Online help - release notes

1.0 Known problems and limitations
   1.1 Infopop truncation occurs for certain DBCS languages
   1.2  Help topic tree collapse behavior 
   1.3 Keyboard navigation in help using Mozilla
   1.4 Mozilla is required for the online help to work properly
   1.5 Infopops will not launch

1.0 Known problems and limitations

1.1 Infopop truncation occurs for certain DBCS languages

In certain DBCS languages, some infopops may be truncated if you use 800 x 600 screen resolution. If this occurs, increase your screen resolution.

1.2  Help topic tree collapse behavior 

When the selected topic in the navigation tree is hidden, clicking on a "+" or "-" icon to expand or collapse a node just brings the topic into view, but does not expand or collapse the desired node. The workaround is to either double click on the node to expand or collapse it, or to click on a visible topic and then on the "+" or "-" icon. 

1.3 Keyboard navigation in help using Mozilla

Accessibility support is limited in pre-1.0 releases of the Mozilla browser. If you need to navigate help using the keyboard, you must upgrade to Mozilla version 1.0.

1.4 Mozilla is required for the online help to work properly

If you receive the following message when you try to start the online help:

There is no browser adapter configured to display http://127.0.1:32804/help/index.jsp. Ensure that you have a required browser and adapter installed, and that the browser program is available on the system path

Mozilla may not be installed at all or it may not be properly installed. Mozilla must be installed in order for the online help to work properly.

1.5 Infopops will not launch

When using the KDE desktop on Linux systems, the Ctrl+Fn key sequences are used for switching between virtual desktops. This means that WebSphere Studio commands bound to these key sequences do not get activated, including Ctrl+F1 (Help).

These keys can be reassigned in KDE using the Control Center. Select Look & Feel > Shortcuts > Shortcut Schemes > Shortcut Sequences > System > Desktop Switching, and set all items to None or to a different key sequence such as Ctrl+Alt+Fn. .

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