Previous Fixes
The following list of problems have been addressed with previously-released
fixes. The previously-released fixes are included in this fix pack. As new fix
packs are produced, the previously-released fixes are added to the end of this
Interim Fix 001 - General Fixes
- APAR JR18499: Running the JSP Validator can interfere with other plugins
that also use the Xerces environment. This problem can occur when running
other functions after validating JSPs and can be difficult to track down.
Symptoms usually involve errors or messages involving Xerces classes such as:
ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.parsers.StandardParserConfiguration.
- APAR PQ74587: Data lost while editing JSPs with large client script.
- Taglibs in compile-time included JSPs are not registered.
- APAR JR18470: Use of a non-IBM JRE causes failures when deploying EJB's.
During the rmic stubs/skeletons generation phase, the deploy tool fails with
the following message:
" RMIC Command returns RC = 1".
This fix allows the use of a non-IBM JRE but forces the use of the IBM
specific rmic compiler during the stubs/skeletons generation phase.
- When an Entity Bean has an attribute that is a dependent value object (DVO),
modifying the DVO for business logic reasons in the application will cause
the dependent value object held by the Entity Bean to be changed. The only
way to change the value of a DVO must be to invoke the setter on the Entity
Bean. However, due to this problem, when a client EJB calls the setter on the
Entity Bean, the Entity Bean saves a reference to the DVO. Similarly, when a
client EJB calls the getter, the client gets a reference to the DVO in the
Entity Bean. In both scenarios, subsequent changes to the DVO made by the
client will
be persisted when the Entity Bean is persisted, even though the setter may
not have been invoked again. This problem occurs only when Enterprise Java
Beans are accessed locally
- APAR JR18488: When using WSADIE 5.0.1 and DB2 V8.1 fixpack 2, the
following error occurs when getting a new connection:
"The procedure entry point sqloGetDecimalSeparatorFromCc could not
be located in the dynamic link library db2locale.dll".
Interim Fix 002 - JMS TextMessageType
- When you generate deploy code for a Java Message Service (JMS), you
select a message type for it. A TextMessage type carries the message as a
text string that can be read by the client. In the case of a TextMessage
type, an error will occur when the characters in the string are not from
the basic Latin character set. For example, an error would occur if Chinese
characters were in the string. This interim fix corrects the error. If you
have already generated some JMS services with a TextMessage type and they
contain such characters, you should renerate the helper classes for these
JMS services after applying this fix.
Interim Fix 003 - General Fixes
- APAR JR18604: Slow performance of Java ServerPage (JSP) compilation in
debug mode. This fix requires an additional fix for WebSphere Application
Server APAR PQ73036 to be installed. PQ73036 can be obtained from the
WebSphere Application Server Support site. If PQ73036 is not installed,
this fix can still be applied, but will not solve the JSP performance
- APAR JR18265: The XSD Beans generator does not recognize CDATA
sections: left and right brackets are unexpectedly normalized. This fix
allows the users to use CDATA sections in their Java code generated from
the XSD Beans generator. The following code snippets are an example of
using a CDATA section:
void createpurchaseOrder() { ... // Update the comment
iPurchaseOrder.setComment("Hurry, my lawn is going wild"); ... }
In this example, iPurchaseOrder.setComment("Hurry, my lawn is going wild");
can be replaced by iPurchaseOrder.setComment("<![CDATA[Hurry, my lawn is
going wild]]>");
With this fix, the serialized XML file maintains the CDATA section
- APAR JR18569: After applying the WebSphere Studio v5.0.1 update,
existing WebSphere servers in some National Language (NL) workspaces would
no longer be recognized. The user would see their WebSphere servers
disappear from the Servers and Server Configuration views. This fix
resolves this problem, allowing all existing servers to be recognized and
loaded correctly.
- If a .war file contained the following files:
The WAR Import wizard was erroneously matching /WEB-INF/source/util/foo.xml
with /WEB-INF/classes/util/foo.xml upon import. That leaves
/WEB-INF/source/bar/util/foo.xml without a match, so it is not copied over
to the JavaSource directory. When a rebuild operation occurs,
/WEB-INF/classes/bar/util/foo.xml is deleted and never regenerated.
In this fix, better matching of source and class files has been implemented
to prevent the problem from occurring.
- APAR JR18737: The cursor is not positioned properly and the function
keys are not enabled in the 3270 terminal services recorder when any of the
following conditions exist:
- The cursor is intended to be positioned in a field that is read/write
- The cursor is intended to be offset within that field, not at the
first character in the field.
- The length of that field is longer than the width of the screen (for
example, the screen width is 80 bytes but the field length is greater
than 80 bytes) thus causing the field to wrap onto multiple rows.
- The field resides on the initial screen that displays when you
connect to the host
Applying this interim fix corrects both the cursor positioning and
function key problem for all of the above conditions.
In the event that a screen dialog is created where the first screen in
the sequence is smaller than a subsequent screen (for example, initial
screen size is 24x80 pixels but the following screen size is 32x80 pixels),
the dialog editor in the 3270 terminal service development tools will
overlay a portion of the dialog editor action tabs upon selection of the
larger screen. When this occurs, the action tabs become inaccessible.
Applying this interim fix corrects the problem of the action tabs becoming
APAR JR18546: Translated files are missing for several of the J2EE
wizards and editors. This interim fix resolves this problem. This fix is
only for a Windows environment.
APAR JR18570: Users are not being able to see the bookshelf in the
translated Help system. This interim fix resolves this problem. This fix is
only for a Windows environment.
Interim Fix 004 - IMS Fixes
- If you build a transactional EJB application that uses IMS Connector
for Java™ Version 2.1 and global transaction (two-phase commit) processing
with TCP/IP at run time, you must use Information Management System (IMS)
Connect Version 2.1. If you use IMS Connect Version 1.2, you will receive
an exception containing an error message. Prior to this interim fix, the
error message in the exception was ICO0001E and the text of the message
contained invalid values for fields such as RETCODE. With this fix, the
message, ICO0026E: An error was encountered while processing the IMS
message, is returned and the explanation for the error message will
include the restriction described above.
- SSL is not supported with Local Option. The message used when an
attempt is made to use SSL with Local Option has been changed. The message
number was changed from the invalid number ICO00100I to the valid number
ICO0111E. The message type was also changed from an informational message
(I) to an error message (E)
- Message number IMS0101E has been changed to ICO0101E to conform to the
naming convention for IMS Connector for Java.
- This fix corrects a NullPointerException that is thrown when a Java
application using the Common Client Interface (CCI) does not provide a
value for GroupName.
- Class has been modified to
support the following form of the execute method:
public Record execute(InteracionSpec ispec,
Record input) throws ResourceException;
This form of the execute method is used by WebSphere Studio Application
Developer Integration Edition for "ONE-WAY" operations.
- This fix corrects the problem where the transaction rollback does not
occur after a WebSphere Application Server transaction timeout and IMS
Connector for Java is waiting for IMS Connect or IMS to respond. This
problem only occurred for WebSphere Application Server on distributed
(non-z/OS) platforms.
This fix allows the rollback to occur and closes the socket that is
waiting for IMS Connect or IMS to respond. In addition, the interim fix
adds the following error message:
ICO0112E: Connection is closed due to transaction timeout.
- IMS Connector for Java has been modified to accept short response
messages. For example, messages less than 8 bytes of data. Prior to this
interim fix, an exception was returned when certain short response messages
were returned to IMS Connector for Java.
- This fix corrects a NullPointerException that occurs when a Java
application uses a connection factory configured for Local Option and an
IMS Connect error occurs.
- The function provided by the executionTimeout property of
IMSInteractionSpec is not supported when Local Option is used to
communicate between IMS Connector for Java and IMS Connect.
- Non-alphanumeric characters in PF key literals no longer result in WSDL
errors. The non-alphanumeric characters are now converted into a unicode
representation in the input types of the WSDL file. The actual value of the
literals are used at run time.
- A ServletNotFound exception might occur when you use the
Run on Server menu option to test JSP files for an MFS-based enterprise
service. To resolve this problem, perform the following steps to recompile
the Web project before selecting Run on Server:
- In the Servers view, check the status of the server instance. If the
status for the server is Started, then right-click the
server instance and select Stop.
- Open the Server perspective by selecting Window > Open Perspective
> Server.
- Right-click the Web project that contains the JSP files and click
Rebuild Project.
- For IMS or MFS-based service projects generated using WebSphere Studio
Application Developer Integration Edition 5.0, you must manually update the
run-time classpath to include ibmjsse.jar after upgrading to
version 5.0.1. If you do not update the classpath, you will see the
following run-time error message: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
com/ibm/jsse/JSSEProvider. To update the classpath, perform the
following steps:
- In the Services view, right-click the service project and select
- Select Java Build Path and then click the Libraries
- Click Add External JARs and browse to find
WS_installdir\runtimes\ee_v5\java\jre\lib\ext\. Select
ibmjsse.jar and click Open. Click OK.
- The online help topic Changing the default location of an XMI
repository includes a section called Storing XMI files in an HFS
directory. The steps described in this section are no longer required.
The path to -Djava.ext.dirs is set automatically during
Interim Fix 005 - COBOL and C Applications
- The fix provides support for external decimals in cases where the
DFHCNV macro is used and the code page is not 037. The DFHCNV macro is used
in COBOL applications. To get this support, you must first apply the
run-time fix described in the Prerequisite section. After applying the fix,
you must regenerate the helper classes in your projects.
- Previously, when importing C applications that contained underscores,
the underscores were incorrectly being stripped. This fix maintains the
underscores in the field name.
Interim Fix 006 - Updating the Enterprise server run time to 5.0.2
- This fix lets you test your applications on the WebSphere Application
Server (WSAS) Enterprise 5.0.2 run time.You can take advantage of the fixes
added to the 5.0.2 run time. New enhancements for the WSAS Enterprise 5.0.2
run time, such as JMS over SOAP, however, can not be exploited.