Struts - release notes

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Supported software and specifications
3.0 Changes from the previous release
4.0 Known problems
   4.1 General
   4.2 Wizards
   4.3 Editors
   4.4 Page Designer

1.0 Introduction

Struts is a set of Java classes and JSP tag libraries that provides a framework for developing well-structured Web applications. Struts is open source and was developed as part of the Apache Software Foundation's Jakarta project. Struts helps you develop applications that are divided into three functional areas: model (business logic), view (JSPs and associated Java beans), and controller (Struts actions and configuration).

Note: The Struts tools include Struts versions 1.0.2 and 1.1, which are distributed under the terms of the Apache Software License, Version 1.1 (see This license defines the terms under which you may use Struts (and other software licensed by Apache). For more information on the Apache Software Foundation, see

2.0 Supported software and specifications

Jakarta Struts

The Struts tools support Struts versions 1.0.2. and Struts 1.1. Other versions of Struts, including any modifications by you or other third parties, are not supported by the Struts tools.

3.0 Changes from the previous release

4.0 Known problems

4.1 General

4.2 Wizards

4.3 Editors

4.4 Page Designer

  • Page Designer in most cases correctly renders Struts 1.1 tags on the design page.  The following limitations currently apply:
  • Return to the main readme file