager Clients publications.

Problem Determination Guide
Use the Problem Determination Guide to look for a solution to a problem, or for recommended documentation to collect for use when talking with technical support.

Documentation on the Web
For the entire documentation library for all Tivoli Storage Manager products, visit the Tivoli Storage Manager information center on the Web.

You can also visit the Tivoli Storage Manager product support Web site for flashes (alerts from technical support), client requirements, server requirements, supported devices, manuals, and downloads. Search problem reports and other service information for topics of interest. Register at the site to use "My support" to create a customized support page for your use.

Contacting IBM Support

IBM Support provides assistance with product defects.

Before you submit your problem to IBM Support, ensure that your company has an active IBM software maintenance contract, and that you are authorized to submit problems to IBM. The type of software maintenance contract that you need depends on the type of product you have:
  • For IBM distributed software products (including, but not limited to, Tivoli, Lotus®, and Rational® products, as well as DB2® and WebSphere® products that run on Windows® or UNIX® operating systems), enroll in Passport Advantage® in one of the following ways:
  • If you have IBMLink™, CATIA, Linux, S/390®, iSeries®, pSeries®, zSeries, or another support agreement, go to the IBM Support Line Web site at
  • For IBM eServer™ software products (including, but not limited to, DB2 and WebSphere products that run in zSeries, pSeries, and iSeries environments), you can purchase a software maintenance agreement by working directly with an IBM sales representative or an IBM Business Partner. For more information about support for eServer software products, go to the IBM Technical Support Advantage Web site at

If you are not sure what type of software maintenance contract you need, call 1-800-IBMSERV (1-800-426-7378) in the United States. From other countries, click the Support Contacts geographic region on the IBM Software Support Handbook page at for phone numbers of people who provide support for your location.

For information about online user discussions of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, see "Internet" in the "About this book" section of the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Using the Application Program Interface.


For IBM trademark information, visit the IBM Copyright and Trademark information page.