Installation Instructions for The Rational ClearCase SCM Adapter Update

This document contains instructions for installing the Rational ClearCase SCM adapter in WebSphere Studio Application Developer. The steps differ depending on the Operating System you are using: Attention: You must install WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.0.1 PTF before proceeding.

Installation Instructions for Windows

  1. Log on to your system with an id that has write permission to the install location and start WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.0. (This is typically an id with Administrator authority on Windows).

  2. Switch to the Install/Update Perspective (select Help > Software Updates > Update Manager).

  3. In the Feature Updates view, navigate the "Sites to Visit" section to select IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer Fixes
    (If using the file, navigate to the folder where the archive was unpacked, and select IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer Updates.)

  4. Select Rational ClearCase Team Provider.

  5. Details about the fix are shown in the Preview view.

  6. You will presented with an Install wizard. click Next to continue:

  7. Once you have read and accepted the license, click Next.

  8. The final screen of the Install Wizard will show the Install Location. Click Finish to begin the installation.
    Attention: Errors may occur if you change the default Install Location.

  9. If you are warned that you are about to install an unsigned feature, click Install to continue.
    This warning will not cause problems during installation.

  10. When the installation is complete you will be asked to restart the product. Click Yes to complete the installation.
    Note: This action will not reboot your machine.

  11. Your installation is now complete.

Installation Instructions for Linux

  1. Exit WebSphere Studio if it is running.

  2. Download RatlCCSCMAdapter-2.1.0-8.i386.rpm

  3. Start Gnome RPM. For example, you can choose Main Menu > Programs > System > GnoRPM, enter the root password in the Input window, and click OK.

  4. In the Gnome RPM window, click Install. In the Install window, click Add.

  5. In the Add Package window, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the RatlCCSCMAdapter-2.1.0-8.i386.rpm file, select the file, click Add, and click Close to exit the Add Package window.

  6. In the Install window, make sure that the RatlCCSCMAdapter-2.1.0-8.i386.rpm file has a check mark after it and then click Install. The Installing window displays the progress of the installation process. Note that you can click Query in the Install window to view the installation path of the .rpm file under the /opt/IBM/WebSphereStudio directory.

  7. Start WebSphere Studio. The Updates window appears prompting you to open the Update Manager. Click Yes.

  8. In the Configuration Changes window, check the new entry to display the Rational ClearCase Team Provider option and click Finish. WebSphere Studio prompts you to restart the Workbench. Click Yes.

  9. In the WebSphere Studio window, click Window > Customize Perspective. In the Customize Perspective window, expand the Other entry, check the ClearCase option, and click OK.

    The ClearCase menu option appears in the main menu of your WebSphere Studio window and the installation of the Rational ClearCase SCM adapter is complete.