This document contains information for WebSphere Voice Server version 5.1.3 fix pack 2, hereafter referred to as version It also contains links to the latest product information.
This readme contains the following information:
WebSphere Voice Server Version provides support for AIX 5.3 maintenance level (ML) 4. You can apply this fix pack to AIX and Linux systems. This fix pack is cumulative.
Note: To install WebSphere Voice Server 5.1.3 on AIX 5.3 ML 4, download the installation script from the technote entitled "Installing WebSphere Voice Server 5.1.3 on AIX 5.3 ML 4" and follow the instructions.
This fix pack resolves the following problems:
This fix pack also includes improved acoustic models for German and UK English.
Prior to installing the fix pack, make sure you meet the following requirements:
Follow the instructions that are appropriate for your operating system to install WebSphere Voice Server
Note: Make sure you stop WebSphere Voice Server and WebSphere Application Server before installing this fix pack.
This fix pack is delivered in this file: IY85152.tar
Complete the following steps to install the fix pack:
The fix pack is now installed.
This fix pack is delivered in this file: LI71276.tar
Complete the following steps to install the fix pack:
The fix pack is now installed.
Note: Make sure you uninstall this fix pack before uninstalling WebSphere Voice Server 5.1.3.
If necessary, complete the following steps to uninstall the fix pack:
The fix pack is now removed.
Refer to the WebSphere Voice Server information center for the latest product information that will help you get started with WebSphere Voice Server.
To see the most updated WebSphere Voice Server product documentation, go to the WebSphere Voice product documentation library:
To see the most updated product information, go to the WebSphere Voice Server page:
For support, go to the WebSphere Voice Server support page:
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