Debuggers - release notes

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Known problems
   2.1 Web Development Environment
   2.2 WebSphere Application Server debugging
   2.3 JavaScript debugger
   2.4 Test and deployment tools (server tools)
   2.5 Java Development Tools (JDT) debugger
   2.6 National language limitations
   2.7 SQLJ debugger

1.0 Introduction

The debuggers in WebSphere Studio provide the tooling necessary to debug Web applications, server-side JavaScript, Java, SQLJ, SQL Stored Procedures, and compiled languages. This readme file describes the known problems and limitations that are associated with the WebSphere Studio debuggers.

2.0 Known problems

2.1 Web Development Environment

JSP Debugging:

2.2 WebSphere Application Server debugging

2.3 JavaScript debugger

2.4 Test and deployment tools (server tools)

Consider the following when deciding to run a server in debug mode:

2.5 Java Development Tools (JDT) debugger

Information about the known problems and limitations with the Java development tools is available in the Java development tools (JDT) release notes and in the Workbench (IDE) release notes. These are linked to from main product readme that installed with this product.

2.6 National language limitations

2.7 SQLJ debugger

When performing hot swap while debugging with the J9 JVM, if there are any SQLJ methods on the call stack, you will get an Obsolete methods on the stack dialog. If the hot swap was of an SQLJ class, the class will be reloaded in the JVM, but you will not see the new code being executed until the next time a method in the class is called.

If you hot swap an SQLJ class, SQLJ breakpoints may not work for this class during the current debug session.

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