IBM WebSphere Studio version 3.5 Fixpack 3 Release Notes

Last updated 03/20/01

These Release Notes provide information about known problems and considerations and possible solutions to these problems. Unless otherwise noted, these Release Notes pertain to the Entry, Professional, and Advanced Editions of Studio 3.5 Fixpack 3 (V3.5.3).

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Release Notes contents

  • Modifying the contentType attribute for JSP page directives
  • Known problems and considerations
  • Related information
  • Trademarks

    Modifying the contentType attribute for JSP page directives

    The JSP 1.1 specification requires that character encoding, other than ISO-8859-1, be specified in the contentType attribute of the JSP page directive. JSPs with DBCS content may not display properly without the correct contentType specified. In this fixpack, wizard generated JSP 1.1 files include the contentType attribute in the JSP page directive.

    The Studio wizards use the charset value of the configuration file (studiocodegencfg.xml) to assign the JSP page directive contentType value. The charset in the configuration file is defined as ISO-8859-1. If you require a different contentType value, you must edit the charset attribute in the studiocodegencfg.xml file. This file is located in the Studio bin directory.

    Note: The studiocodegencfg.xml file is the Studio wizard configuration file for generating JSPs. Before editing the studiocodegencfg.xml file, create a backup of it.

    To modify the contentType attribute of the JSP page directive for character encoding other than ISO-8859-1:

    1. Make a backup copy of the studiocodegencfg.xml file.
    2. Open the studiocodegencfg.xml file in a text editor such as NotePad.
    3. Replace the charset attribute value (line 3) with the character encoding value that you need, such as SHIFT_JIS for Japanese.
      Before modification:
      <studio-code-gen version="3.5" charset="ISO-8859-1">
      After modification:
      <studio-code-gen version="3.5" charset="SHIFT_JIS">
    4. Save your changes and close the text editor.

    Refer to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) site for common character encoding.


    Known problems and considerations

    Must define server for the current publishing stage when creating a WAR file

    Before creating a Web Archive file or a Web Configuration Descriptor file, you must specify a server for the current publishing stage. Failure to define a server can result in Studio crashing. However, this will not corrupt your files. Refer to the Create Web Archive (WAR) files topic under the How to section of the Studio Guide for more information.

    Installing and using Studio

    Do not install Studio 3.5 in same directory as an earlier version of Studio

    Do not install Studio version 3.5 in the same directory as Studio 3.0x. If you do, the earlier version of Studio will not work.

    Installing Studio on Windows 95

    Some older video drivers cause Studio to crash on Windows 95. If you experience a crash using Studio or any of its tools on Windows 95, update your video device driver to the latest version. Some older video device drivers return invalid information that causes Studio to crash.

    Creating new projects, folders, and files

    Cannot create a project in the root directory

    If you create a project in the root directory of your operating system, you will have problems with many of the Studio functions, such as compiling, moving files, and using the wizards. Be sure you put your projects in a directory (or folder) beneath the root.

    Cannot have @ symbol in a folder name

    When creating or renaming folders, do not use the @ symbol in the folder name. If you want to import a site that uses this symbol in a folder name, rename the folder before importing the site to avoid problems.

    Importing Web sites

    You cannot import Web sites from behind a firewall without SOCKS-ified TCP/IP connection. If your computer resides behind a firewall, you might not be able to use the Import wizard to import a Web site from the World Wide Web unless you have SOCKS installed on your computer.

    Installing Page Detailer on Windows 95

    Advanced Edition: Page Detailer requires WinSock2 on Windows 95

    On Windows 95, Page Detailer not only requires Internet Explorer, it also requires WinSock2. You will not be able to install Page Detailer on Windows 95 unless these software products are in already on your system.

    You can get WinSock2 at this Microsoft web site.

    Issues for non-English languages

    Java compiler messages are in English

    When you are compiling Java files in a Studio project whose properties are set for Application Server version 3.5 (on the Project Properties Advanced tab), the Java compiler messages will be in English for all language locales except Japanese.

    Japanese: Find tab for Help Topics missing on some operating systems

    In the Japanese version of Studio 3.5 on Windows 95 and Windows 98, the Find tab is missing from the Help Topics dialog. You will not be able to search for specific words or phrases in help topics. Use the Contents or Index tabs instead.

    Japanese: Cannot use Microsoft IME when you first start the SQL wizard

    When you start the SQL wizard, the Microsoft IME interface is disabled. Move your input focus to the IME window to re-enable it, so that you can use it to enter Japanese characters in the SQL name field.

    Studio and operating system must be same language for consistent text

    When Studio is installed in a different language than the operating system, you might see text in some windows that has not been translated. The non-translated text is being generated by the operating system, not by Studio. To avoid this, ensure that both Studio and the operating system are in the same language. For example, if you install French Studio 3.5 on a French Windows 2000 system, all the text in all the windows will be French.

    Simplified Chinese, Advanced Edition: IBM Distributed Debugger has duplicate menu items

    In the Simplified Chinese Advanced Edition, both the Distributed Debugger Start menu items appear in both English and Chinese.

    Bidirectional language support considerations

    User and Content Wizards considerations

    The User and Content Wizards do not support bidirectional text for table names and column names. If the table name contains Arabic or Hebrew text, the wizards will not create the .hrf and Java class files. If you select column names that contain Arabic or Hebrew text, the wizards will generate error messages. You may have bidirectional data within the table, but you cannot have bidirectional text in table names and column names.

    WebArt Designer and AnimatedGif Designer considerations

    WebArt Designer and AnimatedGif Designer do not fully support bidirectional text.

    Page Designer considerations

    Migration considerations

    Migrating Studio projects

    All files must be checked in before migrating a project

    Ensure that all the files in a Studio 3.0 project are checked in prior to opening it in Studio 3.5. Studio 3.5 automatically attempts to migrate it for you. Links in files that are not checked in might not migrate correctly. If this happens, you can correct the links by checking the migrated file out and then checking it back in again.

    Studio 3.5, Advanced Edition: Migration for projects in a version control system might be slow

    The migration process checks all project files out of the version control system (VCS) and then checks them back in again. This slows the migration process for projects in a VCS.

    Migrating Studio-generated servlets

    Migrating servlets generated for Application Server version 3.0

    Because of the changes in the Application Server 3.5 connection pooling, if you used the Studio wizards to generate servlets to run on WebSphere Application Server version 3.0, you will need to modify and recompile them in order to run them on WebSphere Application Server version 3.5.

    1. Follow the instructions to modify the code that are provided in the Studio Guide topic Tell me about...Migrating Application Server 3.0 code.
    2. Set the Application Server version in the Advanced Page of the Studio Project Properties dialog to 3.5.
    3. Recompile your .java files.

    You must also ensure that the DataSource identified in the corresponding .servlet file is defined to IBM WebSphere Application Server 3.5. See your IBM WebSphere Application Server 3.5 documentation for additional considerations for migrating your servlets.

    Migrating servlets generated for Application Server version 2.0

    The database servlets generated by any version of IBM WebSphere Studio, for deployment on IBM WebSphere Application Server 2.0x use the connection manager from IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 2.0x. These servlets should continue to work in the Application Server Version 3.5 environment. However, it is recommended that you update these servlets to use the newer connection pooling model. See the IBM WebSphere Application Server 3.5 documentation for guidance on how to migrate these servlets.

    Studio Wizards

    Database connection problems from Applet Designer

    If you are having problems connecting to a database, particularly from Applet Designer, replace the occurrences of in Studio with the version shipped with DB2. This will ensure that you are using the correct classes for your version of DB2.

    Studio includes in:

    Wizards do not support Japanese project names

    When the project name is Japanese text, the database wizards report XML errors and output files are not created. This problem is confined to the project name; other files may have Japanese names.

    Restrictions for database table or column names with embedded spaces

    If your database tables have spaces in the column or table names and you use them in the SQL wizard, there are restrictions on how you can use the resulting SQL statement in the Database wizard: Do not create servlets using the JSP model. They will not execute properly. Instead, choose the Servlet model and manually edit the SQL statement in the resulting file and put double quotes around ALL occurrences of the table name and any column names associated with that table.

    For example, if your table was named Emp Info and had a column named ssn, your file might contain the following statement:
    SELECT Emp Info.ssn FROM Emp Info.

    You would need to edit that statement and change it to:
    SELECT "Emp Info"."ssn" FROM "Emp Info".

    Restrictions accessing SQL Server database in the SQL wizard

    Using the Sun JDBC-ODBC driver to access a SQL Server database returns invalid java.sql.types. As a result, you might get errors with the select, insert, update,delete statements. Either specify another driver to access the data base, or edit the SQL file created by the SQL wizard and change the return data types to the correct values (as documented in java.sql.types).

    Cannot use Studio 3.0 SQL file in Studio 3.5 SQL wizard

    Due to changes in the Studio 3.5 SQL wizard, you cannot use it to modify an SQL file created by the Studio 3.0 SQL wizard. You can, however, use a Studio 3.0 SQL file in the Studio 3.5 Database wizard.

    Limitation for omitting schema name from tables on SQL wizard Review page

    If you do not want to include the schema name on the tables in your SQL statement and the schema name differs from the DB2 userid you logged in with, you cannot use the checkbox on the Review page to do it. You will have edit the SQL statement on that page and remove them manually.

    Studio samples

    Cannot use an apostrophe or single quotation (') in Poll question

    In the StudioSample project, when you are configuring the database, you are prompted for a Yes/No question for the Poll sample. You cannot use an apostrophe or single quotation mark (') in this question. If you do, you will get an error trying to create the sample database.

    Studio samples have links that appear to be broken

    The Studio sample archive files contain links that appear to be broken in the Relations view or the Project Integrity Report. These include:

    These are due to limitations in the Studio link parser. The know "broken" links are documented in the comments on each sample's Project properties page (right-click the project icon and select Properties from the menu).

    When the Studio samples are published, these links will work.

    Personalization considerations

    Rules and resources used in more than one webapp need to be on the Application Server's classpath

    Personalization rules and resources are enterprise-wide entities and can be shared by many webapps. If you want to share rules and resources across webapps, ensure that the rules and resources .class files are published to a location on the Application Server that is on its system classpath (for example, c:\WebSphere\AppServer\servlets).

    Rules that reference resource classes in JAR files appear as broken links

    Studio attempts to make an association between Personalization rules and the resource classes they reference. These links are displayed in the Relations view. When a Personalization rule references a resource that is encapsulated in a JAR file, Studio cannot find the Class file and the link appears to be broken. The rules and their resources will still function properly when published.

    Page Designer considerations

    Creating complex JavaServer Pages (JSPs) with Page Designer

    Page Designer is a 'JSP-aware' HTML editor that has both visual (WYSIWYG) and textual (source) modes. It is possible for you to create reasonably complex pages that contain JSP and HTML entirely in the visual mode, without ever manually creating a scriptlet. However, JSP is quite powerful and there are endless possibilities of server-side logic that you can include using the textual mode. While pages that contain complex HTML and JSP might produce valid HTML at runtime, it is not always possible for Page Designer to parse these statements and you might not get the results you expected.

    When coding complex pages, try to group items using single and double quotes where these are acceptable within the corresponding HTML. Following are some coding examples that can be properly handled by Page Designer and other WYSIWYG editors.

    1. <SELECT name='<%= products.getAttribute("Name") %>'>

      (note the use of single quotes)

    2. <INPUT type="radio" <% if (fremdStatus.getStatus().equals("inArbeit")) out.println("checked"); %> name="fremdStatus" value="inArbeit" >
      <% if (fremdStatus.getStatus()Equals("inArbeit")) { %>
         <INPUT type="radio" checked name="fremdStatus" value="inArbeit">
      <% } %>
      <% else { %>
         <INPUT type="radio" name="fremdStatus" value="inArbeit">
      <% } %>

    3. <% String disabled = "";
      if (status.equals("anzeigen")) {
        disabled = " DISABLED";
            } %>
          <INPUT size="20" type="text" name="vnr" <%= disabled %> >
          <% if (disabled.equals("")) { %>
            <INPUT size="20" type="text" name="vnr">
              <% } %>
          <% else { %>
            <INPUT size="20" type="text" name="vnr" DISBLED>
          <% } %>

    Page Designer menu item has erroneous notation

    In some languages, the choice for inserting a division "Inset => Others => Style Container(DIV)" has ellipses following it (...). These dots indicate that a dialog will open. There is no dialog for this action. The division is added to your file at your cursor position.

    Do not rename or move rollover images to another directory

    If you insert a rollover image into an HTML or JSP file, Studio will maintain the links unless you rename or move the images to another directory. If you rename the rollover images or move the rollover image to another directory, the JavaScript, mouseover, and mouseout paths will be blank. Renaming or moving rollover images, may result in application errors.

    If you must move your rollover images, you should first remove the images from your HTML and JSP files. After you have moved the images, insert the rollover images back into your HTML and JSP files.

    Installing and using XML Creation Tools

    JDK 1.2.2 is required for XML Creation Tools

    When you install the IBM XML Creation Tools that are on the Studio 3.5 CD, you will be prompted for the location of the JDK 1.2.2. You can use the one shipped with Studio3.5 in the \bin directory.

    DB2 is required for Visual XML Creator

    If you want to use the Visual XML Creator, you must install DB2.


    Default publishing targets for localhost servers

    WebSphere Studio will resolve the document root for a localhost server the first time it is needed. Once Studio has initially detected the document root, it will not look for it again. Using the registry key locations, Studio resolves the document root for servers in the following search order:

    If a new version of the server has been installed, Studio may not be able to find the document root. In the event that Studio cannot locate the server htdocs subdirectory, you must enter the directory manually.

    To define publishing targets for a specific server:

    1. From the main menu, select View => Publishing.
    2. Right-click the server icon.
    3. Select Properties from the menu.
    4. On the Publish tab, click Define Publishing Targets.


    Preview function does not work correctly with <goto next> tag

    If you have a <goto next=#ID> tag in your VoiceXML code, after editing the file and saving it, the 'goto' links do not function correctly when the file is previewed (by selecting 'Preview File With' from the Tools menu or the pop-up context menu).

    Instead, to verify your code, check in and publish all your VoiceXML files and test the published versions.

    Cannot preview Macromedia .dcr files unless the Macromedia plug-in viewer is registered

    If your projects have Macromedia files with a .dcr extension in your project, you will not be able to preview them unless you associate this extension with the correct Macromedia plug-in viewer. You must make this association in the Microsoft Windows operating system. Refer to the Macromedia Product Support web site for more information.

    JSP considerations

    PARAM tags inside JSP 0.91 BEAN tags appear as broken links

    Due to changes in Studio 3.5 link parsing, PARAM tags inside JSP 0.91 BEAN tags are now assumed to be broken links in the Relations view and in the Project Integrity Report. This does not affect their function when they are published.

    Considerations for AS/400 and OS/390 systems

    Problem extracting archive files

    Do not attempt to extract an archive file from a mapped AS/400 drive. Copy the archive file to your local drive before attempting to open it.

    Running Studio Samples on an AS/400 or OS/390 system

    The Studio Sample projects do not run properly on AS/400 and OS/390 systems. The database setup servlet is not properly configured for the AS/400 and OS/390 environment.

    Version control systems

    Version control systems not supported by Studio might appear in your Studio directories

    WebSphere Studio supports the following version control systems through Microsoft's Common Source Code Control (SCC) Interface:

    During installation Studio searches your system for any and all version control systems. If you have an unsupported version control system installed on your system, such as Lotus Domino Content Manager or Web Content Library, it might appear in the Studio directory structure even though it is not supported by Studio.

    With Rational ClearCase, you need to set the check-out folder to the ClearCase view

    When you add a Studio project to the Rational ClearCase version control system, you must set the local check-out folder to the ClearCase view. The setting for the local check-out folder is on the General tab of the Preferences dialog (select Preferences from the Studio Tools menu).

    Studio documentation

    Limitations when viewing Studio documentation in Netscape Navigator

    Some Studio HTML documentation, such as the Studio Guide and the Applet Designer Guide, use a Java applet to manage the table of contents in the left-hand frame. When you view these documents in a Netscape navigator browser, the left-hand frame will not resize correctly when the window is maximized or the frame is made wider. This is a limitation of Netscape Navigator.

    Search limitations

    The Studio Guide uses a Java applet to manage the search function. All browsers may not support this search applet.

    ReadMe documents incorrect minimum memory requirement

    ReadMe incorrectly states that the minimum memory requirement is 256MB. The actual requirement is 96MB.

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