To update the Web Clipping portlet for V6.0.x the following components and jars have to be installed and updated: WebResourceServlet.war WebPortlets.war wp.ap.web.common.jar wp.wrs.common.jar Copy all of these components to a temp directory on the server and follow the instructions below for each component. This procedure must be repeated for each server in a cluster environment. Web Resource servlet This is a WAS servlet which must be updated via the WAS admin console. -From the admin console follow the Applicatons->Enterprise Applications tabs . -Scroll in the list of applications to the entry for the WebResourceServlet.war. -Check the box next to the application and select the "Stop" button at the top of the page to stop the application. -Select the "Update" button at the top of the page. -From the update panel, select the "Local file system" radio button and browse to find the WebResourceServlet.war file in the temp directory. -Fill in the "Context root" field with /wps/wprs. -On the "Map modules to servers" panel and the "Map virtual hosts for Web modules" panel, check the Select box before selecting Next. -Select the Next button for all subsequent panels and take the defaults for all fields. -On the final page select the Finish button. -The next page should display "Message Application WebResourceServlet.war installed successfully". -Save to the master configuration. -Scoll in the list of applications to the entry for the WebResourceServlet.war. -Check the box next to the application and select the "Start" button at the top of the page to restart the application. Web Clipping portlet -From the Portal Server console follow the Administration->Portlet Management->Web Modules tabs. -Find the WebPortlets.war in the list of modules. -On the right select the second button to update the web module. -From the update panel, browse to find the WebPortlets.war file in the temp directory. -Select the Next button and you should see the Web Clipping HTML Template and the Web Clipping Editor in the list of portlets. -Select the Finish button. -The next page should display the message stating that the portlet has been updated successfully. Jar files -Stop the portal server. -Copy all of the jars listed above from the temp directory to the /shared/app directory. -Restart the portal server.