IBM Agent Controller V5.0 Update

The IBM Agent Controller has been updated with several fixes since the V5.0 release. Select one of the following platforms and follow the accompanying instructions to download and install the update.

IBM Agent Controller for AIX V5.0.2

IBM Agent Controller for HP V5.0.2

IBM Agent Controller for iSeries V5.0.2

IBM Agent Controller for Linux on Intel V5.0.2

IBM Agent Controller for Linux on z/OS V5.0.2

IBM Agent Controller for Solaris V5.0.2

IBM Agent Controller for Windows V5.0.2

IBM Agent Controller for z/OS V5.0.2

IBM Agent Controller for AIX V5.0.2

Download the following file to your AIX system into a temporary directory:


  1. Ensure that the Java development kit 1.3.0 or higher is installed.
  2. Log in as root.
  3. If the IBM Agent Controller program RAServer is running, stop it by issuing the command:


  4. Go to the directory where you downloaded setup.jar and issue the command:

    java -Djava.compiler=NONE -jar setup.jar

  5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  6. When the installation is finished, you can delete the setup.jar file.

IBM Agent Controller for HP V5.0.2

Download the following file to your HP system into a temporary directory:


  1. Ensure that the Java development kit 1.3.0 or higher is installed.
  2. Log in as root.
  3. If the IBM Agent Controller program RAServer is running, stop it by issuing the command:


  4. Go to the directory where you downloaded setup.jar and issue the command:

    java -Djava.compiler=NONE -jar setup.jar

  5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  6. When the installation is finished, you can delete the setup.jar file.

IBM Agent Controller for iSeries V5.0.2

Perform the following steps on the iSeries system where you are installing this update.

  1. If the IBM Agent Controller program is running, stop it by issuing the command:


  2. Remove any existing library called IBMRAC.
  3. Remove the IFS directory /opt/IBMRAC directory and all of its contents, if it exists.
  4. Create a new library called IBMRAC.
  5. In the IBMRAC library, create an empty save file called IBMRAC.SAVF.
  6. If your system is iSeries V5R2, then create an empty save file called PROFILER.SAVF in the IBMRAC library.
  7. Download the following file to the library IBMRAC on the iSeries system using BINARY mode transfer.


  8. If your system is iSeries V5R2, then download the following file to the library IBMRAC on the iSeries system using BINARY mode transfer.


  9. Restore the save file IBMRAC.SAVF to the library IBMRAC.
  10. If your system is iSeries V5R2, then restore the save file PROFILER.SAVF to the library IBMRAC.
  11. Create, on the IFS, the /opt/IBMRAC directory.
  12. Restore the save file config.savf in IBMRAC to the IFS directory /opt/IBMRAC. For example:


  13. Run the IBM Agent Controller setup script by doing the following:
    1. At the iSeries command line, type QSH
    2. At the qsh command line, change the directory to the Agent Controller bin directory by typing the following command:

      cd /opt/IBMRAC/bin

    3. At the qsh command line, run the setup script by typing the following command:

    4. Enter the information requested by the script prompts. For example:
      • Specify where the Java Runtime file (java) is located (e.g. /usr/java/bin): (/QSYS.LIB/Q5BVAJVM.PGM) Hit the enter key to accept the default.
      • WebSphere Application Server V5 installed location: (%WAS_HOME_V5%) Enter the install directory of WAS (e.g. for WAS V5.0 base, /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/Base; for WAS V5.0 Express, /QIBM/ProdData/WebASE/ASE5)
      • Allow hosts (ALL/LOCAL/CUSTOM): (LOCAL) Enter ALL.

  14. Add the IBMRAC library to the library list entry by issuing the following command:


  15. To start Agent Controller, use the following command:


IBM Agent Controller for Linux on Intel V5.0.2

Download the following two files to your Linux system into a temporary directory:



  1. Log in as root.
  2. If the IBM Agent Controller program RAServer is running, stop it by issuing the command:


  3. Remove any other version of Agent Controller that is installed on the system with the rpm -e command. For example:

    rpm -e ibmrac-5.0.1-0

  4. Go to the directory where you downloaded the Agent Controller RPM installation package files and install them by issuing the following command:

    rpm -U gsk5bas-5.0-5.65.i386.rpm -i ibmrac-5.0.2-0.i386.rpm

  5. After you have installed Agent Controller, change the directory to the installed location's bin directory /opt/IBMRAC/bin, and run the setup script by typing:


  6. Enter the information requested by the script prompts.
  7. When the installation is finished, you can delete the gsk5bas-5.0-5.65.i386.rpm and ibmrac-5.0.2-0.i386.rpm files.

IBM Agent Controller for Linux on z/OS V5.0.2

Download the following two files to your Linux system into a temporary directory:



  1. Log in as root.
  2. If the IBM Agent Controller program RAServer is running, stop it by issuing the command:


  3. Remove any other version of Agent Controller that is installed on the system with the rpm -e command. For example:

    rpm -e ibmrac-5.0.1-0

  4. Go to the directory where you downloaded the Agent Controller RPM installation package files and install them by issuing the following command:

    rpm -U gsk5bas-5.0-5.65.s390.rpm -i ibmrac-5.0.2-0.s390.rpm

  5. After you have installed Agent Controller, change the directory to the installed location's bin directory /opt/IBMRAC/bin, and run the setup script by typing:


  6. Enter the information requested by the script prompts.
  7. When the installation is finished, you can delete the gsk5bas-5.0-5.65.s390.rpm and ibmrac-5.0.2-0.s390.rpm files.

IBM Agent Controller for Solaris V5.0.2

Download the following file to your Solaris system into a temporary directory:


  1. Ensure that the Java development kit 1.3.0 or higher is installed.
  2. Log in as root.
  3. If the IBM Agent Controller program RAServer is running, stop it by issuing the command:


  4. Go to the directory where you downloaded setup.jar and issue the command:

    java -Djava.compiler=NONE -jar setup.jar

  5. Follow the on-screen instructions. Note, you may see messages similar to the following and they can be ignored:

    ln: cannot create /usr/lib/ File exists

  6. When the installation is finished, you can delete the setup.jar file.

IBM Agent Controller for Windows V5.0.2

Download the following file to your Windows system into a temporary folder:

  1. Log in as an administrator.
  2. The Services window (Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services) should not be open. If it is open, Agent Controller cannot be installed.
  3. Unzip the Agent Controller zip file into a temporary folder.
  4. Run the setup.exe file located in the temporary folder where you unzipped
  5. The installation program detects that another version of IBM Agent Controller is installed on the system. If the other version is a previous version the installation program will ask if you want to remove the previous version and install the new version. Select Yes. If the other version is the same version as the one you are installing, it will ask if you want to repair or remove that version. Select Repair.
  6. The installation program asks if you want to backup the old Agent Controller configuration file. If you select Yes it will ask you for a folder to save it in. Enter a folder and select OK.
  7. Follow the remainder of the on-screen instructions.
  8. When the installation is finished, you can delete the file and its contents that you unzipped in the temporary folder.

IBM Agent Controller for z/OS V5.0.2

Download the following file to your z/OS system into a temporary directory in the UNIX System Services file system:


  1. Ensure that the Java development kit 1.3.1 is installed.
  2. Log in as root and ensure you are in a UNIX System Services shell.
  3. If the IBM Agent Controller program RAServer is running, stop it by issuing the command:


  4. Remove the current Agent Controller installation by issuing the following command:

    rm -rf /usr/lpp/IBMRAC

  5. Go to the directory where you want to install Agent Controller and issue the following command. We recommend you install it in the /usr/lpp/ directory.

    pax -ppx -rzf /tmp/ibmrac.os390.pax.Z

    Note, replace /tmp in this command with the temporary directory where you stored ibmrac.os390.pax.Z.

  6. After you have installed Agent Controller, change the directory to the installed location's bin directory /usr/lpp/IBMRAC/bin, and run the setup script by typing:


  7. Enter the information requested by the script prompts. Note, for the Security (yes/no): prompt, type no since the security feature is not supported on z/OS.
  8. To profile programs running on WebSphere Application Server you must make Agent Controller shared object files program controlled by issuing the following command in a UNIX System Services shell:

    extattr +p /usr/lpp/IBMRAC/lib/*.so

    Note, to issue this command, you must have at least READ access to the BPX.FILEATTR.PROGCTL FACILITY class. For more information, refer to the z/OS UNIX System Services Planning book.

  9. When the installation is finished, you can delete the ibmrac.os390.pax.Z installation file.