IBM WebSphere Integration Developer v6.0.2 - Test Client Enablement Installation Instructions

This document describes how to install IBM WebSphere Integration Developer v6.0.2 - Test Client Enablement from a downloaded copy of the WID-IntegrationTestClient-6.0.2 fix, available from the IBM WebSphere Integration Developer Support site. Installation is performed through the IBM Update Installer capability included in the product.

Please Note: There are known issues that may result in problems during or after applying the fix. To ensure a proper installation:

Install IBM WebSphere Integration Developer v6.0.2 - Test Client Enablement


To obtain and install these JAR files, complete the following steps:

1. Download and install the latest version of IBM® Update Installer for WebSphere Software. Information about installing and using IBM Update Installer for WebSphere Software is found in the topic "Applying service" at the WebSphere Process Server or Enterprise Service Bus information center.

2. Open your Web browser to the IBM WebSphere Integration Developer Support site.

3. Locate the fix named WID-IntegrationTestClient-6.0.2. This fix contains the test controller JAR files that need to be installed in WebSphere Process Server or Enterprise Service Bus.

4. Download the fix to the maintenance directory. This directory should reside a few levels under your WebSphere Process Server or Enterprise Service Bus install_root directory, but it will only exist if IBM Update Installer for WebSphere Software has been installed.

5. Use the IBM Update Installer for WebSphere Software to install the WID-IntegrationTestClient-6.0.2 fix. This will correctly install the required test controller JAR files in the WebSphere Process Server or Enterprise Service Bus lib directory.


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