i-fix Name: PK33935 Problem Summary: Administrators are unable to set the default search option on the Manage Users and Groups portlet. Detailed Problem Description: There is no way to establish the default search type for the Manage Users and Groups portlet. The default is always 'User Groups'. This is incovenient when administrators normally search for users. Problem Analysis: This is a request for new function that is being added via APAR. Failing Module: wp.ap.manageprincipals, ManagePrincipals.war Problem Solution: A new portal setting 'searchType' is exploited by the Manage Users and Groups portlet to allow the customer to set the default search to 'Users', instead of 'User Groups' for all administrators. This setting only takes effect at the start of the adminstrators session and the selection is then remembers as it changes, as is done prior to the installation of this APAR fix. At the start of a new session it again reverts to the default setting that is specified.. Affected Users: Any customer who wishes to exploit this new function Requisites: None Platform Specific: No Fix pack: This fix will be integrated into WebSphere Portal V6.0.1 Installation Steps: Example: NOTE: YOU MUST FIRST DOWNLOAD THE UPDATE INSTALLER TOOL IN ORDER TO INSTALL A FIX. The Portal Update Installer can be downloaded from the following link: http://www.ibm.com/software/genservers/portal/support 1. Create temporary "fix" directory to store the jar file. 2. Copy jar file to this directory. 3. Shutdown WebSphere Portal. 4. Ensure the pre-requisite fix(es) are installed. 5. Follow the fix installation instructions that are packaged with the Portal Update Installer on how to install a fix. NOTE: You must also ensure all pre-requisite fix(es) are installed. If you do not, the Portal Update Installer will fail and will list the missing pre-requisite fix(es). 6. Restart WebSphere Portal. 7. Note that this iFix provided new war file(s): /installableApps/ManagePrincipals.war 8. To install the admin portlets listed above, -- start portal server -- logon as wpsadmin -- click on Administration -- click on Portlet Management -- click on Web Modules -- update the existing ManagePrincipals.war with the new one in the installableApps directory 9. To configure the searchType setting -- logon as wpsadmin -- click on Administration -- click on Portlet Management -- click on Portlets -- click on Manage Users and Groups in the list box -- click the Configure Portlet icon (wrench) -- edit the value of searchType setting to 'users' to change the default search type from User groups to users. Any other value will cause the default search type to be 'User Groups' as today. The value is NOT case sensitive. -- click the OK button. -- click the OK button. -- log out and then login again as wpsadmin. You should see the new default search type take affect when using the Manage Users and Groups portlet. Un-Installation Steps: NOTE: FIXES MUST BE REMOVED IN THE ORDER THEY WERE APPLIED. DO NOT REMOVE A FIX UNLESS ALL FIXES APPLIED AFTER IT HAVE FIRST BEEN REMOVED. YOU MAY REAPPLY ANY REMOVED FIX. 1. Shutdown WebSphere Portal. 2. Follow the instructions that are packaged with the Portal Update Installer on how to uninstall a fix. 3. Restart WebSphere Portal. 4. Update the ManagePrincipals.war file from the installableApps subdirectory which now contains the previous version of the .war file that was there.