IBM OMNIFIND DISCOVERY EDITION, VERSION 8.4 FIX PACK 4: README (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005, 2008. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. INSTALLATION COMPONENTS Fix Pack 4 provides fixes to problems listed at the end of this readme for the following components: o IBM(R) OmniFind(TM) Discovery Edition, Version 8.4 (main product) o Documentation (Commerce Module User's Guide and Reference Guide) o Layout Editor component of the Management Console o WebSphere(R) Information Integrator Content Edition connector o WebSphere Commerce integration o WebSphere Portal integration o Lotus Notes connector o Ad Hoc Reporting Module PREREQUISITES You must install IBM OmniFind Discovery Edition Version 8.4 before installing this fix pack. To install the WebSphere Commerce integration for the first time, you must copy the file from the IBM Commerce Module for OmniFind Discovery Edition, Version 8.4 (CD or electronic distribution) before you install Fix Pack 4. See here for instructions: INSTALLING THE FIX PACK 1) Stop any processes that are running under the OmniFind Discovery Edition 8.4 installation directory. 2) Back up all files in the OmniFind Discovery Edition 8.4 installation directory. It is not necessary to back up the "deployment" subdirectory; this directory is not affected by the fix pack installation. 3) Download the appropriate setup file for your operating system: o setup_aix_ODE84_fp4.bin (for IBM AIX(R)) o setup_linux_ODE84_fp4.bin (for Linux(R)) o setup_sunos_ODE84_fp4.bin (for Sun Solaris) o setup_win32_ODE84_fp4.exe (for Microsoft(R) Windows(R)) 4) Run the setup program to install the fix pack. Select "Basic" to update OmniFind Discovery Edition 8.4 and documentation. Select "Custom" to update any of the following components: o Layout Editor o WebSphere Information Integrator Content Edition connector o WebSphere Commerce integration o WebSphere Portal integration o Lotus Notes connector See the sections below for instructions on updating each component. 5) To verify that the installation was successful, run the iphrase version command in the OmniFind Discovery Edition installation directory. The version number should be 8.4.8554. 6) The fix pack contains updates to the information center. If you ran a search in the information center before you installed the fix pack, you must re-index the information center. Delete the "" directory that is located in the \ibm_infocenter\eclipse\configuration directory. The next time that you search the documentation, the information center will build a new search index that includes the updated information. UPDATING THE LAYOUT EDITOR The following sections provide instructions for updating the Layout Editor on Apache Tomcat and WebSphere Application Server. To update the Layout Editor on Apache Tomcat: 1. Back up the \webapps\ode directory. 2. Undeploy the OmniFind Discovery Edition Web application in Tomcat (see Tomcat documentation for instructions). 3. Shut down Tomcat. 4. Run the Fix Pack 4 installation wizard and select the following options: o Custom o Turbo Packs > Layout Editor o Existing Tomcat Specify the Tomcat home directory. For more information, see: 5. Start Tomcat. 6. If you customized the Layout Editor before installing Fix Pack 4, you must manually port your customizations into the fix pack version. Use a file comparison tool to identify the differences between JSP and property files in the "ode" directory that you backed up in step 1 to the corresponding fix pack files in the \ webapps\ode directory. Note: You can manually deploy the Layout Editor into Tomcat by selecting the following options in the Fix Pack 4 installation wizard: o Custom o Turbo Packs > Layout Editor o Other The Layout Editor Ode.war file is copied to the \webapps\wars\LayoutEditor directory without integrating it into a servlet container. To update the Layout Editor on WebSphere Application Server: 1. Back up your existing Layout Editor Web application on WebSphere Application Server. 2. Ensure that WebSphere Application Server is running. 3. Undeploy the OmniFind Discovery Edition Web application in WebSphere Application Server (see the WebSphere Application Server documentation for instructions). 4. Run the Fix Pack 4 installation wizard and select the following options: o Custom o Turbo Packs > Layout Editor o WebSphere Application Server You must also specify connection parameters. For more information, see: 5. In the WebSphere Administration Console, manually install the \webapps\wars\LayoutEditor\ode.war file (see the WebSphere Application Server documentation for instructions). Specify "ode" as the context root. 6. If you customized the Layout Editor before installing Fix Pack 4, you must manually port your customizations into the fix pack version. Use a file comparison tool to identify the differences between JSP and property files in the Layout Editor Web application that you backed up in step 1 to the corresponding files in the newly installed Layout Editor Web application. 7. Restart WebSphere Application Server (unless it is running in a mode in which changes to source files are being monitored and updated). Note that starting in Fix Pack 4, the resources directory of the Layout Editor is in the ode\WEB-INF\com\ibm\wcds directory on the Apache Tomcat or WebSphere Application Server computer. The resources directory contains property files such as the file. UPDATING THE WEBSPHERE COMMERCE INTEGRATION Prerequisite: Ensure that the file exists in the \ServicesToolkit\CommerceIntegration directory. Important: If you customized a previous installation of the WebSphere Commerce integration, back up your changes to OmniFind Discovery Edition and the WebSphere Commerce Stores.war directory, and then merge them into the new installation. If necessary, contact technical support for assistance. 1. Run the Fix Pack 4 installation wizard and select the following options: o Custom o Turbo Packs > Industry Ontology Packs > Commerce The setup program detects your previous Commerce Module installation and replaces the file that is located in the \ServicesToolkit\CommerceIntegration directory. 2. If you are installing the WebSphere Commerce integration for the first time, set up and configure the integration by following the instructions in the Commerce Module User's Guide, Version 8.4. Continue with one of the following procedures. o For instructions on Windows: o For instructions on AIX, Linux, or Solaris: Note that starting in Fix Pack 4, the resources directory is in the Stores.war\WEB-INF\com\ibm\wcds directory. The resources directory contains property files such as the and files, and resource bundles that are used by the integration. 3. If you are updating an existing WebSphere Commerce integration: a. Merge your changes to OmniFind Discovery Edition into the new installation. b. Update the OmniFind Discovery Edition search indexes. See the following topic for instructions: c. Run the InstallSearchUI script: python\python deployment\wcs\wcs\lib\wcs\tools\ –p deployment\wcs\wcs\default.prp d. Merge your changes to Stores.war into the new installation. UPDATING THE WEBSPHERE INFORMATION INTEGRATOR CONTENT EDITION CONNECTOR Prerequisite: WebSphere Information Integrator Content Edition, Version 8.3 (provided with OmniFind Discovery Edition 8.4) must be installed in order to use the connector. For installation instructions, see: 1. Run the Fix Pack 4 installation wizard and select the following options: o Custom o Services Toolkit > WebSphere Information Integrator Content Edition Connector 2. Run the following command in the OmniFind Discovery Edition installation directory: bin\iphrase libutil -install ServicesToolkit\iiceLib\ -dest For instructions on configuring content repositories using WebSphere Information Integrator Content Edition, see: For instructions on configuring WebSphere Portal Document Manager and SharePoint content connectors, see: UPDATING THE WEBSPHERE PORTAL INTEGRATION Run the Fix Pack 4 installation wizard and select the following options: o Custom o Services Toolkit > WebSphere Portal Integration The setup program copies WebSphere Portal integration files into the following directories under the \ ServicesToolkit directory: o Portal51Integration\ o Portal60Integration\ See the WebSphere Portal integration documentation for installation and setup instructions: For documentation updates in Fix Pack 4, see: If you are applying Fix Pack 4 to an existing WebSphere Portal Integration installation, you only need to perform the following steps, as described in the WebSphere Portal integration documentation: o Install the WebSphere Portal connector library. o Deploy the Tabbed Navigation portlet. If you customized the portlet, manually port the changes to the new portlet. Important: Use the zip files installed with Fix Pack 4 ( or instead of the zip files provided on the OmniFind Discovery Edition Version 8.4 CD or electronic distribution. UPDATING THE LOTUS NOTES CONNECTOR 1. Run the Fix Pack 4 installation wizard and select the following options: o Custom o Services Toolkit > Lotus Notes Connector The installation wizard copies the file to the \ServicesToolkit\ LotusNotes directory. 2. Extract the file from the ServicesToolkit\LotusNotes directory. You will now have the following directory structure: ServicesToolkit\LotusNotes\LotusNotesConnector84\LotusNotesConnector\. 3. Copy the LotusNotesConnector directory to the ServicesToolkit\LotusNotes directory (that is, move the LotusNotesConnector directory up one level). 4. Compress the LotusNotesConnector directory into a new archive file with the name You should now have the following directory structure: ServicesToolkit\LotusNotes\ 5. To install the Lotus Notes connector into a project, run the following command from the OmniFind Discovery Edition installation directory: bin\iphrase libUtil -install ServicesToolkit\LotusNotes\ -dest deployment\\ For information about setting up and using the Lotus Notes connector, see the README.txt file that is included in the file. UPDATING THE AD HOC REPORTING MODULE If you are using the Ad Hoc Reporting Module (Interactive Analytics), follow the instructions below. Note: If you followed these instructions when you installed a previous fix pack (Version 8.3 Fix Pack 3 or later), you do not need to follow them again. 1) Stop the MicroStrategy(R) Server. 2) Locate the MDB (Microsoft Access Database) file that is referenced by the DiscoveryServer_Metadata DSN (either Oracle_DiscoveryServer_Metadata.mdb or MS_SQL_DiscoveryServer_Metadata.mdb, depending on the database that is used for reports). 3) Replace the existing MDB file with the MDB file of the same name that is contained in the corresponding zip file that is installed by the fix pack. 4) Run the MicroStrategy configuration wizard to restart the MicroStrategy server. For instructions, see: 5) From the command line, change the directory to the OmniFind Discovery Edition installation directory. 6) Run the following command: bin/iphrase reportAdmin -addDateViews -p deployment///default.prp PROBLEMS FIXED Fix Pack 4 contains the following fixes: 22543 spiderDebug tool does not find Management Console managed spider sections (APAR IC54718). For more information about this fix, see: 22721 Layout Editor does not work on WebSphere Application Server 5.1 22810 Layout Editor not replaced under Tomcat after reinstalling 23487 LotusNotesConnector in 8.4 requires Lotus Domino libraries for runtime (APAR IC52447) 23550 Spidering file URLs is not working in either ASCII or UNICODE mode (APAR IC52732) 23958 DataEngine EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW or SERVER CRASH with NO ERROR (APAR IC55032) 24016 Cannot re-enable a disabled item in the Management Console (APAR IC54030) 24108 Setting up the back-end address programatically does not work (APAR IC54312) 24179 Layout Editor API that does not specify ip_perPage should get render_row_per_page (APAR IC55460) 24229 Error: Uncaught exceptions.AttributeError (APAR IC54573) 24264 List index out of range traceback on some queries (APAR IC54879) 24265 Special characters disappear in the Refinement List component (APAR IC54889) 24266 WebSphere Commerce integration is not recognizing necessary flags on all tables (APAR IC54898) 24290 Wrong feature order in the Refinement Panel component (APAR IC55024) 24291 WebSphere Commerce integration: OmnFind Discovery Edition classes under wrong directory (APAR IC55263) 24292 WebSphere Commerce integration handles attributes of incorrect types (APAR IC55087) 24299 Compare value needs to allow none values (APAR IC55142) 24319 Federation is giving back incorrect tally counts - off by 1 sometimes (APAR IC56124) 24373 Lotus Notes Connector produces ValueError on mulit-valued data (APAR IC55649) 24381 Unable to install EXIT HANDLER error running unicode service -edit (APAR IC55664) 24384 Unclear use of SERVER_INTERFACE_IP (APAR IC55941) 24387 Edit pencil on non-Lotus Notes content fails with error in (APAR IC55809) 24408 getCleanContentForIndexing is called erroneously by spider (APAR IC56123) 24430 Duplicate part numbers displayed 24463 Uncaught exceptions from build runs with -identifier mode Fix Pack 3 contains the following fixes: 22138 Server cache is not being properly invalidated after server restarts (APAR IC54032) 23214 ‘No results’ returns all results in 8.4 WebSphere Commerce integration 23548 Live Build creates journal entries > SERVER_MAX_REQUEST_BYTES (APAR IC52849) 23615 Query server cache does not work (APAR IC54032) 23628 Traceback on server startup with certain business rules defined 23666 Data engine unit test failure 23668 Starting server that contains business rules throws traceback (APAR IC53296) 23670 Read-only files in deployment tree may cripple federation copy 23671 Typo in iphrase/runtime/ 23673 build should update system/.gen when running in live update mode (APAR IC53362) 23675 Bug in taxonomy constraint comparison method (APAR IC53297) 23677 Federation: When copying project, the back end server does not need -edit (APAR IC53399) 23678 Uncaught exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError in spider tool (APAR IC53273) 23681 system/parse.xtn not regenerated when configurations are synchronized (APAR IC523402) 23683 build tool keeps running if a remote update server is not running (APAR IC53404) 23684 Breadcrumb words missing last character if there is a query rewrite (APAR IC53382) 23690 tally_render_show_current_node_siblings (APAR IC53517) 23698 WebSphere Commerce 5.6.1 integration errors with Oracle (APAR IC53494) 23699 WebSphere Commerce integration: Typo in warning message about NULL ATTRVALUE string (APAR IC53496) 23705 No results search returns all results (APAR IC53527) 23720 render_view_by iphrase bundle taxonomy not working (APAR IC53589) 23735 Business Rule trigger 'All Queries' breaks debug search (APAR IC53626) 23779 Debug Search edit pencil running very slow (APAR IC53725) 23785 Merge in WebSphere Commerce integration changes since 0613 bug and enhancements (APAR IC53494) 23786 Data engine tally count and number of results inconsistent (APAR IC53753) 23888 multiselect:table on integer and floats result in tally over-counting (APAR IC53853) 23898 WebSphere Commerce integration stopping at 15000 items from a catentry with 68K (APAR IC53896) 23930 PDF page tracking is not working 23978 Provide the ability to index at the bundle level 24019 Phrase matches are not correctly scored if found in multiple indices (APAR IC54075) 24052 Binary characters stop spider (APAR IC54216) 24113 Excessively long URLs prevent WebSphere Commerce integration use from within Internet Explorer (APAR IC54212) 24167 Text.Contains should support passing a value for CASE-SENSITIVITY (APAR IC54288) 24178 Data engine EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION for synonym searches 24211 Incorrect prices from build 24222 Business rule fires twice 24223 IICE connector only indexes current version of documents 24228 8.4 build is slow (APAR IC54532) 24232 "SQL command must be a string" errors during Management Console import (MSTR)(APAR IC54597) 24237 Term score not correct for multi-term phrase constraints (APAR IC54689) 24240 Match terms with punctuation do not highlight properly (APAR IC54691) Fix Pack 2 contains the following fixes: 23486 Error when retrieving database content 23466 Server exception with large text query and breadcrumbs (APAR IC52235) 23404 Problem with metadata rule warning when running Unicode build (APAR IC52175) 23490 Multi-thread spider fails under certain conditions 23548, 23578 Live Build creates journal entries > SERVER_MAX_REQUEST_BYTES 23550 Unable to spider file URLs in ASCII or Unicode (APAR IC52732) 22306 Inaccurate result count using queryStep dataEnginePostSort (APAR IC52504) 23485 Problem with glossary terms that include a dash character (APAR IC52691) 23410 Admin error during verify (APAR IC52176) 23419 Teamsite content source causing build error (APAR IC51970 23478 report -exportDb doesn't work on Oracle 9i 23447 NLP with GLOSSARY term returns exception (APAR IC52702) 23459 Tabbed navigation information isn't generated correctly in rendering 23342 5.1.1 patch 20061108 causes TabbedNav ASP Layout Tabs to disappear 23504 Clicking refineBy when "search within" is selected throws an exception (APAR IC52707) 23260 Server failover mechanism isn't functioning 23449 Security alert is displayed when opening Layout Editor in WebSphere Commerce 23448 "Page cannot be found" error when clicking Back button 23430 WebSphere Commerce integration does not support big CLOB fields (APAR IC52083) 23513 Direct Navigation to product doesn't work in WebSphere Commerce integration (APAR IC52518) 23444 WebSphere Commerce sales catalogs are not properly supported (APAR IC52077) 23440 Problem with query server worker on AIX 5.3 (APAR IC52672) 23488 Management Console concepts updated in federated front end generates a traceback (APAR IC52498) 23381 Federation: IR/DE error: taxonomy tally tree: parent node is missing (APAR IC52014) 23428 Federation: Permission denied error on lexicon update (APAR IC52070) 23622 Error when activating a snapshot on Linux (APAR IC52895) 22676 Unable to run OmniFind Discovery Edition server as a Windows service 23425 Exist Term function is not federated (APAR IC52075) Fix Pack 1 contains the following fixes: 23401 iphrase.base.compress.zipDir does not compress 23407 Traceback after Siebel library installation 23303 Security entitlement constraint prevents content from being returned 23382 Quoted search using OR returns incorrect results (APAR IC51874) 23373 Exception in exportDB when IPHRASE_UNICODE=0 (ASCII) 23306 TabbedNav Portlet: layout languages support 23274 Time aggregates in Content Utilities reports 23370 Federation: copy lexicon should be in batches (APAR IC51778) 22469 Unable to start the Management Console on AIX 23278 Business rule trigger "Queries containing feature constraints" 23202 Management Console uses default.prp setting for numworker 23285 Lotus Notes connector uses datetime for version 22821 Missing unicodeSwitch in Java 23334 XML connectors upgrade from pre-5.1 to 8.3 not working 23353 Default front-end server setting points to internal machine 23311 Portuguese grammars don't perform meaning resolution correctly 23229 Remove Redbooks business rules from WebSphere Commerce 23368 Misleading errors during initial and clean build 23184 Summarized 'None' values crash in SOAP rendering 23296 Upgrade -help says ASCII mode is the default 23233 Sentence highlighting is incorrect 23298 Java core dump while building an upgraded deployment in ASCII mode 22676 Unable to run servers as Windows services 23277 Boolean search drops term from breadcrumb 22995 Conjunction.merge() causes problem with OR-ed constraints 23304 Upgrade tool can't find and read the .version file 23302 Performance issues with cache components and layout configuration 23344 WebSphere Commerce: Default Business Rule / Layout Editor displays incorrect prices 23322 WebSphere Commerce: first search fails 23260 Server failover mechanism isn't functioning 23305 Security for WebSphere Portal and WebSphere Commerce crawlers 23320 ATTRIBUTE table catentry_id NULL values cause build failure (APAR IC51553) 23263 Slow sorting of results in Unicode mode 23309 TabbedNav Portlet: remove constraint doesn't work 23323 Incorrect processing of attribute names in non-English languages 23251 Acronym generation causes build spikes in memory usage 23290 Federation: Crash in DataEngine on front end during tally compute (APAR IC51419) 23276 normalizedUrlString: Unicode string casting isn't required 23223 WebSphere Commerce integration with multiple stores registers incorrect storeId 23270 WebSphere Commerce: Traceback with certain eSites 23288 WebSphere Commerce: No results returns all results 23389 Federation: Set result table in query 23391 Federation: Management Console always displays "build is required" 23392 Federation: Timeout for sync operation isn't configurable 23395 Federation: Unable to send BLOB files from back end to front end TRADEMARKS The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: IBM AIX WebSphere Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.