1.0 Launching the workbench
1.1 Advanced launching topics
Displaying the location of the workspace in title bar of the workbench
1.3 Accessing
update sites through a proxy
1.4 Using WebSphere Studio
Version 5.1 with Version 5.0 workspace
2.0 Known problems with the workbench
2.1 Manual refresh required when files modified outside the workbench
2.2 User interface not responding
2.3 Copying items from the
Tasks list
2.4 DBCS font issues
2.5 Minimum display resolution
2.6 External tools will automatically put path variables containing spaces in
quotation marks
Updating the toolbar in multipage editors
Certain shortcut keys do not work with an Arabic keyboard layout
2.9 Control keys not working if NumLock is on
Do not run multiple workbenches against the same workspace directory
2.11 Unsupported color depth errors
2.12 Copy does not work in read only combo boxes
2.13 Must reset class path variables if you import preference
setting from another installation of WebSphere Studio
2.14 May encounter errors when you restore a perspective for a migrated
2.15 Moving views
when Motif is your window view system
2.16 Simple project
creation should open the Resource perspective
2.17 Linked resources and
multiple output folders
2.18 KDE takes Ctrl+Fn keys
2.19 Overwrite mode cannot be disabled for AbstractTextEditor and subclasses
2.20 Working with large projects and files
3.0 Known problems with editors
3.1 Markers are not properly removed
Default HTML and JSP editor does not support bidirectional languages
4.0 Running on Different VMs
4.1 Running on J9
5.0 Program errors caused by utc.dll
6.0 Ant
Preferred Output Level on External Tools preferences page has no effect for Ant
6.2 Ant UI in External Tools does not handle ENTITY entries in all cases
Xerces JARs no longer required on runtime Ant classpath
6.4 Custom Ant tasks and Ant types must be
separate from plug-in library JARs
6.5 Concurrent Ant builds not
6.6 Running certain
Ant tasks cause memory leakage
6.7 Tasks that
require input lock up workspace
6.8 Ant Editor code
completion based on Ant 1.5
7.0 Linux GTK issues
7.1 Missing translations
for certain OS dialogs
7.2 DBCS support on Linux GTK
7.3 Using different versions of GTK
7.4 Problems in Korean translation on GTK
7.5 Japanese input method stops working after invoking candidate
Eclipse (the platform that WebSphere Studio is built on) offers a number of execution options of interest to people developing or debugging plug-ins. The general form of running the executable is:
platform [platform options] [-vmargs [Java VM arguments]]
where platform is the name of the executable found in the top level directory of your installation directory and the valid platform options are:
-application <app id> | Identifies the application to run. If not specified, the workbench is run. Applications are declared by plug-ins supplying extensions to the org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications extension point. |
-boot <boot code path> | Defines the path to the boot plug-in code (that is, boot.jar). Only required when changing the relative location of startup.jar and boot.jar. |
-consolelog | Mirrors the platform's error log to the console used to run the platform. |
-data <workspace path> | Defines the path of the workspace on which to run the platform. |
-debug [options file path] | Puts the platform in debug mode and loads the debug options in the specified file. If a file path is not given, the platform looks in the platform installation directory and in the workspace's metadata directory for a file called .options. |
-dev [classpath entries] | Puts the platform in development mode. The optional class path entries (a comma-separated list) are added to each plug-in's class path. For example, when developing plug-ins, use -dev bin to add the JavaTM tooling's bin directory for each plug-in. Redundant or non-existent class path entries are eliminated. |
-nosplash | Runs the platform without putting up the splash screen. |
-os <os-id> | Defines the operating system on which the platform is running. Typically the platform can detect the OS but some situations may require explicit specification. The value specified here is related to Platform.getOS(). |
-vm <vm path> | Specifies the Java VM to use to run the platform. If not specified, a Java VM is located relative to the executable. |
-ws <ws-id> | Defines the window system on which the platform is running. In many cases the platform can detect the window system but some situations may require explicit specification. The value specified here is related to Platform.getWS(). |
All arguments following (but not including) the -vmargs entry are passed directly through to the indicated Java VM as virtual machine arguments (that is, before the class to run). All arguments preceding the -vmargs entry (with the exception of -vm and -nosplash) are passed directly to the platform for interpretation.
If you want the location of your workspace displayed in the title bar of the workbench, you must start WebSphere Studio using the following command:
WS_installdir\wsappdev50 -showlocation -data /workspace
where WS_installdir is the location you have installed WebSphere Studio and /workspace is the location of your workspace.
You can either start WebSphere Studio from a command prompt using this command or change your desktop shortcut.
To access an update site through a proxy, you will need to start the workbench with the following command line options:
wsappdev50 -vmargs -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost=<proxy_name> -DproxyPort=<proxy_port>
Proxies requiring user authentication are currently not supported.
When WebSphere Studio Version 5.1 is started for the first time using an existing WebSphere Studio Version 5.0 workspace a dialog box appears showing you one way to migrate from Version 5.0 to Version 5.1. Click OK to migrate the Version 5.0 workspace to Version 5.1, or click Cancel to stop WebSphere Studio from starting.
When the workspace is migrate to Version 5.1, you can still use the workspace with Version 5.0 as the metadata of the new project features of Version 5.1 are ignored and can be read by Version 5.0. You cannot make any changes in Version 5.0 to the projects in the workspace that would effect the metadata or overwrite the metadata of the new project feature of Version 5.1 projects.
For more information about the new project features in Version 5.1, refer to the WebSphere Studio Migration Guide.
The following are known problems with the workbench UI in this release.
When files within a project are added or removed outside of WebSphere Studio, or when an external editor is used to modify a file within a project, a manual refresh must be done in order for the changes to show up in the workbench. To do this, select the project in the Navigator view and click Refresh in its pop-up menu. This only refreshes the selected project. Click F5 to refresh all projects.
The workbench user interface is composed of views and editors. The view or editor that has focus has its tab highlighted in blue. The highlighted user interface component has control, and, in the case of editors, determines the contribution that is made to the common workbench menu tree and action icon set. That is, when an editor is activated additional menu choices and action icons may appear on the workbench user interface. When working with a resource in an editor you may also interact with a view that supports the editor (such as the Outline view that supports the Java source editor). When the view has focus the menu choices and action icons associated with the editor may disappear. To bring these menu choices and action icons back, activate the editor.
There are multiple techniques you can use to activate the editor. The technique required may depend on the type of editor you are using.
To activate the editor you must click on either the title tab or an editable area of the editor itself.
There are occasions, when you have followed a specific pattern of clicks, where your editor keeps focus (where its title tab is blue) even when you have clicked elsewhere, such as an entry in another view. For example, when the DTD editor is open and the outline view is visible, do the following:
This behavior keeps the editor menu and action icon contributions active even while you interact with another view. You can still request the context menu for the entry selected in the view. The only issue is that this seems odd when the blue title is telling you that focus is still on the editor.
Some editors are affected by another issue related to how and when focus changes. Entries made in a text field only register as a change to the field when focus is lost. If you enter data in a field, such as the URI mapping field in the web.xml editor, and simply click on the gray area of the editor page, the data entered is not seen as a change to the field. The data entered registers as a change if you do any of the following things:
The editor will let you know a change has been registered by adding an asterisk (*) to the front of the file name shown in the editor tab.
Validation warnings and errors, compiler errors, and messages are displayed in the Tasks view. To paste the text into a file, select the rows of the relevant tasks, and drag the items to an appropriate editor (such as Wordpad). Your tasks will appear in a neat report format.
If you change the workbench fonts in the Preferences dialog to a non-DBCS font (for example, Arial) on a machine running a DBCS language, the DBCS characters will appear as question marks; this is expected behavior. However, when you change the font back to a DBCS-supported font, ensure you set the script setting on the font dialog at the same time you set the font. If you do not set both of these at the same time, then the DBCS characters will remain as question marks. Another solution to this problem is to click the Use System Font button on the Workbench Font Preferences page.
We recommend that DBCS users change the fonts used to display text in WebSphere Studio. You can change the fonts in the Fonts (Window > Preferences > Workbench > Fonts) page of the Preferences window.
We recommend you use the following fonts:
A number of dialog boxes in WebSphere Studio, such as the Preferences dialog box, require a minimum display resolution of at least 800 x 600.
When an external tool is launched, expanded path variables that contain spaces are automatically enclosed in double quotation marks ( " " ). While it is typical for Windows programs to handle paths containing spaces to be in quotation marks, this is known to cause problems on other platforms. A workaround is to make a script for the external tool which strips off the quotes before launching the program with those parameters.
Clients of action bars may create a number of SubToolBarManagers
on their IToolBarManager
(for example, a multi-page editor). The client will
typically make one SubToolBarManager
visible, the rest invisible,
and call updateActionBars
. The visibility of the items may not
update correctly.
A workaround is for the client to explicitly update the toolbar:
Certain shortcut keys do not work with an Arabic keyboard layout. You can work around this by changing the keyboard layout to English.
If Ctrl-s, Ctrl-space or other Ctrl key combinations are not working, press the NumLock key to turn off NumLock.
It is not valid to start the workbench twice using the same workspace directory. Doing so will give unpredictable results. The default location of the workspace directory is ~/workspace and can be overridden by specifying a different directory with the -data flag like this: wsappdev50 -data /home/username/newworkspace
When launching the workbench, if you receive an error regarding unsupported color depth, you will have to change the color depth of your display to a value other than 15 or 32 bpp. This requires the X server to be restarted. Consult your system documentation for instructions on doing this.
Copying text from a read only combo box does not currently work on Linux.
If you import preference settings into WebSphere Studio that come from another installation of WebSphere Studio, you may receive compilation errors that refer to missing libraries. In order to reset the class path variables properly, close any open XML perspective. Then, close the workbench, restart it and open the XML perspective.
When a workspace created with a previous version of WebSphere Studio is opened for the first time in the current version of WebSphere Studio, you may encounter errors when a perspective is restored. If you do, select Window >Reset Perspective from the menu bar to restore the perspective. To avoid these errors, close all perspectives in your workspace in the previous version of WebSphere Studio before migrating to the current version.
If you are working with WebSphere Studio on Linux and your window view system is Motif, you must select a view with your middle mouse button in order to be able to move it around. Otherwise, if you have a two button mouse, you hold both buttons down when selecting a view if you want to move it.
When you create a simple project in WebSphere Studio (File > New > Other Simple > Project) you should be prompted to switch to the Resource perspective, but you are not. To work around this, manually switch to the Resource perspective (Window > Open Perspective > Other > Resource) after you have created your simple project.
Linked resources and multiple output folders are not supported in this version of Websphere Studio.
When using the KDE desktop on Linux systems, the Ctrl+Fn key sequences are used for switching between virtual desktops. This means that WebSphere Studio commands bound to these key sequences do not get activated, including Ctrl+F1 (Help), Ctrl+F4 (File > Close) and Ctrl+F6 (Next Editor).
These keys can be reassigned in KDE using the Control Center. Select Look & Feel > Shortcuts > Shortcut Sequences > Shortcut Sequences > System > Desktop Switching, and set all items to None or to a different key sequence such as Ctrl+Alt+Fn. The other alternative is to assign different key sequences in WebSphere Studio using the Windows > Preferences > Workbench > Keys preference page.
When removing the key binding for the "Toggle Overwrite Mode" command on the Workbench > Keys preference page, the mode is still toggled when clicking the Insert key. The mode indication in the editor's status line is then out of sync with the actual mode.
If you have OutOfMemoryError problems when working with large projects and files, you can increase your heap size by using the -vmargs -Xmx500M command-line options when you start WebSphere Studio. Adjust the 500M (500 meg) to an amount appropriate for your situation.
The following are known problems with editors.
When you add markers to unsaved text, those markers are not properly updated or removed if the editor is closed without you saving the text changes. After you close the editor the markers may point to nonexistent or unrelated text regions.
The default HTML and JSP editor does not support bidirectional languages. If you are working with a bidirectional language, you should set up Page Designer "Classic" as your default editor for HTML or JSP files. To do this, select Window > Preferences > Workbench > File Associations and change the associations in this page. For more information about enabling Page Designer classic, and changing associations, refer to the Web tools readme.
When running on J9, it is recommended that you use the following VM options. Please refer to the J9 VM documentation and help for further information:
platform [arguments] -vm <path to j9w.exe> -vmargs -ms:20 -jit -mo:32000 -mx:200000
where platform is the name of the executable found in the top level directory of your installation and arguments are those arguments to be passed to the platform.
NOTE: the -vmargs flag and the actual VM arguments must come at the end of the line.
If you receive a program error in utc.dll then you must launch WebSphere Studio from its .exe file. The configuration settings file (in the same directory as the .exe file - it ends in .ini) must also contain the following entry in the [Environment Variables] section:
If you launch WebSphere Studio from the shortcut created in the Start menu then the entry has already been added.
If an Ant script is run as an external tool or using the Run Ant
pop-up menu, it runs on the same Java VM as WebSphere Studio. If the running script
executes any Ant task that calls System.exit(int)
,WebSphere Studio exits and
any unsaved work is lost. A workaround for these Ant tasks is to configure Ant
as an external tool. The following steps show how this is done:
- Download and install the binary version of Ant from http://jakarta.apache.org/ant
- Click Run > External Tools > Configure.
- Click New.
- Enter a name for your external tool (for example, External Ant).
- Click Browse File System.
- Find and select a file called
(it should be in the bin/ folder of your Ant installation).- In the Tool Arguments field enter the arguments for your script that you would normally enter for running the script outside of the workbench.
- In the Working directory field enter the directory of your script.
- Click OK to exit the wizard.
- To run the script, click Run > External Tools > External Ant.
In Window > Preferences > External Tools, there is a group of radio buttons under the heading Preferred output level - Information, Verbose, and Debug. Changing these values does not affect WebSphere Studio in any way.
running an Ant script, use the Ant command line arguments -verbose
or -debug
to get an output level other than the default
WebSphere Studio's Ant UI correctly resolves entities with URI-based system values
specifying the "file:"
protocol. Other formats and
protocols, such as a relative paths, "http:"
URIs, and
so on are resolved by the user's default XML parser, which can vary by JRE, user
settings, etc. Parsers such as org.apache.crimson.parser
, for
instance, expect valid URIs only and will fail on an entity reference such as
<!ENTITY custom SYSTEM "../../custom.xml">
The workaround for this problem is to ensure you add the "file:"
protocol specifier to relative paths as follows:
<!ENTITY custom SYSTEM "file:../../custom.xml">
This problem only occurs in the UI, as WebSphere Studio's Ant execution engine uses SAXParser
which correctly resolves formats such as relative paths.
Explicitly adding the Xerces JARs to the run-time Ant classpath is no longer
required and can cause problems. The Xerces classes are loaded from the
plug-in provided with Eclipse. For most Ant
distributions, the Xerces JARs cannot even be in the same physical location as
the ant.jar
and optional.jar
. This results from the
Ant JARs containing manifest files which contain classpath entries pointing to
the Xerces JARs.
Including the class files for custom Ant tasks or Ant types in the regular
code JAR for your plug-in causes problems. These class files must be provided in
a separate JAR that is contributed to the org.eclipse.ant.core.antTasks
or antTypes
extension point (and not declared as a library in the
plug-in's manifest). This ensures that the Ant tasks and types are loaded by the
special Ant class loader and not by a plug-in classloader.
Eclipse runs Ant in the same JVM as the rest of WebSphere Studio. Several aspects of Ant and its use of global Java resources (such as System.out and System.err), make it unsafe to run more than one Ant build concurrently.
Certain Ant tasks are known to leak memory.
As with using Ant from the command line, prompts for input from the console is not handled. This is not the same as making use of the <input> task, which works correctly within WebSphere Studio.
Code completion provided by the Ant editor does not respect the
user-specified version of org.eclipse.ant.core
plug-in or ANT_HOME.
Code completion proposals are always based on Ant 1.5.
The following are Linux GTK issues.
Operating system dialogs for selecting files or folders are only partially translated on GTK 2.0.6 or GTK 2.2. These dialogs and the untranslated messages come from GTK, not from WebSphere Studio.
The versions of GTK included with Red Hat Linux 8.0 and SuSE Linux 8.1 support Latin-1 locales, but not DBCS. The DBCS support in GTK 2.2 should be sufficient, and in principle WebSphere Studio should work on any recent Linux edition with GTK 2.2.
Users who download and compile new versions of GTK, for example, to gain DBCS support in GTK 2.2.0 on RedHat 8.0, will need to ensure that the correct GTK libraries are listed in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. By default, the compiled GTK libraries are put in /user/local/lib/, so the following would need to be executed prior to launching WebSphere Studio.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/
Note: This must be done for every new terminal session.
Users who download and compile new versions of the GTK (for example, to gain DBCS support in GTK 2.2.0) may encounter encounter the following problems using the Korean translation:
We recommend you set the Dialog Font and Banner Font to a gothic font. The font can be changed in the can be done in the Workbench > Fonts preference page.
To work around the windows resizing problem, we recommend setting a high screen resolution (for example, 1280x1024)
To work around the Properties view issue, use the arrow keys instead. Use the left arrow key to collapse items and the right arrow key to expand them.
If you use kinput2 and canna for Japanese Kanji input on GTK version, the
Japanese input method sometimes stops working. It occurs only after "Candidate
Selection Window" is opened. When this problem happens, you need to close the
Editor or View once and reopen it to enable the input method again.
To avoid this problem, you need to use another input method like wnn.
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