i-fix Name: PK32457 Problem Summary: Allow PrincipalInformations to be cached Detailed Problem Description: Currently, a new Principal information object is created each time it is referenced by a object. For pages with many menus and/or navigators, this can result in hundreds of PIs being created for a single request. They should be cached, and this user cache can be configurable by the wcm config Problem Analysis: PrincipalInformations were getting created each time a user was retrieved from the JCR. Failing Module: WCM - Web Content Management (General) Problem Solution: A PrincipalInformationManager was added to provide a caching mechanism for the PrincipalInformation objects. This is off by default and can be enabled in: [wps root]/wcm/shared/app/config/wcmservices/WCMConfigService.properties # This cache will hold the user objects in WCM user.cache.enable = true A new utility module 'MemberCacheManagerModule' has also been provided with this iFix to enable the manual flushing of the Principalnformation Cache. As the only way to flush the cache is either to restart the server OR run this module, its recommended that this module be configured before the cache is enabled. To configure the Utility Module, modify the WCMConfigService.properties file as follows: 1. Add the following lines to the end of the file: connect.businesslogic.module.membercachemanager.class=com.presence.connect.wmmcomms.MemberCacheManagerModule connect.businesslogic.module.membercachemanager.remoteaccess=true connect.businesslogic.module.membercachemanager.autoload=false 2. Add the following text to the end of the 'connect.businesslogic.module' property: ,membercachemanager To run the Utility Module, enter the following URL: http://[HOT]:[PORT]/wps/wcm/myconnect/?MOD=MemberCacheManager&command=flush Affected Users: All Users Requisites: pre-requisite Portal Component: WCM GA build 298.0 pre-requisite interim fixes: PK30057, PK31330, PK32244, PK31686, PK31598, PK31637 (these also pre-req: PK31933, PK31335, PK31363) co-requisites: PK32538(Administration Portlet), PK32541(Local Rendering Portlet), PK32544(Remote Rendering Portlet) Platform Specific: No Fix pack: This fix will be integrated into WP v6.0.1 Installation Steps: NOTE: YOU MUST FIRST DOWNLOAD THE UPDATE INSTALLER TOOL IN ORDER TO INSTALL A FIX. The Portal Update Installer can be downloaded from the following link: http://www.ibm.com/software/genservers/portal/support Preparation: If you have changed the CellName from the default values during the installation of Portal, you would need to also update this change in the [WPS_ROOT]\config\wpconfig.properties file. If you have not changed the default CellName value during the Portal installation, you can skip this step, and continue. - Go to [WPS_ROOT]\config\wpconfig.properties - Search for the "CellName=" field - Change the CellName to point to what you have changed it too, during the installation. Install: - Create a temporary "fix" directory to store the jar file. - Copy jar file to this directory. - Shutdown WebSphere Portal. - Ensure the pre-requisite fix(es) are installed. - Follow the fix installation instructions that are packaged with the Portal Update Installer on how to install a fix. NOTE: If a pre-requisite fix is not installed, the Portal Update Installer will fail and will list the missing pre-requisite fix(es). - Run [WPS_ROOT]\config\WPSconfig.bat|sh update-wcm -DPortalAdminPwd=password - Stop and Restart the WebSphere Portal Server. Refer to the "Maintaining the cluster" section of the Portal Information Center for information on installing fixes in clustered environments while maintaining continuous availability of your Portal. Note: If you are tryng to deploy the ifix on a horizontal cluster, Before you run the portal update installer, please take note of the cell name of your deployment manager. You can get the cell nameby going to the deployment manager machine, open /profiles//config/cell//cell.xml and there will be a field indicating the cellname. (by default its called servernameCell01) For each node you are applying the ifix too, you need to: - Go into /config/ - Open up wpconfig.properties - Search for the properties Field "CellName=" - Change it to point to the deployment manager's cellname. i.e. "CellName=DeploymentManagerCell" Un-Installation Steps: NOTE: FIXES MUST BE REMOVED IN THE ORDER THEY WERE APPLIED. DO NOT REMOVE A FIX UNLESS ALL FIXES APPLIED AFTER IT HAVE FIRST BEEN REMOVED. YOU MAY REAPPLY ANY REMOVED FIX. - Shutdown WebSphere Portal. - Follow the instructions that are packaged with the Portal Update Installer on how to uninstall a fix. - Run [WPS_ROOT]\config\WPSconfig.bat|sh update-wcm -DPortalAdminPwd=password - Stop and Restart the WebSphere Portal Server. Refer to the "Maintaining the cluster" section of the Portal Information Center for information on installing fixes in clustered environments while maintaining continuous availability of your Portal. Note: If you are tryng to deploy the ifix on a horizontal cluster, Before you run the portal update installer, please take note of the cell name of your deployment manager. You can get the cell nameby going to the deployment manager machine, open /profiles//config/cell//cell.xml and there will be a field indicating the cellname. (by default its called servernameCell01) For each node you are applying the ifix too, you need to: - Go into /config/ - Open up wpconfig.properties - Search for the properties Field "CellName=" - Change it to point to the deployment manager's cellname. i.e. "CellName=DeploymentManagerCell" DISCLAIMER: This fix has received limited testing only and has not undergone IBM's complete quality assurance process. It is therefore recommended that it be tested in a testing environment before applying it to a working (authoring, production/live) system. You should always backup your data before installing a fix or fixpack.