Team programming with Rational ClearCase - release notes

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Supported software and specifications
3.0 Changes from the previous release
4.0 Known problems
   4.1 Dynamic views and silently checking out files
   4.2 xclearcase crashes on Red Hat 8.x
   4.3 Unable to install ClearCase or apply patches under Red Hat 8.x
   4.4 Cannot move resource to a non-versioned folder
   4.5 Using ClearCase tools to modify source files
   4.6 "File has been removed from the file system" error
   4.7 Cannot import a project set file into a snapshot view
   4.8 Undo Hijack does not work after saving changes
   4.9 Preference default setting: When checked in files are saved by an internal editor

1.0 Introduction

This document describes functionality changes, known problems, limitations, and workarounds that are associated with using the ClearCase tools in WebSphere Studio.

For more information about the Rational ClearCase SCM adapter, refer to the online help. To view the online help for the ClearCase SCM adapter:

  1. In WebSphere Studio, select Help > Help Contents.
  2. In the Help dialog box, select Rational ClearCase
The help will only appear if you have installed the ClearCase SCM adapter.

2.0 Supported software and specifications

The ClearCase SCM adapter requires the following software:

ClearCase Version Patch Required
4.2 (Full ClearCase) clearcase_p4.2-20
4.2 (ClearCase LT) clearcase_lt_p4.2-9
2002.05.00 (Full ClearCase) clearcase_p2002.05.00-10
2002.05.20 (ClearCase LT) clearcase_lt_p2002.05.00-5

To obtain ClearCase releases and patches, go to or call Rational Support at 1-800-433-5444.

NOTE: ClearCase patches are required for RedHat 7.3 support, and Red Hat Linux 7.3 is only supported in ClearCase 2002.05.00 or later.

Applications built on top of Eclipse 2.0.1 are supported, such as WebSphere Studio Workbench 2.x, WebSphere Studio 5.0.x.

3.0 Changes from the previous release

The following ClearCase options have changed or are no longer supported in the current version of the ClearCase SCM adapter:

The following options are new in the current version of the ClearCase SCM adapter:

For more information about these topics, refer to the online help for the ClearCase SCM adapter.

4.0 Known problems

4.1 Dynamic views and silently checking out files

Within WebSphere Studio, a few non-interactive editors may not check out files when first modified. If one of these editors edits a checked-in file that is under ClearCase control within WebSphere Studio, these editors will silently check the file out of ClearCase automatically when they save the file. If you are using a shared branch within a dynamic view, the automatic check out process could create a potential problem. If you begin to edit a file that is not checked out, another user might check the file out, edit it, and check in a new version in the meantime. In this case, your changes will then overwrite the other user's changes when you save the file. Therefore, if you are using a shared branch within a dynamic view, you must check out files before editing them.

4.2 xclearcase crashes on Red Hat 8.x

In release 8.0, Red Hat has changed the default value of the LANG environment variable to en_US.UTF-8, which ClearCase does not support. If you use ClearCase GUIs on Red Hat Linux 8.x, you must set the value of LANG in the /etc/sysconfig/i18n file to an encoding that ClearCase supports, such as C or en_US.iso885915. Once you have set the LANG environment variable to a value that ClearCase supports, make sure that the SUPPORTED variable in the i18n file also contains this value. If it does not, add this value to the SUPPORTED variable.

4.3 Unable to install ClearCase or apply patches under Red Hat 8.x

When attempting to install ClearCase or to apply ClearCase patches, an error message appears stating "Current directory incorrect."  The problem is actually with Perl and is not due to an incorrect directory. The workaround is to install the Red Hat 8.x package compat-db-3.3.11, which provides

4.4 Cannot move resource to a non-versioned folder

If you try to move a resource that is under ClearCase source control to a folder that is not under ClearCase source control, the move fails and an error message appears stating that ClearCase failed to add the parent directory to source control. The workaround is to place the destination folder under ClearCase source control.

4.5 Using ClearCase tools to modify source files

Java .class files can get out of synch since the incremental compiler is not run when the user changes a file from any tool outside of WebSphere Studio (such as Notepad or ClearCase merge tools). If you modify a file outside of the workbench you must perform a "Refresh" (from the context menu).

4.6 "File has been removed from the file system" error

Under certain circumstances, when attempting to add a "view private" file to source control, WebSphere Studio posts an error message which reads: "File has been removed from the file system." This problem only occurs when the file is open in an editor. The file has not actually been deleted and this error message can be safely ignored.

4.7 Cannot import a project set file into a snapshot view

If you export a project set file to a directory that is outside of a ClearCase view and then attempt to import the projects, ClearCase prompts you to select a dynamic view. If you want to import the projects from a snapshot view, you must first copy the project set file into a directory in the snapshot view you want to use.

4.8 Undo Hijack does not work after saving changes

Performing an Undo Hijack operation on a file after hijacking, editing, and saving it does not work. The workaround is to check the file out of ClearCase and then perform an Undo Checkout operation.

4.9 Preference default setting: When checked in files are saved by an internal editor

The default setting for the Rational ClearCase preference option called When checked in files are saved by an internal editor is Automatically checkout for the current release. This default setting will be changed to Do nothing in a future release.

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