IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition
5.0.1 Interim Fix 011 - Minor Update
Installation Instructions
This document describes how to install IBM WebSphere Studio
Application Developer Integration Edition 5.0.1 Interim Fix 011 - Minor
Update directly from the IBM update site. Installation is
performed through the Update Manager capability built into the product.
You also have the option of
downloading a ZIP file that you can install locally from your
Please Note: There are known issues that may result in problems
during or after applying the fix. To ensure a proper installation:
- Follow the instructions below carefully.
- If you have disabled any plug-ins either through Update Manager
or by modifying plugin.xml files, enable them prior to the
It is recommended that you install directly from the IBM server, but
a downloadable version of the fix is available for users who meet the
following criteria:
- Have slow or unstable Internet connections and would like to use
a download manager with resume capability.
- Have trouble accessing the live IBM server from behind firewalls.
- Would rather download the fixes and install at a later time.
- Are site administrators for a group of developers who do not have
direct access to the Internet.
Download the ZIP(s) here
Once you have downloaded the file, unzip it to a directory and see
wsappdevie501/interim_fix011/install.html for install instructions.
- Log on to your system with an ID that has write permission to the
install location and start WebSphere Studio Application Developer
Integration Edition 5.0.1. (This is typically an ID with Administrator
authority on Windows, and root authority on Linux).
Linux Note: Do not start with a workspace that a non-root
user may later use. This can cause problems since certain files may be
written into the workspace during the Update process that cannot be
accessed by other users.
- Open the Install/Update perspective (select Help > Software
Updates > Update Manager). In the Feature Updates view,
navigate the "Sites to Visit" section to select IBM WebSphere
Studio Application Developer Integration Edition Interim Fix 011 -
Minor Update.
- Details about this interim fix are shown in the Preview view. For
more information about what is included in the interim fix, click the More
Info link. Click Install to begin the installation.
- An install wizard will be shown. Click Next to continue.
- Once you have read and accepted the license, click Next.
- The Optional Features page will appear. Click Next to
Warning: Do not modify the selections. Changing the default
choices may result in errors.
- The final screen of the Install Wizard will show the install
location. Click Finish to begin the installation.
Warning: Errors may occur if you change the default install
- If you are warned that you are about to install an unsigned
feature, click Install to continue.
This warning will not cause problems during installation.
- When the installation is complete you will be asked to restart
the product. Click Yes.
Note: This action will not reboot your machine.
- To confirm that the installation was successful, in the
Install/Update perspective expand Current Configuration in the
Install Configuration view. Expand WSinstalldir/wstools/eclipse/.
Verify that WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.0.1 Integration
Edition Interim Fix 011 - Minor Update is installed. A Disable
button should replace the former Install button in the Preview
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 2000, 2005.
All rights reserved.