Voice Toolkit V4.2.2 for WebSphere(R) Studio
Installation Readme

October 2003

(C)Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2003. All Rights Reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information under "NOTICES" in this document.

This Installation readme is organized into the following sections:

    4.1 Pre-Requisites
    4.2 Installing the Voice Toolkit
    4.3 Installing Speech Technologies
    4.4 Enabling the Voice Tools
    7.1 Uninstalling the Voice Toolkit
    7.2 Uninstalling a Speech Technology
    7.3 Uninstall Failure


Do not use Update Manager in WebSphere Studio to install this V4.2.2 toolkit update. Instead, use the installation wizard.

This Readme provides information on installing the Voice Toolkit for WebSphere Studio, which includes the following features:

  • VoiceXML Application Development and Debug--Includes an integrated development environment (IDE), a VoiceXML editor, and editors for creating grammars written in SRGS (XML or ABNF). It also includes a pronunciation builder, an audio recorder, and a set of VoiceXML reusable dialog components.
  • Voice Portlet Application Development and Debug--Includes an integrated development environment (IDE), a VoiceXML editor, and editors for creating grammars written in SRGS (XML or ABNF). It also includes a pronunciation builder, an audio recorder, a set of VoiceXML reusable dialog components, and all of the Java tools needed to build portlets deployable on a voice portal server.
  • VisualAge for Java Conversion Information--Includes the WebSphere Voice Response Java application programming interface (API) that replaces the JavaBeans interface previously used with VisualAge for Java. It also includes audio segments, documentation, and tutorials.

For information on using the Voice Toolkit, refer to the online help. To view the help, after completing installation, from the Help menu click Help Contents. When the Help window appears, in the Contents list click Voice Tools.

To view the help for the Voice Portlet Tools feature, in the Contents list click Voice Portlet Tools.

  • System suitable for running Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 2000.
  • Minimum of an Intel(R) Pentium(R) 500 MHz processor or equivalent.
  • 768 MB RAM.
  • 175 MB disk space, plus additional space for the selected installed options.
  • 175 MB temporary space on the drive specified in your user TMP environment variable.
  • A display adapter setting of at least 256 colors with a minimum resolution of 800x600 (1024x768 or higher is recommended).

  • Microsoft Windows 2000 (Service Pack 3 or higher)
  • Note: Microsoft Windows XP is allowed but not supported.

  • Plus an installed version of one of the following: WebSphere Studio Site Developer V5.0.1, WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.0.1, WebSphere Application Server-Express V5.0.1, or WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer V5.0.1. (refer to http://www7b.software.ibm.com/wsdd/zones/studio/).

    Note: If your WebSphere Studio product is version 5.0, you should use Update Manager to automatically upgrade the product to version 5.0.1. Connect to the Internet, open WebSphere Studio, and click Help > Software Updates > New Updates. When the Available Updates window completes, check the updates for version 5.0.1, and follow the instructions on the screen.


4.1 Pre-Requisites

  • The Installation Wizard requires that your display adapter be set to at least 256 colors. Otherwise, the Installation Wizard might generate an error.
  • The Installation Wizard requires a previous installation of one of the following: WebSphere Studio Site Developer V5.0.1, WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.0.1, WebSphere Application Server-Express V5.0.1, or WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer V5.0.1, because this product adds functionality to those base platforms.
  • If you have any previous version of the Voice Toolkit for WebSphere Studio, the Voice Application Access Toolkit for WebSphere Studio, or the Multimodal Toolkit for WebSphere Studio, you must uninstall it before installing this version of the Voice Toolkit.
  • If you have previously installed an IBM product that has TTS, you must uninstall the product before installing the Voice Toolkit.
  • If you have previously installed the WebSphere Voice Server SDK, or other previous speech runtime engines, you will have to uninstall them (using the Add/Remove Programs option on the Control Panel) before you can install this version of the Voice Toolkit. Note: You must have the JRE 1.3.1 installed to uninstall the SDK.
  • After uninstalling the speech runtime engine, you might need to manually delete the speech root environment variables. To do this:

    1. Right-click the My Computer desktop icon and select

    2. On the System Properties dialog, click the
        Advanced tab, and then click the Environment Variables

    3. In the System Variables window, scroll to find
        the SPCH_ROOT and SPCH_BIN variables. Select them and
        then click Delete.

    4. Click OK to close the dialog.

    5. For the changes to take effect, reboot your system.

4.2 Installing the Voice Toolkit
  • If installing from a CD and autorun does not start automatically, start the Installation Wizard by running Voicetools_Setup.exe.
  • If installing from an Internet download, start the Installation Wizard by running Voicetools_Setup.exe, located in the directory where you downloaded it.
  • Network installs are not supported. If you install over a network from a shared image, the TTS/CTTS portion of the install might produce a "Catastrophic Failure" error message.
  • If your system is running low on resources, you might notice a delay between the progress indicator and the first installation panel.
  • Errors that occur during the installation will be logged in the voicetools_log.txt file, located in the directory location identified by your TMP environment variable.
  • Once the installation process has started, the cancel button might be unresponsive and require you to click the button several times before it reappears.
  • The installation process might need to download additional files from an Internet site. Be sure your system is configured for Internet connectivity so the Installation wizard can access the following Web site:


  • When files are downloaded during installation, they unpack in a Voice Toolkit folder in the Temp directory specified in your TMP variable. If preferred, you can add the executable (Voicetools_Setup.exe) to the same directory, and keep the files or copy them to a CD. If you decide to install additional features or speech technologies at a later time, you can use the executable to automatically connect to the Internet download site and access the needed files.
  • The installation automatically detects an existing installation of one of the following: WebSphere Studio Site Developer V5.0, WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.0, WebSphere Application Server-Express V5.0, or WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer V5.0, and only allows you to install the toolkit into one of these locations.

Follow the instructions in the Installation Wizard to install the Voice Toolkit.

The Installation Wizard copies files to the following directory structure:

    eclipse - features, plugins
    VoiceToolkit - jvm, license, Readme, Samples, uninstall

4.3 Installing Speech Technologies

Use the Installation wizard to install the languages (Speech Technologies) for each feature that you install: VoiceXML Application Development and Debug, Voice Portlet Application Development and Debug, or VisualAge for Java Conversion. At least one speech technology must be selected for each feature. If you select one that is common for the two features, that speech technology will be selected and installed for both.

To install a CTTS speech technology, which can be up to 700 MB, you will automatically be connected to the download site during the installation. Note only one set of engines (TTS or CTTS) can be installed per language. If you select both the TTS and CTTS speech technology for the same language, only the CTTS engines will be installed and used. Then, if you want to use the TTS engines, you will have to re-install the TTS speech technology, which will automatically uninstall CTTS.

You can install other Speech Technologies at any time. To do this, run the Installation wizard again using Voicetools_Setup.exe. On the feature panel, click Next, and on the speech technology panel, select the new language to install.

4.4 Enabling the Voice Tools

After completing the installation of the Voice Toolkit, the Voice Tools must be enabled in the WebSphere Studio development environment through the use of the Update Manager:

  • Depending on your development environment, launch one of the following: WebSphere Studio Site Developer V5.0.1, WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.0.1, WebSphere Application Server-Express V5.0.1, or WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer V5.0.1.
  • If the Update Manager popup window appears (which happens if you have used the WebSphere Studio development platform before installing the toolkit), accept all changes. The Update Manager is simply confirming the addition of the toolkit plugins to WebSphere Studio.
  • If the Update Manager popup does not appear, you should select Help > Software Updates > Pending Changes, and click the check boxes for all of the listed features to mark them with a check, and then press the Finish button.
  • If you have upgraded from a previous version of the Voice Toolkit, you should reset the perspective to ensure availability of the updates for the new tools. To do this, from the Window menu, click Reset Perspective.


To launch the Voice Toolkit, from the Windows Start menu, select Programs > IBM WebSphere Studio > [your base product] (such as, Site Developer 5.0 or Application Developer 5.0).

  • After installing these tools and launching WebSphere Studio, if the Voice perspective is not in the list of available perspectives that can be opened, then you should activate the new features in the Update Manager (Help > Software Updates > Pending Changes). Select the check boxes for each of the listed features, and then click the Finish button. This action confirms the addition of the toolkit plugins to WebSphere Studio.
  • The Welcome screens (Help > Welcome > Voice Portlet Tools or Voice Toolkit for WebSphere Studio) contain information to help you begin working with the toolkit. The Welcome screens also contain a link to more detailed Getting Started information. You can also find the Getting started information in the Contents list of the Help window (from the Help menu click Help Contents, and then select either Voice Portlet Tools or Voice Tools).
  • The projects and files that you create using the Voice Toolkit are saved in the workspace location that you select when you open WebSphere Studio. If you uninstall the Voice Toolkit, the workspace remains on your system so that the files are still available.
  • Files saved in the following directories are deleted when uninstalling the Voice Toolkit. If you create files in these directories, copy them to another folder before uninstalling the Voice Toolkit:


  • In addition to the toolkit help, this package includes certain related publications. To view or print these publications, you must use the Adobe(R) Reader(R) version 4.0.5 or later. For optimum viewing, use Adobe Reader version 6.0.

    To download Adobe Reader, go to the Adobe Web site at www.adobe.com. Click Get Adobe Reader, and follow the directions.


You must uninstall any products that contain IBM TTS before installing the Voice Toolkit. If you have uninstalled those IBM TTS products, but you are still seeing the error message "Found IBM TTS installed in different location" while installing the Voice Toolkit, you should follow these steps:

1. Run (Start > Run) regedit.exe

2. Find the registry value for the key
     CurrentVersion\App Paths\ibmtts50.dll\Path"
     and verify that the TTS engine has been uninstalled from the referenced path on your machine.

3. Delete the registry key
     CurrentVersion\App Paths\ibmtts50.dll"

4. Retry the installation of the Voice Toolkit


7.1 Uninstalling the Voice Toolkit

To uninstall this product, run the Add/Remove Programs utility from the Windows Start menu:

1. Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.

2. Highlight the program entry for Voice Toolkit for WebSphere Studio and select the Change/Remove button.


  • After you uninstall of one or more of the Voice Toolkit features, you should close and restart WebSphere Studio to reset the feature list and configuration prior to reinstalling one or more Voice Toolkit features.
  • If you want to use modified Reusable Dialog Components in a new version of the toolkit that you install or update, rename the modified dialog components, and after installation of the new version copy them into the updated directory, for example:


7.2 Uninstalling a Speech Technology

To uninstall a speech technology, use Add/Remove Programs. On the uninstallation wizard, select the language to uninstall. Note that at least one speech technology must remain installed for each installed feature. You might have to install the second language before you can uninstall the first language.

7.3 Uninstall Failure

If you attempt to uninstall the toolkit, in rare circumstances (such as uninstalling the WebSphere Studio development platform before uninstalling the toolkit) the uninstall might fail and you will get an Uninstaller Error. The error message dialog lets you choose whether to remove the toolkit entry from the Add/Remove Programs list.

If you select Yes (preferred), the toolkit entry will be removed from the Add/Remove Programs list. If you select No, the toolkit entry will remain on the Add/Remove Programs list.

You will then need to remove any remaining entries in the Windows Registry.

1. Run the Registry Editor (REGEDIT.EXE or REGEDT32.EXE)

2. Delete the following keys:
      Voice Toolkit for WebSphere Studio
    * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\

At this point, you can manually remove the remaining folders and files installed by the toolkit.


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