Instructions for installing patch to correct Reporting and Monitoring 1. Do not apply this patch unless the Tivoli Storage Manager Monitoring Agent is at level 2. Download the fix file to all machines that are running a Tivoli Storage Manager Monitoring agent. Note that the agent may be running on either the Tivoli Storage Manager server, the Reporting and Monitoring server, or both. The fix file is named TSMCustomClient.jar, and is located at: Be certain to download the file in binary format Windows 3. Stop all monitoring agents: Start -> IBM Tivoli Monitoring -> Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services, right-click on all the monitoring agents and select stop. 4. Locate the reporting and monitoring installation directory. The default is C:\IBM 5. Rename, or otherwise save the \itm\TMAITM6\TSMCustomClient.jar file: 6. Copy or move the new downloaded TSMCustomClient.jar file into the \itm\TMAITM6\ directory. 7. Restart the monitoring agent. From the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window, right-click on all of the monitoring agents and select start. AIX and Linux 3. Locate the reporting and monitoring installation directory. The default directory is: /opt/tivoli/tsm/reporting/itm. 4. Stop all monitoring agents by running /bin/CandleManage. Right-click Monitoring Agent for Tivoli Storage Manager and select Stop Service. The next window presents the names of all configured agents. Select each agent and click the Stop Agent button. You can alternatively use the following command from a shell for each agent: /bin/itmcmd agent -o stop sk 5. Rename or otherwise save the //sk/bin/TSMCustomClient.jar file. - The value for for Linux is either li6243 or li6263. - The value for for AIX is one of aix523, aix526, aix533, or aix536. - To determine which to use, issue the "find -name TSMCustomClient.jar" command. 6. Copy or move the new downloaded TSMCustomClient.jar file into the //sk/bin/ directory. 7. Restart the monitoring agents using CandleManage. Right-click on all of the monitoring agents and select Start Service. You can alternatively use the following command from a shell for each agent: /bin/itmcmd agent -o start sk