i-fix Name: PK49726 Problem Summary: When creating a new URL in the Manage Pages portlet the operation times out if there are an extremely large number of pages in the subtree of a selected top-level page. Detailed Problem Description: When the user selects the top-level page as they navigate to locate the page they wish their new URL to point to the operation times out if there are an extremely large number of pages in the subtree of a selected top-level page. Problem Analysis: When creating URLs in the Manage Pages portlet, after clicking the New URL button the user is presented with a page that has two drop-down lists. The first drop-down shows the top-level pages in the system. The second drop-down shows all the bookmarkable children of the selected top-level page (eg. Home). When the user selects a different top-level page the form is submitted and re-displayed with the bookmarkable children of the newly selected top-level node. In order to implement this UI the TopPageComboTag class in the properties.war file must examine each and every child of the top-level node testing to see if it is a bookmarkable page. As one might imagine when there are 20K - 30K pages that are children of the home page the performance of this implementation becomes rather prohibitive and the request times out. Failing Module: Properties.war Problem Solution: A configurable parameter has been added to the Page Properties portlet to allow customers who encounter this problem navigate the subtree is such a way that the entire subtree need not be accessed at once during the navigation. The user interface is similar to that of the Manage Pages portlet when the administrator navigates to a particular page to operate on it. Only bookmarkable pages are selectable in the user interface although other pages are shown for navigation purposes. This user interface is available in English only. See installation instructions below for details on how to enable the new user interface. Once enabled the drop down lists for internal URLs in the Page Properties portlet is replaced by a link whose text is "Select a bookmarkable page". Click this link to get to the new navigation interface. You can navigate thru the pages. or use the search dialog to locate the desired page. After navigating to the page you wish the new URL to refer to, click the "Select" link at the right to select the page. You will see a checkmark in the "Selected" column. You can change your selection by selecting another page. Click the Done button when you are finished. Affected Users: Customers who create URLs to pages in a top-level subtree that has an extremely large number of pages. Requisites: PK39948 Platform Specific: No Fix pack: This fix will be integrated into WP V6.0.1.1. It is anticipated that the user interface will be translated into other languages in WP V6.0.2. Installation Steps: NOTE: YOU MUST FIRST DOWNLOAD THE UPDATE INSTALLER TOOL IN ORDER TO INSTALL A FIX. The Portal Update Installer can be downloaded from the following link: http://www.ibm.com/software/genservers/portal/support 1. Create temporary "fix" directory to store the jar file. 2. Copy jar file to this directory. 3. Shutdown WebSphere Portal. 4. Ensure the pre-requisite fix(es) are installed. 5. Follow the fix installation instructions that are packaged with the Portal Update Installer on how to install a fix. NOTE: You must also ensure all pre-requisite fix(es) are installed. If you do not, the Portal Update Installer will fail and will list the missing pre-requisite fix(es). 6. Restart WebSphere Portal. 7. Note that this iFix provided new war file(s): /installableApps/Properties.war 8. To install the admin portlets listed above, -- start portal server -- logon as wpsadmin -- click on Administration -- click on Portlets -- click on Manage Applications -- update the existing Properties.war with the new one in the installableApps directory -- to enable the new user interface -- Click Administration -> Portlets. -- Search for or navigate to the Page Properties portlet. -- Click the configure (wrench) icon -- Click the edit (pencil) icon for the selectBookmarkablePagesOnIndividualJSP parameter -- Type true in the value field and click OK -- Click OK -- Restart the portal server, failure to do so will result in a portlet unavailable message when editing a page's properties. Un-Installation Steps: NOTE: FIXES MUST BE REMOVED IN THE ORDER THEY WERE APPLIED. DO NOT REMOVE A FIX UNLESS ALL FIXES APPLIED AFTER IT HAVE FIRST BEEN REMOVED. YOU MAY REAPPLY ANY REMOVED FIX. 1. Shutdown WebSphere Portal. 2. Follow the instructions that are packaged with the Portal Update Installer on how to uninstall a fix. 3. Restart WebSphere Portal. 4. Repeat step 8 above to restore the previous version of the portlet.