Portal Toolkit V5.0.2.2 / V5.0.2.3 Update Tool Installation Guide

This update tool upgrades the WebSphere Portal test environment version as follows:

This tool supports Windows platforms only.


1: Before you begin
2: Upgrading the test environment
3: Getting more information

1: Before you begin

Follow these steps:

  1. Verify that one of the following products is installed:
  2. Verify that Portal Toolkit V5.0.2.2 or Portal Toolkit V5.0.2.3 is installed with the WebSphere Portal V5.0 test environment option.
  3. Verify that sufficient disk space is available, according to the following recommendations:
  4. If you are running an external Web server, such as IBM HTTP Server, stop the Web server.
  5. Download the Portal toolkit V5.0.2.3 Update Tool and extract the contents of updatePortalTestEnv5023.zip to the local drive.
  6. Download the following files to the WTE_setup directory, which exists in the directory where you extracted this update tool:
    Note: This step is only necessary for the UpdatePortalTestEnv5023.zip download, as UpdatePortalTestEnv5023_full.zip already contains all of the required files below.

2: Upgrading the test environment

Follow these steps:

  1. Stop WebSphere Studio if it is running.
  2. Stop the HTTP server if it has been started.
  3. Run the following command:
    Note: The log is appended to WS_HOME\PortalToolkit\log\TkWpsInst.log, where WS_HOME is the directory where you installed WebSphere Studio.

3: Getting more information

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