WebSphere® Voice Server Version 5.1.3 Fix Pack 3 Readme
Last updated March 2007
This document contains information for WebSphere Voice Server version 5.1.3 fix pack 3, hereafter referred to as version It also contains links to the latest product information.
This readme contains the following information:
WebSphere Voice Server Version is a cumulative collection of fixes for all supported platforms. It includes all updates previously delivered by Fix Packs 1 and 2 ( and, with the exception of APAR #LI71258, which is not included in this fix pack.
This fix pack also adds support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux® version 4 update 2.
This fix pack resolves the following problems:
- LI71277 / IC51182: Reference to an external sub-rule not recognized. Large Grammar preloaded fails
- IC51182: Resolves a problem with compilation of large grammars when Viterbi decoding is enabled.
- LI71278: Resolves a problem compiling grammars with null paths.
- LI71279 and IY90872: Solves problems with SRGS grammars that contain a large amount of embedded code in the form of SISR scripting.
- LI71430 and IY91245: Solves a problem caused if a caller speaks longer than the time specified for MRCPs recognition-timeout. The correct completion-cause is returned.
- LI71620: Certain combinations of input text could result in a trap during text synthesis using unpreselected voices.
- IY90366: Out of grammar utterances from an embedded grammar in an statistical language model grammar are not being rejected by the speech recognition engine.
- IC49070: Fixes a problem with the grammar manager cache whereby a valid integer cache size value may results in an error message.
- IC49170: Fixes a problem caused by an exception in DTMF processing where the WebSphere Voice Server becomes unresponsive and the SystemOut.log is filled with the following message:
CWVRB0012E: Pool Exception: com.ibm.voice.server.recognizer.PoolException: empty asr pool.
- IC49607: Solves problems with text synthesis of telephone numbers that end in multiple zeros.
- IC50096: Solves text-to-speech pronunciation problems in UK English with Kate voice.
- IC50445: Problems with MRCP RECOGNIZE requests that contains external grammars in a multipart/mixed message body.
- IC50574: Fixes the collector.jar on Microsoft Windows® platforms.
- IC50738: Fixes problem with waveform-URL with Genesys Voice Platform® IVR version 7.2.
- IC50966: Fixes problems with dtmf-term-char taking precedence of the DTMF values specified in a grammar.
- IC50953: Semantic Interpretation is not produced for n-best results when multiple grammars are enabled.
- LI71699 and IY92740: Text-to-Speech Engine may become unresponsive leading the server to restart a new engine.
- LI71733, IC51158 and IY92020: Add support for Nortel MPS.
- IC51665: Solves problem when the MRCP speech-incomplete-timeout smaller than speech-complete-timeout, causing the server to return a recognition result prematurely (before the speech-complete-timeout expires.)
- IC51640: On US English, the binary compiled grammar may be truncated when compiled under load.
- LI71812: Server may crash when attempting to compile multiple grammars under load.
- IC51305: Problem where relative URI references embedded in grammars fail to resolve.
- LI71809: MRCP GET-PARAMS may fail to retrieve some Vendor-Specific properties.
- IY92738: The text-to-speech engine logs an error message when the format attributed in the SSML say-as element is not included.
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Prior to installing the fix pack, make sure you meet the following requirements:
- WebSphere Voice Server 5.1.3 must be installed. This fix pack is cumulative, so fix packs are not required.
- After installing this fix pack, if you need to uninstall WebSphere Voice Server 5.1.3 make sure you uninstall this (and any other) fix pack first.
- Make sure you have root or administrator access to update the WebSphere Voice Server software.
- Make sure you have at least 200MB of free space in the /tmp (AIX/Linux) or %TEMP% (Windows) file systems.
- Stop WebSphere Application Server before installing this fix pack.
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Follow the instructions that are appropriate for your operating system to install WebSphere Voice Server
Note: Make sure you stop WebSphere Application Server before installing this fix pack.
This fix pack is delivered in this file: IY95742.tar
Complete the following steps to install the fix pack:
- Login to the WebSphere Voice Server system as root.
- Create a directory to contain the file and copy the file to the directory. For example, wvs513fp3.
- Change directory to the fix pack directory. For example:
cd wvs513fp3
- Untar the file:
tar -xvf file_name
- Start the fix pack installation script by typing the following command:
The installation GUI will launch and provide status messages and directions.
Note: To run the silent install, type the following command:
./install.sh -i silent
If you have installed WebSphere Application Server or WebSphere Voice Server in a different location than the product default, you must first set the following environment variables and then repeat this step:
export WAS_HOME=<WebSphereAppServer_InstallationDirectory>
export WVS_ROOT=<WebSphereVoiceServer_InstallationDirectory>
- Once the installation completes without error, reboot the system.
- Once the system is restarted, run the WebSphere Voice Server installation verification test and make sure it passes.
The fix pack is now installed.
This fix pack is delivered in this file: LI72080.tar
Complete the following steps to install the fix pack:
- Login to the WebSphere Voice Server system as root.
- Create a directory to contain the file and copy the file to the directory. For example, wvs513fp3.
- Change directory to the fix pack directory. For example:
cd wvs513fp3
- Untar the file:
tar -xvf file_name
- Start the fix pack installation script by typing the following command:
Note: To run the silent install, type the following command:
./install.sh -i silent
The installation GUI will launch and provide status messages and directions.
If you have installed WebSphere Application Server or WebSphere Voice Server in a different location than the product default, you must first set the following environment variables and then repeat this step:
export WAS_HOME=<WebSphereAppServer_InstallationDirectory>
export WVS_ROOT=<WebSphereVoiceServer_InstallationDirectory>
- Once the installation completes without error, reboot the system.
- Once the system is restarted, run the WebSphere Voice Server installation verification test and make sure it passes.
The fix pack is now installed.
This fix pack is delivered in this file: IC52086.zip
Complete the following steps to install the fix pack:
- Login to the WebSphere Voice Server system as Administrator.
- Create a directory to contain the file and copy the file to the directory. For example, wvs513fp3.
- Change directory to the fix pack directory. For example:
cd wvs513fp3
- Unzip the file.
- Start the fix pack installation script by typing the following command:
The installation GUI will launch and provide status messages and directions.
Note: To run the silent install, type the following command:
install.bat -i silent
If you have installed WebSphere Application Server or WebSphere Voice Server in a different location than the product default, you must first set the following environment variables and then repeat this step:
set WAS_HOME=<WebSphereAppServer_InstallationDirectory>
set WVS_ROOT=<WebSphereVoiceServer_InstallationDirectory>
- Once the installation completes without error, reboot the system.
- Once the system is restarted, run the WebSphere Voice Server installation verification test and make sure it passes.
The fix pack is now installed.
Note: Make sure you uninstall this fix pack before uninstalling WebSphere Voice Server 5.1.3.
If necessary, complete the following steps to uninstall the fix pack:
- Login to the WebSphere Voice Server system as root for AIX and Linux or as Administrator for Windows.
- Change directory to the uninstall directory. For example:
For AIX and Linux: cd $WVS_ROOT/uninstall
For Windows: cd %WVS_ROOT%\uninstall
- Uninstall the fix pack by typing the following command::
For AIX and Linux: ./uninstall_fp3.sh
For Windows: uninstall_fp3.bat
- The script will provide status messages and instructions.
- Once the uninstallation completes, reboot the system.
- Once the system is restarted, run the WebSphere Voice Server installation verification test and make sure it passes.
Note:When uninstalling the fix pack on Windows, you may be prompted to reboot the system from the Uninstall Complete window.
If you select Yes, restart my system and the system does not reboot, please try rebooting the system using the Shut down option
in the Start menu. It is important to remember that you must always reboot your Windows system after uninstalling the product.
The fix pack is now removed. WebSphere Voice Server is back at the level it was prior to installing this fixpack.
Refer to the WebSphere Voice Server information center for the latest product information that will help you get started with WebSphere Voice Server.
To see the most updated WebSphere Voice Server product documentation, go to the WebSphere Voice product documentation library: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/zones/voice/proddoc.html
To see the most updated product information, go to the WebSphere Voice Server page: http://www.ibm.com/software/pervasive/voice_server/
For support, go to the WebSphere Voice Server support page: http://www.ibm.com/software/pervasive/voice_server/support/
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